Chapter 359: First place. (1 more please customize)

"pitter patter......"


The heavy rain from the sky continued to fall without any sign of letting up, and people in the forest continued to look for tree cicadas.

For them, the main goal now is to capture more tree cicadas.

The rain falling from the sky doesn't matter to them at all, but it is a good thing to cool down.

Time passed by, and the sky gradually darkened, but there was still so much rainfall.

"Alan, how many tree cicadas have you caught?"Yanhua turned over from the tree branch and jumped down.

"Not much, almost a bag. Sha Lan shook her head slightly.

The cat-eared lady did not show weakness, especially after seeing the horned lady capture so many tree cicadas.

There were only two thoughts in her mind. The first was not to drag the other party down, and the second was to work hard on her own. Some

"You are so fast, you caught so many in just a short time."Yanhua said in surprise.

When she first saw her, the number was still very small, but now it has doubled.

"Because I can't hold you back, so keep all the tree cicadas you caught. Sha Lan said with a smile.

"We have all been friends since childhood, and there is no saying that anyone is holding the other back."Yanhua was a little angry.

She felt that the other party was too worried. She thought that good friends should not be like this. A good friend means you help me and I help you. When you are in trouble, I will definitely help.

So. She saw that the cat-eared girl was very polite. Although she knew this was her temperament, she was still a little unhappy.

"I understand, then if there is any need tomorrow, I will let you help. Sha Lan smiled slightly.

She was used to this, so she often blurted out"No, it doesn't matter."

"Okay, you must come to me if you need anything next time. Yanhua said seriously

"I know, I know, let's go back quickly, it's already the deadline."Sha Lan walked in the front first.

"Tap tap tap......"

The dancing figures of the two people looked particularly jumpy in the rain and fog, and they kept moving towards the direction of the tribe.

It was as if the heavy rain had no impact on them at all, but instead became an assist.

Half an hour later, all the preparatory soldiers in the forest returned to the tribe one after another.

Yanjiao stood in the middle of the square wearing a raincoat, looking at the preparatory soldiers with a serious expression.

The preparatory soldiers also returned to the square and began to line up, each of them carrying an animal skin bag.

The bags contain their today’s trophies, and these trophies are also used to evaluate their training results today.

"What were the results today? Yanjiao asked in a loud voice.

Although he didn't have too many movements or expressions, the feeling of not being angry and assertive made the reserve soldiers dare not challenge too lightly.

After all, the chief is the chief, even if he doesn't say anything, he will stand still. There will be a sense of oppression

"The chief knew it when he saw it."A very confident preparatory soldier said.

"Very good, I like your confidence."Yanjiao nodded with satisfaction.

As the reserve warriors placed their animal skin bags in front of the square, some totem warriors began to conduct inspections.

There are not many reserve warriors in the Yanlong tribe now, only two Fifteen people.

Like the more than one hundred preparatory warriors of the Black Snake Tribe who were still locked up and were not free for the time being.

Originally, this rain training was intended to involve people from the Black Snake Tribe.

But because The opponent's number was greater than the reserve warriors of the Yanlong tribe, so the plan was temporarily cancelled.

"Chief, the inspection has been completed and the top three have been determined." Dagua said seriously.

Yanjiao nodded, his red eyes continued to look at the preparatory warriors, and asked:"Which of you is confident about taking the top three?"

The preparatory soldiers no longer had the enthusiasm they had at the beginning, and they were all a little quiet.

Yanhua glanced around and found that no one looked confident, so he was the first to shout:"Me!"

Yanjiao heard his daughter shout out. He didn't know how satisfied he was in his heart, but his expression was still serious and he just nodded.

As Niujiao Niang shouted first, other preparatory soldiers also responded. With

"There is a big gap between the top three. There is a lot of difference between the first place and the second place. The second place and the third place are almost the same. There are not many others."Yanjiao said seriously.

His expression was very serious. The words he just said were enough to show that he was not very satisfied. What the chief wants is that everyone has a similar number, and then picks the top three from the middle.

Not now The gap is so big, the number of the first place is comparable to the number of the other two people combined, the gap is a bit big.

"......"None of the preparatory soldiers spoke.

"This time the first place was Yanhua, the second place was Chengshi, and the third place was Ai'er."Yanjiao's face was a little ugly.

But he was still a little happy in his heart, nothing else, because his daughter won the first place.

But at the same time, he also felt a little regretful, that is, Sha Lan was only fourth. If he worked harder, If you take one point, you can get the third place.

After Yanhua saw that she was the first place, the smile on her face could no longer be suppressed.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she said happily:"That's great, I knew it. Will be number one."

The Niujiao Niang is still relatively confident. After all, she is getting better and better at catching tree cicadas later on. It is almost to the point where she is almost 100% accurate, and there are a lot of tree cicadas in the place where she is.

"I also know you will be number one. Sha Lan said happily.

Although he couldn't be in the top three, it was good to see his good friend get the first place.

"What a pity, you were so close to finishing third."Yanhua is also very sorry.

"It doesn't matter, I'm satisfied with fourth place, at least it's improved compared to the previous year. Sha Lan shook her head and said.

They were selected as reserve warriors last year, and of course they also participated in the annual rainy season training.

Of course, their results last year were not very good, and neither of them even made the top five.

So it’s really good to be in the top five this year. The important thing is that the Horn Girl also won the first place.

"Keep working hard at training tomorrow and I will help you. Yanhua said seriously

"good. Sha Lan smiled slightly.

"Cough cough cough......"

Yanjiao coughed slightly in front and signaled everyone to be quiet. Although his ranking was good, he couldn't be proud.

He stood up straight and shouted into the rain:"Those who get the top three, don't be proud, there will be another training session tomorrow.""

"yes."The preparatory soldiers shouted in unison.........................................

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