Chapter 359 There’s going to be a war

 Afterwards, she chose a pair of white magnolia styles for Du and a pair of plum blossoms for Li.

“Xiaoer, these are the three pairs. How much do you think they cost?”

 “Wait a minute, ma’am.”

 The waiter put the two pairs of piles of earrings on the velvet alone, opened the account book, and recorded the number of grams on it.

“A pair of small daisies costs ten grams and costs one hundred cents. The white magnolia and plum blossom styles both cost fifteen grams per pair, and two pairs cost three hundred cents, which adds up to four hundred cents.”

Baiyunxi listened and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, the price of silver in peacetime was still acceptable.

He took out a bunch of money from his purse, counted it and handed it over. He took two small cloth bags with earrings from the waiter and took his daughter out.

It wasn't until they were far away that Bai Jingjing came back to his senses. He raised his hand and touched the earrings on his ears, his face turned red.

 “Mom, I...” disappointed you.

 The mother in my memory was also informal, just like now.

Zeng Jin, my mother always felt that she was too timid and petty, so she didn't like her. When Heli came back, she found that her mother had changed, but just now her mother was back to her former self.

 “Forget it, take your time, don’t rush.”

Bai Yunxi patted her hand comfortingly, her temper had been developed and she might not be able to change it for a while.

After walking a few steps, Baiyunxi raised his head and glanced at the sun above his head. It was already noon.

“Are you tired after walking all this way? There is a noodle stall in front of you. Let’s go eat a bowl of noodles to fill our stomachs and take a rest.”

Bai Jingjing subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then she thought about it. Her mother had been walking with her for most of the day, so she should be tired by now.


The two of them sat down at the small square table next to the noodle stall. Baiyunxi waved to the noodle stall owner.

“Give us two bowls of chopped green onion noodles and add an egg to each bowl.”

 “Hey, come right away.” The noodle stall owners are an elderly couple who are not very mobile and should be residents of the town.

At this moment, Baiyunxi heard some men at the next table talking in low voices.

Looking at their clothes, they look like they are walking around the streets helping people transport goods. For people who make a living like theirs, their general range of activities is basically within a hundred miles. They are running outside every day, so they are indeed better informed.

"Let me tell you a secret. I went to Jun County yesterday to deliver goods and heard about a big event."

“Ha~, what big thing can happen in Jun County? Tell me about it?”

“It’s not about Jun County. I heard about it in Jun County... We, the Song Dynasty, are going to war.”

Bai Yunxi was stunned when he heard this, and immediately raised his ears to listen carefully.

“War? Did you hear wrongly? It’s not the right time of year, and there’s no famine, so how could there be a sudden war?”

“You don’t know this, right? There is a war in the northwest. The Tatars on the border have been harassing the local people and robbing them of their food. Although large-scale wars have not been launched yet, there have been several small-scale frictions.”

"You also know that the Tatars don't know how to grow food. Seeing our people in the Song Dynasty harvesting food will definitely make us jealous. The autumn harvest is still a few months away. It's cold early in the northwest. The Tatars have no food, so they will definitely harass them. People, if that happens, the war will begin."

"Really? War is not a trivial matter. How did you hear that? Are you sure you didn't hear anything wrong?"

"I can swear this, it cannot be false. The person I delivered this time was the residence of the Prime Minister of Jun County. I overheard the servants in their house talking quietly."

The Baiyun River is silent, and all counties and counties are prime ministers?

 (End of this chapter)

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