Chapter 588 The conversation between mother and son

Looking at his mother's confident eyes, Xiao Wu's heart was shaken. He had always known that he had a great responsibility and shouldered the honor and disgrace of the family. Whether he could avenge his father would depend on his ability to live up to his expectations.

Dan Niang's remarks today directly woke him up. His focus was somewhat diverted by his father's hatred. Changing the lintel of the family and strengthening the family was his duty as a descendant of the Bai family.

Mother is right. My brothers are not good at reading, but they each have talents. If a family wants to move up, it will naturally require the brothers to work together, but relying on him alone will definitely be very tiring.

Hearing Xiao Wu’s thoughts, Bai Yunxi was very satisfied. This boy finally thought of the right thing.

Those who hold hatred in their hearts will eventually be limited. If they think about it, their state of mind will expand accordingly, and their vision will be different.

"We have been living in the village these years. Because of your father's status as a scholar, our family has always regarded itself as a scholar. No matter what we do, we can't really integrate into the village. Instead of getting along like this, it is better to distance ourselves and stand on the high ground. place."

“In a life that cannot be integrated into, everyone will feel uncomfortable if they are forced to integrate into it, but it will be easier to break away from it.”

 People whose brain circuits are not at the same level will be very tired when talking and doing things, and they can easily offend people if they are not careful. She has fully understood this in the past three years.

Hearing her mother’s suggestion, Xiao Wu was silent for a moment and then agreed.

 “Mom, I understand what you mean.”

Ever since their family’s life improved, people in the village have been gossiping behind their backs. They said that their family was not of the same mind as the villagers, and that they had forgotten about the villagers while living a good life.

He also said that none of their children are as kind as Lao Juren... why should they think about the past when Lao Ju cared about the villagers and did so many good things?

 When he first heard this, he was still very angry. Later, he heard more complaints and got used to it.

 Dad was just too good to the village and developed habits that some people took for granted. No one was grateful to him until his death. Since my mother took charge of the house, she cut off all contact with the village. Instead, it reminded them of their father's kindness, which was ridiculous and sad.

Even if his mother didn't mention it, he didn't plan to get too close to the villagers.

“Mom, our filial piety period has passed. Next spring, my son is ready to die.”

 Once you make up your mind, you can’t hesitate. Xiao Wu clenched his fists with firm eyes.

“Before leaving the stage, I am going to pay a visit to Chang Xiucai.”

Chang Xiucai was a good friend of his father, so he had to pay a visit and ask a few questions.

Hearing Xiao Wu’s thoughts, Bai Yunxi nodded happily.

"It's time to pay a visit. Chang Xiucai is one of your father's few close friends, so he should come to visit. Let me know in advance when you are going to visit my mother, and I will prepare a souvenir for you."

 “Well, it’s getting late, mother should go to bed early.”

Xiao Wu bowed, turned around and walked out.

Bai Yunxi stood up, stretched, washed up, and went directly to bed to rest.

 Sleep until dawn.

Bai Yunxi opened her eyes and signed in. She couldn't help but sigh. Could it be that she was really old and her body's functions were deteriorating. She just went for a walk around the county and she became exhausted and paralyzed?

Hearing the soft footsteps and low voices in the yard, Baiyunxi pinched his face, it was so good to be young.

As soon as he opened the door and went out, he saw Xiaosi blocking the door. Baiyunxi was stunned for a moment.

“Shouldn’t you go to the town to look at the shops? What are you doing at the door?”

 (End of this chapter)

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