Oh, look at our man's mouth. It's endless chatting with Mrs. Qin. Mrs. Qin, you must have something very important to find the eldest master, right? Please wait a moment, we'll report it right away.

Finally, the yamen can still hold it, and he didn't chat with Mo Ruyue for three days and three nights.

After he greeted him, he went in to inform him. After a while, there was a rush of footsteps inside, as if a lot of people were running out of it.

Which is Mrs. Qin, and where is Mrs. Qin!

The person who ran out first was nearly sixty years old, the hair under the black gauze hat was already mostly white, and there were deep wrinkles on his face. At first glance, he looked like a weather-beaten person.

His clothes have already revealed his identity, it is the county magistrate of Chucheng.

Master, the girl is Mo Ruyue.

Mo Ruyue took the initiative to come forward and bow her hands to salute, and the appearance of neither humble nor arrogant also made the county magistrate who heard the sound nod secretly.

Sure enough, she is a character with outstanding demeanor and otherworldliness, and only a character with such demeanor is worthy of her superb medical skills known as magic art.

Ms. Qin, this official is Fan Yi, the prime minister of Chucheng County. I heard that Mrs. Qin has come to the local area and has something to call for this official. I don't know why?

Fan Yi's words and deeds seemed a little inconsistent. Now it was Mo Ruyue who asked to see him, but he ran out as soon as he heard the announcement. The urgency alone was a bit intriguing.

Sir Fan, the girl does want to come to seek help from the lord, but I don't know if I can go inside and discuss it in detail?

As soon as Mo Ruyue's words came out, Fan Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and it could be seen that the words were in his heart.

That's very good, then Mrs. Qin, please, let's talk about it in detail.

After Fan Yi finished speaking, he said to the yamen again: For the time being, close the gate of the government office. We won't accept any grievances and reports today. If there is something to do, we will file a report tomorrow.

Fan Yi personally led Mo Ruyue to the back hall all the way. Such a solemn act made her more and more sure that something great had happened.

Ms. Qin, have you just come from the south? Have you seen any unusual cases?

Fan Yi's words made Mo Ruyue's heart sink.

Master Fan, is there an epidemic in the city?

She said straight to the point.

Miss Qin knows?

Fan Yi raised his head sharply, his eyes were full of surprise, and he hurriedly asked, But someone found out your identity as a genius doctor and asked to come?

Mo Ruyue shook her head and said with a cold expression: No, but I know that there will be a major epidemic after a major disaster, and the people in the south have suffered heavy casualties, and there has been no rescue for more than a month.

It's good to say that the weather was cold a few days ago. Now the weather is getting warmer and the temperature is rising. The remains buried under the ruins will inevitably accelerate corruption, and the epidemic is inevitable.

It's just...Chucheng is already in the north. It is said that the victims who can come here have already come. How can there be no news from there, so it started first?

As she spoke, she was analyzing quickly in her mind.

If there is an epidemic, it must start in the hardest-hit center, and then spread rapidly outward with the displaced people.

If there is an epidemic in Chucheng, it means that while she was still on the road, the epidemic had already begun to spread, and she even arrived in Chucheng one step ahead of her.

Originally thought to be a safe place to live temporarily, now it seems to be so dangerous and unpredictable.

Mo Ruyue suddenly felt a little regretful, she should really inquire about the news first, make sure it's all right, and then bring the babies out of the space.

What Mrs. Qin said is very true. Since you have already guessed it, this official will no longer hide it. Yes, there are several abnormal cases in the city. However, this official made a decisive decision and sent people far away from the city. , I found a remote village and separated it.

However, this is only a means to treat the symptoms rather than the root causes. If it is an epidemic, it will come back sooner or later, and no one in the city will be able to escape.

So when this official heard the announcement that Mrs. Qin was coming, it was as if she saw a bright light in the dark night, and she felt hopeful. Mrs. Qin, please save all the people in Chucheng!

Fan Yi said, and even gave Mo Ruyue a deep bow and bowed to the ground.

Even though Mo Ruyue has the honor of the court and is still a commoner, Fan Yi is an uncompromising official.

With his seventh-rank official rank, to be able to give this gift to Mo Ruyue, he obviously really regarded her as a savior, and all his hopes were pinned on her.

Master Fan doesn't need to be so polite. If I stand by and watch this matter, it will inevitably spread to me. Besides, I originally came here for this matter, no matter what, I will take care of this matter.

Fan Yi's eyes lit up at Mo Ruyue's words, her eyes turned red with excitement, her lips were trembling and she couldn't even speak.

He finally took a few deep breaths and tried to calm his emotions before looking at Mo Ruyue's trembling voice and said, Ms. Qin is really kind-hearted and a bodhisattva. With your words, the people of Chucheng will be saved.

Sir Fan, stop talking about these gossips. Now take me to see the patients who have been quarantined. I want all the information you have collected so far, and you have to intercede on everything.

Mo Ruyue turned around and immediately changed direction and walked towards the door.

Okay, the carriage is ready, let's talk while walking.

Fan Yi actually wanted to go with Mo Ruyue, instead of just looking for a master to lead the way. This alone is more than most.

officials did an excellent job.

Mo Ruyue got on the carriage, and just sat down, the wheels moved slowly, the speed gradually increased, and even when she was still in the city, she was already galloping.

Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly! The adults are on patrol, and the idlers are avoiding!

The sound of the yamen riding a horse to open the way came from the front. Perhaps Fan Yi had already made a related plan, so even though the main road in the city was full of people, he was quickly cleared out an unobstructed road.

Ms. Qin, it's like this...

Fan Yi began to tell the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that just five days ago, a victim with a high fever collapsed at the entrance of the city's medical center. The doctor was not there at the time, so only the drug boy stayed in the hospital.

Because during this period of time, there have been many victims seeking medical treatment and medicine, so the medicine boy was not too surprised when he saw the victims whose high fever persisted.

He just grabbed a pair of the cheapest anti-fever medicine, fried it, and then fed it to the disaster victim, and did not do anything else.

This is also the only thing he can do within the scope of his responsibilities. After all, there are too many people like this, and he can't save them at all.

Unexpectedly, the victim had a high fever and died shortly after he vomited blood and convulsed.

This time, the medicine boy was frightened, and hurriedly went to the doctor to come back. The dead man was wrapped in white cloth and carried to the backyard for a temporary parking.

After the doctor hurried back, not long after he arrived at the Lianfang, he withdrew in a panic, and immediately ordered to use quicklime and wormwood to fumigate and disinfect.

At the same time, the matter was immediately reported to the county magistrate.

That night, other victims, medicine boys, and doctors who had contact with the victim all developed symptoms such as high fever, convulsions, and difficulty breathing to varying degrees. I ordered people to take precautions and sent everyone out of the city overnight.

Fortunately, there were other doctors outside the hospital at the time. After knowing that there were suspicious cases, they immediately quarantined the staff, which did not lead to the annihilation of all staff.

Otherwise, now I really have to do nothing, and no one is available.

Fan Yi finished speaking in one breath, and took a deep breath to ease it, his face full of helplessness.

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