24. Regular Hero Promotion Test (3)

“This dungeon is a ‘jungle’ terrain.”

One of the reasons why it becomes difficult starting with C-class dungeons.

An ecosystem of its own is formed within the dungeon.

It is different from the previous dungeons like ordinary caves.

Deserts, snowfields, swamps, grasslands, etc., are also diverse.

The problem is that there is no sun, so you have to secure the lighting yourself.

Therefore, for any warrior party, a wizard who can use lighting magic is a must.

“It is identified as the first floor, but there are quite a few curves in the terrain. The monsters that appear are ‘Jungle Giant Scorpion’ and many other unidentified monsters. The identity and location of the boss monster have also not been identified.”

I know what’s going on here, but I didn’t say it.

The group wanted it.

They said they wanted to solve it purely on their own.

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Just now, the manager’s words caused a stir at several parties.

They are probably new to the official exam.

And among them was my party.

The location of the boss monster could not be identified.

That means it’s not a one-way structure like the previous dungeon.

“Participating parties who decide that they cannot continue the test can leave the dungeon. In this case, it will be considered a dropout. Also, the time limit for this test is.”

Wide terrain and elusive boss monster location.


“There is not.”

You never know when you’ll clear the dungeon.

This is your biggest fear.

‘It makes me panic. Our warriors won’t do that.’

Depending on the competency of the participant, the average duration of a formal exam is between one and two days.

“All participants are provided with the same amount of drinking water and food.”

Eating is also meant to be self-sufficient from the inside.

Normally, you can take as much as you want outside, but it’s different in the exam.

“We ask for your understanding as managers are not allowed to accompany you during the official exam.”

It is completely different from the temporary exam.

“In addition, in this official test, the ‘image mirror’ invented by the Imperial Family Magic Division will be used for the first time and will be relayed to the outside world.”

The manager handed out food and also handed out small marbles one by one.

“It will be relayed to the video mirror outside the dungeon in response to the coordinates of the orb, and if you do not want to relay it, you can temporarily stop it by injecting magic power.”


If you stay there for a few days, you will have to go to errands, but if that is relayed, it will be a big problem.

Vivian received food and marbles as a representative, and ‘1’ was written on the marble.

Does this mean that this is the first party?

“End of explanation. I will start entering soon.”

The manager finished the explanation.

“Ahhhhh… .”

Vivian let out a long, painful sound.

“Hoo-wook, whoo-wook… .”

Beside him, Helena was breathing heavily, her chest pounding.

“Whoa… .”

Lucia must have been nervous as well, stretching and exhaling thinly.

“Hmm. This is your last chance. If you ask me to tell you right now, I will tell you.”

I asked in vain, but everyone shook their heads at the same time.

Apart from being nervous, he had already made up his mind that he shouldn’t do that.

“We will do it by ourselves… !”

said Vivian, clenching her fists.

“Ian… !”

Helena, taking off her helmet, approached.

“Could you lend me a hand… ?”

“A hand?”

I held out one hand while asking.

Then Helena grabbed my hand with both hands and put it on my forehead, closing her eyes.

It was the posture of prayer I had seen before.

“Whoa… .”

Soon after, Helena slowly opened her eyes, and her expression became much calmer.

She looked up at me and smiled contentedly.

“thank you. It calmed me down.”

“Ah yes… .”

I don’t know why they pray on my hands, but if it helps… .

“Yeah… . Hey, Ian… ?”

This time, Vivian sneaked up on me.

“Before you go, can you hug me just once… ?”

“… yes?”

“Ah no, no! that is! This, I don’t mean weird! I-I just thought it would make me feel a little better… .”

Vivian wiggled her hands in embarrassment.

“The last time I held you, it was so comfortable… .”

Without my permission, she came right in front of me.

“Oh, can’t I… ?”

“Oh, what… . Please.”

I was bewildered, but I agreed.

As long as it helps you take the test, that’s enough.


As if she had waited, Vivian lightly threw herself into her embrace.

“Huh… .”

Whether it was sickness or good, Vivian put her weight on me with a strange noise.

“… Thank you.”

Vivian, who had been separated from me, had a very red face.

Is it effective?

“… I will hug you too!”

“yes? what… . 100 million!”

Helena, who made a sudden declaration, suddenly rushed into his arms.

“Sueueup, whoa… . Swoop, whoa… .”

She buried her face in the pit of my stomach, took a deep breath and hugged me tightly.

“Go, thank you… !”

I doubt if it’s effective.

Helena, who had just prayed and looked calm, somehow stiffened.

“Is it my turn now?”

Lucia came naturally.

“… follow your heart.”

Unlike the previous two, Lucia put her arms around my waist and leaned against me.

“Something is stable, like a big blanket.”

“Is that helpful?”


Lucia, who fell as slowly as when they were attached, spoke without falling apart yet.

“I’ll do well. So, keep an eye on me.”


After Lucia fell, even Mercy was in an uproar.

“me too!”

As a fairy, she held my cheek tightly at first, and Kati came up to me with her hand and bit it.

“We will start the official warrior promotion test.”

The dungeon door opened along with the manager’s words.

My party, party number 1, was the first to enter.

“Ian! I’ll be back!”

“I will definitely pass!”

“Watch! hi!”

