Chapter 187 Persimmon Frost

Hearing Song Zhuang’s tone, Bai Yunxi looked at her lightly,

"You also said that the mountains and forests belong to everyone. Whoever picks them belongs to whom. You can go pick them if you want. Who is stopping you? The weird acid reflux water will not work in front of me."

“An acre of land can last several days. No wonder there are always people saying you are lazy. I think you are not only lazy, but also very talkative. Be careful of committing karma. When the time comes, you will be fried in oil and your mouth will be full of bubbles.”

"Who do you think is lazy? We work all day long, so why are we lazy?"

Mr. Songzhuang suddenly became unhappy. He pinched his waist and stared, looking fierce.

"I said you were lazy. What happened? I wronged you. How many days have you been cutting down the sorghum stalks in a field?"

While he was talking, a little old lady walked over with a cane.

Seeing the old lady appear, Mrs. Songzhuang was immediately discouraged.

"Mom, how can I be lazy? We have been working hard. We are sweating from the exhaustion of the sun, but my sister-in-law and the others don't know how to come over to help other than drying in the sun."

"Shut up, they didn't harvest the land on the east end? Or they didn't harvest the land on the other side. Do the math for me, who did more?"

When I see something to eat, I want to put it all in my stomach. When it comes to work, I will gibber and procrastinate if I don't keep an eye on it.

“Hurry up, cut down all the sorghum stalks in this field today and transport them home. Tomorrow we have to fertilize and nourish the land. If we delay the work further, we won’t need to eat.”

Song Zhuang held his mouth and angrily kicked the ground at his feet, splashing dirt on his face.

Mrs. Song glared at her daughter-in-law, turned to look at Baiyunxi, and greeted her with a smile.

 “Yunxi, we have entered the mountain,”

"Yes, Mr. Tian at home will take advantage of this period to try his luck in the mountains."

"That's right. It's a good season for the autumn harvest. The fruits in the mountains and forests are all ripe. If you're lucky, you won't be hungry."

Mrs. Song nodded. She had a good relationship with her eldest daughter-in-law. She often brought home a few fish. She was a cannibal and had a short mouth.

“My aunt is right. I have to make more trips just to fill my stomach. I have no choice but to do so.”

Baiyunxi exchanged a few polite words, turned around and left. In the distance, you could still hear the old lady scolding the couple.

 If nothing else, the old lady’s lung capacity is really good.

 When I got home, I poured the persimmons into a large dustpan basket, and several people continued to peel them. Because there were so many, I even asked my second brother to set up a drying rack.

 It takes one month and forty days to make persimmon cakes and cover them with frost.

Persimmon frost is available in very small quantities and the price is relatively high. Chinese medicines are calculated by weight based on money.

Just when they were in full swing, Mrs. Song Wang came carrying half a basket of radishes.

“Sister Yunxi, you have harvested the radishes in the field. I will send you a few to dry them into dried radishes while the weather is nice... Oh my god, where did you pick so many persimmons?”

Looking at Mrs. Song's surprised look, Bai Yunxi smiled and asked Mrs. Li to move the bench for her.

“Just back from the mountains, Mrs. Li found a persimmon tree and we picked it back. We are going to dry it into persimmon cakes and eat them as snacks. After a while, you will take back a basket, dry it yourself, and keep it for drinking in the winter.”

“They say it’s better to come early than to arrive late, so I’m sorry.”

Song Wang was sitting next to Bai Yunxi, picking up the knife and peeling the skin. His movements were very quick, and he looked like someone who was used to doing the work.

"Not to mention, you are really lucky. When I came back from the river, I happened to meet your mother-in-law inspecting the sorghum field. I guess she was afraid that your two younger brothers and sisters would be lazy."

See you tomorrow~



 (End of this chapter)

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