While the two were talking, they had already given the light blue potion to the remaining patients.

A few patients with mild symptoms even had their fever subsided without any symptoms.

The effect is so immediate.

Mo Ruyue stayed in the village for less than an hour in total, and brought great news to the county magistrate.

What, have those people with mild symptoms really recovered?

Fan Yi couldn't believe his ears, and stared at Mo Ruyue with burning eyes, for fear that he would hear the news from her mouth that it was just a joke.

Yes, they have recovered, but they still need to be quarantined and observed to prevent the possibility of recurrence.

Mo Ruyue gave an affirmative answer.

If she didn't want to be too shocking, she would be able to cure critically ill patients now.

Okay, that's really good!

Fan Yi rubbed his hands together excitedly.

As expected, it was Mrs. Qin, who was awarded the imperial court's award and was designated as a divine doctor. As soon as she came, she immediately solved the biggest crisis in Chucheng. It was simply that the Bodhisattva came to save the common people.

Mo Ruyue did not expect that in the mind of the county magistrate, she had become a bodhisattva, so she was about to burn high incense and set up a memorial tablet to offer her up.

My lord, the top priority now is to close the city as soon as possible, and then conduct a survey of the entire city to screen out those who have been infected as soon as possible.

Then find a suitable place and continue to isolate and observe those who have recovered. Generally, if there is no recurrence in about a week, there will be no problem.

Mo Ruyue handed another piece of paper to Fan Yi, with some precautions densely written on it.

This is what she just took advantage of the gap between the injections to the patient and sorted it out with Tian Yuyi. She dictated and Tian Yuyi recorded it.

As long as she follows the precautions above, she guarantees that the entire Chucheng will not need to pay much to get through this difficult time.

Okay, with Mrs. Qin's healing example, this official has the confidence to seal the city. We have already made a plan for this, and we just need to implement it. I will go back and start implementing it now.

Fan Yi paused, then looked at Mo Ruyue and said, Does Lady Qin stay here to help Tian Yuyi, or go back with this official?

I'll stay to replace Royal Doctor Tian, ​​and let him go back with Mr. Fan.

How could Mo Ruyue leave Yuyi Tian here again, and besides, she had other things to do when she stayed, to save the city and village from running around.

Tian Yu is the one who helped me to record. He is very clear about all my practices, so it is the same to let his elderly help you to implement the city closure and screening.

There is one more thing to trouble Master Fan, that is to move Tian Yuyi's family to the small courtyard next to my house. I see that the courtyard is also being rented out. I will pay the rent for his old man in one lump sum.

Hey, it's not a big deal. This official will definitely do it for Mrs. Qin. You can treat and save people here with peace of mind. Just leave the rest to me.

Mo Ruyue originally thought that since she had found Yuyi Tian, ​​she would not let his family live outside again, and it would be convenient to take care of him next to her own.

If it weren't for the fact that the house in the yard was not enough, she still wanted him to live in her yard.

Hearing that Fan Yi thought so thoroughly, Mo Ruyue nodded and said, Okay, then I'll bother Lord Fan.

Soon, Tian Yuyi also walked out of the village empty-handed.

In order to prevent the poison from being brought back, he could only choose to discard all the things he brought.

Elder Tian, ​​after you go back, just follow what we said before and move to next door to me. You are also familiar with Uncle Liu and the others. I also have a brother-in-law, Deng Feng, who I met on the way to disaster relief. He is very nice.

You can go to him if you have anything, but don't be embarrassed to speak.

Mo Ruyue warned again.

She was still a little worried that the old gentleman would cause trouble for her, and even if he really wanted something, he was embarrassed to speak.

Don't worry, Ru Yue, I know now. If you don't say anything, it will be more troublesome to deal with afterward. You, I don't need to be polite.

When Royal Doctor Tian said this, Mo Ruyue laughed.

Right, that's how you think. If I don't mind, you just want me to be helpless. If I don't mind, if you don't say anything, then you're only showing off.

Mo Ruyue has such a temper. When she first met Yuyi Tian, ​​the old man couldn't even ask her for a visit in person. It was completely different from the current treatment.

It's just that Tian Yuyi did a good job, and he exchanged his heart for his heart. What kind of character is Mo Ruyue, just please any cat or dog?

That's too cheap.

With Tian Yuyi's promise, Mo Ruyue finally felt relieved, bowed his hands to him and Fan Yi, and watched the carriage drift away.

Unexpectedly, in less than two days after being reunited with the babies, we will be leaving again.

She had already asked the imperial doctor Tian to send a message to the babies, and she probably won't be able to go back to Chucheng again until the situation here has stabilized.

After sending off Fan Yi and Tian's imperial doctor, Mo Ruyue called together the soldiers guarding the village.

She now has the absolute right to speak, which is the right granted to her by Fan Yi, and has also been recognized by all the soldiers.

I want to re-issue protective equipment to you, and I also have some potions here. You can drink it to effectively defend against the epidemic virus.

All recovered quarantined persons have recovered

, there is a possibility that it will slip away, so I need you to work hard and patrol carefully.

Once someone is negligent and causes the quarantined person to flee, I will directly deal with it by military law without listening to any reason.

Mo Ruyue said that this is an ugly word in the front, but also to prevent such consequences from appearing. Just like Tian Yuyi said, the aftermath is a very troublesome thing.

Yes, please rest assured Mrs. Qin, I will live up to my mission!

The soldiers said in unison.

They've been here for a few days now, spending almost every moment in fear.

Although they cannot express this inner fear because of their identities, they are also very ordinary people, and they will feel the same fear when facing the threat of death.

But as soon as this lady Qin came, she took the initiative to cure the mild patients, which was the biggest reassurance for them.

Even if it is really infected, it will not die.

With this understanding, they can also be said to have no scruples.

Very well, now you drink the potion, and then go to your respective duties.

Mo Ruyue waved her hand, she has nothing to do now, just observe the situation of critically ill patients and make sure they don't have major recurrences.

And she can also collect some data samples for future research.

Just when Mo Ruyue was busy collecting pathological specimens, Gu Ying was already hundreds of miles away and landed in an inconspicuous small county town.

The town is too small.

It is only a hundred meters from the beginning to the end, and a small road runs through the beginning and the end, and you can see the end at a glance.

It is more a village than a town.

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