Chapter 256 Things have changed

 After listening to the fun all day, everyone had dinner and went to bed early.

Early the next morning, when Bai Yunxi opened her eyes, she felt that it was chilly inside the house. Needless to say, the temperature outside must have cooled down again.

 In fact, the shack she lived in was quite warm, but when she lived there for the first time, she felt insecure and would half-open the window for ventilation before going to bed.

 When placing a charcoal basin in winter, you must also pay attention to ventilation issues.

"Mom, why don't you sleep a little longer? The weather has changed." Mrs. Du took a bundle from the backyard and opened it, and saw her mother-in-law looking up at the sky.

"I've developed a habit, and I can't fall asleep even if I lie down." Bai Yunxi looked at Du Shi still wearing a jacket, her fingers were red from the cold, "It's getting cold, so it's time to put on cotton-padded clothes. You don't have to wait until it snows to wear them."

“I know mom, it’s easier to work if you wear something thinner.”

  Du Shi stuffed the firewood into the stove, raised her head,

“Perhaps because of the red date syrup, my wife feels that her body is much stronger this year than in previous years, and she is not as afraid of the cold as before.”

As he spoke, Du also clenched his fist to show that he was very strong.

Hearing Du's tone, Bai Yunxi curled up his lips.

 She wasted three bottles of health pills that she had redeemed with thirty points, mixed them in water and gave them to her family members. Even Du Shi felt that her body had become stronger, and the effect was extraordinary.

“Let’s make do with cotton-padded clothes this year. The weather is getting colder. The most important thing for us is to store food. We can have enough food to survive the winter safely.”

“We will work hard for a year until next spring. Not only must we save enough food, but we must also wear new cotton-padded jackets and live in a spacious house.”

In his spare time, Baiyun Xi had sorted out the memory of the original owner.

Although cotton is not too expensive, in the countryside, it is very common for a cotton coat to be worn for three years.

Even so, those poor families have no money left to buy cotton every winter, so they can only stuff reeds and broken hemp into cotton clothes.

Because of their relationship with Lao Juren, although their family does not replace new cotton every year, they always add a new layer of cotton every time they are dismantled and washed, and peel off a layer of old cotton to make cotton insoles.

Almost one-third of the clothes are replaced every year. Because of this, their cotton clothes are always warmer than those of others.

 So, even if you don’t buy new cotton this year, it won’t be too cold. Except for little girl Yaya's cotton-padded coat, which is brand new, their family all wears old cotton-padded clothes from last year.

Listening to her mother-in-law's heroic words, Mrs. Du didn't feel that Baiyunxi was bragging at all.

“Daughter-in-law, please listen to your mother’s arrangements. Let’s work together to live a better life.”

These days, my mother-in-law and her family have done a lot of practical work and also stored a lot of food.

  Although it is still far from enough food for a winter, it is already like heaven compared to the days when I had only one meal and no next meal.

“Sister-in-law is right, even Aunt Song said that if you follow your mother, you will have meat to eat.”

While talking, Mrs. Li came back from the backyard with a big cabbage in her hand.

 “Sister-in-law, the cabbage you want.”

Bai Yunxi couldn't help laughing when she heard Li's naive tone. After washing, she continued to practice her eight-part Vajra Kung Fu.

Ms. Li went to fetch water with a pole.

Because of the sudden change in weather, Bai Anyan felt a sense of urgency. He usually chopped one load of firewood every morning, but today he had already returned with two loads of firewood.

 The family had breakfast, took their tools, and continued into the mountains to look for food.

The weather suddenly turned cold, and Baiyunxi felt equally anxious, but she couldn't bring the sense of urgency to her home to avoid making people anxious.

 (End of this chapter)

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