Chapter 464: Purple-haired girl with an accent.

The moonlight is getting brighter and brighter, and the screams of wild beasts in the forest are getting louder and louder, but the beautiful scenery at this moment is completely incompatible with the current atmosphere.

Su Bai and others didn't speak, their expressions were very serious. All that could be heard now were the sounds of some wild beasts.


"Chi Chi Chi Hu Hu......"

Yejiu's expression became more serious, and Gray kept looking around seriously, trying to find out the presence of the enemy.

Otherwise, the enemy will be in the dark while you are in the open, which will be very detrimental to you.

Yue did the same, brushing all her hair behind her back, holding the crocodile knife tightly in her hand, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

Preparatory soldiers such as Yanhua, Sha Lan and Ai'er followed closely beside Su Bai.

They were surrounded by several people, all holding weapons and facing the outside world. They never thought that they would encounter danger here.

Because the places I chose were relatively remote, it was impossible for anyone to be there, but I didn’t expect that this kind of thing would still happen.

"call out! call out! call out!"

The sound of breaking through the air sounded again, but this time there were several black shadows flying out, which meant several sharp stones.

"Snap! Snap! Snap!"

Ye Jiu, Yue and others quickly blocked all these black figures, and every movement was very clean and neat.

They were not willing to sit still and wait for death any longer, so they picked up their weapons and rushed towards the place they sensed. past

"Tap tap tap......"

The footsteps of several people running were particularly obvious at night. The speed was also very fast. In the blink of an eye, they rushed to the location where the stone came from.

"So fast!"The voice in the darkness suddenly sounded like a female voice.

"brush brush brush......"

Yue swung the crocodile knife quickly, chopping down all the messy bushes.

After the bushes were chopped down, the person who had been hiding in the bushes also appeared.

Ye Jiu and the others did the same, and they also found out all the other three people.

The dark figure looked like a girl and three boys, all of whom didn't look very old.

"......"The figure in the darkness obviously didn't expect this to happen, and all four of them were covered.

They were all a little at a loss for a moment. They all stood there in a daze, and they even forgot to escape.

Yue tied all four of them with vines and brought them to Su Bai.

Her expression was very ugly. If she hadn't wanted to get to the bottom of it, she might have just chopped these four people with a knife.

"who are you?"Su Bai asked with a frown.

The moonlight fell gently on these people, and their appearances began to appear clearly.

The girl in the front had medium-short purple hair and a few freckles on her face. , the skin is also wheat-colored.

Despite this, her facial features still look very delicate, and her appearance is very similar to the Xinjiang beauties on the other side of the earth.

She is not very short, about 1.67 meters tall, and she is wearing tattered animal skins. , has obviously lived in the wild for a long time.

It can be seen from her skinny figure and the stains on her face that she looks malnourished. The other three are also similar, and they all look well-nourished. He is not very tall, and he looks about twenty years old, but his height is only about 1.7 meters.

In primitive times, the height of adult men was considered short. It is obvious that nutrition has not kept up, so As a result, they did not grow very tall.

Their skin color was also wheat-colored, and their facial features were also very three-dimensional. The purple-haired girl did not speak, and the expression on her face was very surprised. It was obvious that she had not recovered from what just happened. They were pulled away from that scene.

Several other people were also speechless for a moment. They looked very frightened.

"We witches ask you, who are you? Sha Lan changed her usual quiet image and suddenly became very serious. The purple-haired girl was stunned for a while before she realized what she was doing, and asked in confusion:"How did you discover us?""

"......."Su Bai was stunned for a moment when he heard the purple-haired girl's voice. He didn't expect the accent to be so strong.

He couldn't tell what the accent was, but it was completely different from the voice he heard now.

It's just like the southerners on the other side of the world hear the northerners speaking the same way, and immediately know the difference.

And this difference is very obvious. It can also be clearly seen from the appearance of the other party. These people must be from far away.

"Don't ask these irrelevant questions, who are you? Otherwise we will get rid of you immediately."Sha Lan said with a murderous tone.

If he really didn't want to find out who these people are, I'm afraid these people would have died behind the bushes long ago.

"We are from the Mountain Elephant Tribe, but we can’t go back, and then we are very hungry, so we happen to see you here."The girl with purple hair speaks with an accent.

"Mountain elephant tribe? I have never heard of this tribe. Is it nearby?"Sha Lan continued to ask.

Because the cat-eared girl has a good memory, she has heard many stories since she was a child, and also heard the names of many other tribes, but this is the first time she heard the name of this tribe.

"From the other side of the river, but we can't go back."The girl with purple hair said.

When she finished saying this, the sadness on her face immediately appeared.

"Why can't you go back? Is it because you did something wrong and were kicked out? Sha Lan continued to ask.

The purple-haired girl shook her head and said nothing. Her mood was obviously a lot lower.

Su Bai blinked his black eyes and looked at those people. He heard that those people came from the other side of the river. His interest suddenly arose.

He stood up, looked at those people, and asked:"What's on the other side of the river? Are there people like you there?"

What Su Bai asked was whether the people over there all looked like this, and whether their skin color was this dark. The purple-haired girl slowly raised her head, looked at the other person and nodded slowly.

She At this moment, I can't help but sigh in my heart, why do their skin look so white?

And their facial features look so small, and why do they speak so strangely? They are completely different from them.

But The difference was that she saw that they were very well dressed, something she had never seen before.

The things on them looked completely different from animal skins, and they felt like they would be very comfortable to wear.

"How is the environment over there? Is it the same as here?"Su Bai asked.........................................

"Third update, please support and customize."

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