Chapter 439 Suffering will eventually pass

Qin... Mrs. Qin, you are... where did you get the cattle and sheep?

After Deng Feng was injured, Uncle Mi now seemed to be the leader of the survivors, so he was the first to regain his senses and walked to the ridge to ask Mo Ruyue.

I just went out for a walk, and I came across them by accident. At first, there were a few scattered ones. Later, after searching carefully, I found these, which are not too many.

Mo Ruyue said lightly.

But her indifferent tone didn't sound like Versailles, at least the survivors were stunned.

You can find a herd of cattle and sheep when you walk around, what a lot of luck.

It seems like yesterday, Lady Qin and Young Master Ying just went out and brought back enough food and belongings for everyone to tide over the difficulties.

It turns out that so many good things can really be encountered by luck?

No matter what the survivors thought, at least what Mo Ruyue brought back was really good stuff, and the mountains of grass on the carriage behind made everyone speechless.

Uncle Mi, there is a small valley more than ten miles away from here, which is easy to find. It must be because of the geothermal heat, so it is covered with green grass. It is a good pasture.

I shouldn't worry about the food for the livestock in the future, but we must also pay attention to protecting the pasture. The valley is not too big. If the grass roots are gnawed, there will be no second suitable pasture to find.

Mo Ruyue explained the situation in detail, and especially pointed out the damage to the pasture caused by the two livestock.

Of course, these are all issues that the survivors have to consider in the future. She can only say so far. How to live in the future depends on their own considerations and plans.

Just as Mo Ruyue said, the two of them are going to leave after all, and there will be various accidents and difficulties in the days to come. They can only help for a while, but not for the rest of their lives.

Miss Qin, these cattle and sheep are also to be left to us?

Although Uncle Mi guessed this, he still asked uncertainly.

That's right, it's for you, of course. Otherwise, do we have to drive a herd of cattle and sheep on the road? If you don't want them, it's better to let them live.

Mo Ruyue deliberately joked.

No, no, of course, how could it not be!

Uncle Mi immediately blurted out, and when he saw the slyness in Mo Ruyue's eyes, he realized that he was being teased by her.

Haha, Uncle Mi, don't worry, it's just that these cattle and sheep must have a suitable place to be placed, otherwise, if you don't say whether they will attract any hungry beasts, you will not know if they sneak away in the middle of the night.

In that case, I wasted a lot of time getting them back, and I also got such a pile of fodder.

Mo Ruyue's words reminded Uncle Mi, and immediately said, Miss Qin, don't worry! I used to graze for the landlord's house. Whether it's sheep or cattle, I have experience, so just leave it to me to arrange it.

That's good. It just so happens that there are some unused and abandoned yards in the village. Some cattle and sheep pens can be used after a little cleaning and reinforcement. It's very convenient.

Mo Ruyue jumped off the carriage happily and handed the reins to Uncle Mi. As for the cattle and sheep, they all followed behind the carriage and stretched out their mouths to eat the grass on the carriage. Naturally, they followed the carriage.

Uncle Mi warned the survivors who worked in the fields, and then drove the carriage to the village.

Ms. Qin, we originally thought we couldn't sow seeds today. Look, this place was very muddy yesterday, but today it's almost done, and most of the seeds have been sown during the day!

A woman came over, pointed to a large piece of land that had already finished her work, and happily reported to Mo Ruyue.

Not bad. If we continue at this rate, the planting will be completed soon. I think this year will definitely have a very good harvest.

Mo Ruyue also smiled and nodded in agreement.

She looked at the field in front of her, as if she had seen a good harvest.

Originally, when she was in Qinjia Village, she was allocated a few plots of land, except that at the beginning, the babies were allowed to grow vegetables for a few days, and then they went out to the tenants after the separation.

She herself has never tried the taste of farming, but after this natural disaster, she actually let her experience it.

Spring ploughing has caught up, and she and Gu Ying can also put their departure on the agenda.

Three days later, the entire field outside the survivor's village was sown.

Mo Ruyue's improved farm tools according to the land conditions have also been released and distributed to everyone.

The cattle and sheep pens have also been repaired in time. The livestock are used to being kept in captivity. Now they have returned to the human side and quickly adapted to the life of a new owner.

Gu Ying took the time to take Mr. Mi to a valley with geothermal heat. Now that there are cattle queens, some carriages can also be transformed into bullock carts that can pull more things.

It is still too hard to go back and forth for grazing for more than 30 miles every day. More importantly, once you encounter other refugees on the road, more unpredictable situations may occur.

Deng Feng had to leave with Mo Ruyue and the two of them. Among the remaining survivors, there were not many strong men, most of them were women and children, and a few old people.

Such a village has no self-protection ability at all, it can be said that it is like a fat sheep waiting for its cubs.

As far as I can think of now,

It is to minimize contact with the outside world, and even go out to mow the grass secretly in the evening or early morning.

There is no way to do this. Who made this village's self-protection ability so poor?

When he came back from the valley, Mr. Mi also brought back a lot of grass seeds from the valley, and sprinkled them outside the village far from the crops.

When the weather warms up, the grass and trees germinate, everything recovers, and the green grass here grows, not to mention the need to go to the geothermal valley.

As for another very important issue—water source, it was useless for Mo Ruyue to worry about it.

There are two wells in the village. When not in use, there is a bluestone manhole cover that is not heavy. And when the natural disaster strikes, the two wells are miraculously not damaged.

The well water inside is still clear and sweet. It has also been tested by Mo Ruyue. The well water is rich in minerals and trace elements, but there is nothing harmful to the body.

She couldn't help but wonder, it seemed that although God brought down such a terrifying disaster, it still left a ray of life for different groups of people in different places.

All suffering will eventually pass, and the damage and pain caused by natural disasters will slowly return to the original stability and tranquility as time goes by.

Although the mountains, rivers and the earth have changed their appearance forever, as long as people have not been completely wiped out, they will soon multiply on this land and survive from generation to generation.

Mo Ruyue didn't think about things so long ago. She only hoped that although the survivors in front of her had a hard life, at least they could live a peaceful and peaceful life and would not suffer any more disasters.

On this day, when the villagers came back from work in the fields, they saw Mo Ruyue and Gu Ying standing on the square in the village, with Deng Feng, who had not been seen for a long time, beside them.

The smiles on everyone's faces suddenly converged, and without Mo Ruyue saying anything, almost everyone vaguely guessed what she wanted to say.

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