Chapter 113 Is mother-in-law eating dirt?

Squatting on the ground, Bai Yunxi held a piece of soil and inspected it for a while. This kind of soil can only grow some coarse grains such as beans, sweet potatoes, and sorghum. Wheat and rice, which require high soil quality, cannot be grown, and there will be no yield if planted.

"Mom, what are you going to plant on this slope?" Bai Anyan looked at her mother's movements and asked the doubts that had been in her heart for a long time. She had wanted to know for a long time, but she never asked.

 “Nothing is being planted now, let’s fertilize the fields first.”

With the two bags of fertilizer exchanged last night, and some green manure transported from the mountains, if the two are combined into one, doesn’t she believe it can turn into fertile fields?

“You continue to open up wasteland, Li, and you come into the mountains with me.”

“Hey~, Mom, why are we going into the mountains? Do you still want to find that kind of beets?”

Ms. Li looked at her mother-in-law carrying a basket, picked up the basket and shovel next to her, and followed.

  ‘I didn’t expect that inconspicuous beetroots could make delicious sugar water. It would be great if I dug more of them. ’

Hearing Mrs. Li’s thoughts, Baiyunxi curved the corners of her lips.

“I don’t know if there are any mothers in the mountains, it’s all a matter of luck.”

“Mom is lucky, she will definitely come across good things.” Li smiled and followed her mother-in-law into the mountains.

Standing on the hillside, Baiyun Xi looked down at the vibrant fields below, with working farmers shuttled among them. Beyond the fields, there were scattered houses, which were also the villages where they lived.

With mountains at the back and a river running through the village, their village is in a really good location.

 For farmers, having mountains, water and fields is a paradise.

Baiyunxi looked far away along the Qingshui River. When she got rich, she would definitely buy a few acres of high-quality farmland so that she would no longer have to worry about food.

 At the moment, let’s fatten up the wasteland first.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Baiyunxi looked at the large pine forest in front of him. There was a thick layer of pine needles falling on the ground. They were soft when stepped on, and they had accumulated for many years.

Walking to a place where pine needles were thick, Baiyun Xi squatted down and dug down with a shovel.

When you peel back the dry and soft pine needles on top, you will be greeted by a rotten smell. The moist pine needles are mixed with the soil and turn into rotten branches and leaves. There is a smell of fermentation. Over the years, they form a dark brown color. The soil looks very fertile.

Baiyunxi grabbed a handful, pinched it, smelled it, and his eyes lit up. This must be the legendary black land.

 “Mom, what are you doing?”

 Ouch, she was scared to death. If she hadn't known that they had eaten enough before going out, she would have almost believed that her mother was about to eat dirt.

Baiyunxi didn't pay attention to Li's expression, and pulled away the surrounding dry pine needles, revealing damp and rotten pine needles.

“This is good fertilizer. Dig it into baskets and send it to the fields to fertilize the wasteland. With this, you can sow seeds in the spring next year.”

"What? Use this as fertilizer?" Mrs. Li looked at her mother-in-law in surprise, with disbelief in her eyes.

"Yes, this can not only be used as fertilizer, but it is also quite fertile. It depends on it to improve the soil quality of the wasteland."

Bai Yunxi said and began to put things into the basket.

 In the blink of an eye, a basket was filled with brown corroded pine needles.

Li saw that her mother-in-law didn't seem to be joking, so she hesitated and took action.

‘My mother-in-law is a scholar and well-informed. She is right when she says it can be used as fertilizer. ’

There is not much else in the mountains and forests, and there is an inexhaustible supply of rotten leaves.

 (End of this chapter)

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