That’s how the three disappeared into the dungeon first.

“Oh, what would it be if I looked at it with such nervous eyes?”

“… Quiet.”

I can’t help but feel anxious.

Other parties quickly entered the dungeon.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

We moved to the number 1 mirror.

It was packed with people, but as the manager, I was able to watch from the front row.

“Oh, Ian!”

“number of animals?”

Maybe she had arrived early, but Marie was near the front row.

There was also a familiar face beside him.

It was Rachel, an old friend of Helena whom she met at Magdalen Abbey.

“Oh, Ian… .”

For some reason, Rachel met her gaze and avoided it.

The three of them next to him also have familiar faces.

They were the three warriors who were with Vivian when she took the temporary test.

It seems that Marie came to see all four of her party.

All four of them recognize me, but they look uncomfortable.

I guess I know the reason.

“He said that because he knew Ian was Philip.”

Marie shrugged and explained.

I thought so.

“There’s nothing that’s going to be that hard. What a great person.”

“I mean.”

“Ahaha… .”

The four of us just laughed awkwardly at Marie and I.

Come to think of it, how is the manager guild these days?

“number of animals. How is the guild these days?”

“Well. Well, nothing special. There are people who scream for a penny, and people who talk about false accusations. It’s the same as before. ‘Hans’, who was the sub-master, was entrusted with it, but it seems to be maintaining it.”

“Hmm… .”

manager guild.

If used well, it seems possible to raise the power average of mankind.

If it’s my name, it’s worth trying to steal the Master’s seat… .

“Marie, are you greedy for success?”

“What kind of obvious thing are you asking? Who doesn’t like money and power? If you put me in a high seat and give me money, I will do anything.”

That’s right.

After finding out about the guild’s internal situation through Marie, I’ll have to come up with a takeover plan.

Later, Mari was raised to the rank of deputy master and managed.

At least Marie is a pretty trustworthy person.

that’s for later

Today, first of all, we have to focus on the official test of the fruit warriors.

“Ian. What about Helena? How are you doing?”

Rachel asked cautiously.

To be sure, Rachel and Helena were close, but they were busy and didn’t see each other often.

I answered by pointing to the image mirror with my chin.

“You’d better see it for yourself.”

“Five! Come out!”

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Just then, the screen turned on.

People let out an amazing cheer.

I, too, admired it a little.

It’s like watching real TV.

The first thing I saw was Vivian.

“It’s Vivian!”

“It’s the King Slime Slayer!”

On the screen, Vivian shrugged and looked around.

-Ugh… . It’s embarrassing to think that someone else is watching. .

It was a truly Vivian-like first word.

Laughter spread among the crowd.

-Isn’t your voice also transmitted?

-Nue? omg! Come to think of it, I guess it was… . de, can you hear me… ?

said Vivian, looking around.

Lucia, who was next to her, smiled.

– Even if you answer, don’t we listen?

-Ah… ! That’s right… .

Show me your nonsense.

All of a sudden, the onlookers were preoccupied with the warrior’s performance, Nabal, and Vivian’s cuteness.

Anyway, like that, the official test began.


Since the scope of the search was so wide, it seemed that my party was planning to set up a base and gradually expand the scope while investigating the surroundings.

– How are you here?

The site Lucia proposed was topographically quite high, but the ground was even.

There were many trees around, so it was advantageous for concealment, and it was close to the water.

– Sounds good!

Helena and Vivian agreed.

The three prepared a suitable spot by bringing nearby branches and leaves.

‘Are you going to have a meeting while taking a break? It’s a calm start. Not bad.’

I’m watching it like that

The bushes on the other side of the screen rustled and a human figure popped out.

Before I had time to figure out the identity of the four, a sharp voice was heard first.

– Hey. Do you meet all Philip Parachute in a place like this?

The party faced them with a wary attitude.

I soon recognized their identities.

At the place where the warriors gathered earlier, it was a party that looked at this side with envy.

‘There’s no way you don’t know that it’s being sent out. don’t you believe? It must be an unfamiliar skill here.’

Even among the onlookers, there were people who wondered whether what they saw was true or not, so it wasn’t that they couldn’t understand.

‘Or it could be that he already figured out that and used it against him.’

The hero here is itself a people’s play.

At the same time, warriors value recognition as well as honor.

So maybe it’s just to provoke people on purpose.

Usually, people are enthusiastic about this stimulating conflict.

If that’s the case, they’re pretty brainy.

Even among the onlookers, there are quite a few people who think the same as them.

With their actions now, they drew them to their side at once.

‘Yet it is. I never thought there would be a party like that out there, at this early point in time.’

Most of the people in front of mirror #1 are cheering for my party, that is, party #1.

Sighs and jeers poured out, and Mercy, who was sitting on his shoulder, was also worried.

The voice that had just been sarcastic spoke again.

It was a woman with short black hair who stood at the front.

– You must have come up by luck without any skills. Do you think C-class dungeons are a joke? Why don’t you drop out before the side is sold?

“What is that bastard!”

“It’s that ‘Vera’ party that has failed in the official exam several times!”

“What are you talking about cutie Vivian!”

I quietly watched the situation.

Indeed, how will our naive warriors overcome this conflict in my absence?

The first to step out was the cutie Vivian.

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