In the Science Department, the most advanced research room in the entire St. Freya Academy has the most powerful collapse energy suppression device, and it also has the strongest and most airtight compartment that the St. Freya Academy can build.

This is also where Hua Yi will try to invoke the power of [Quiet Gem].

Teresa finally failed to stop it, because Hua Yi cunningly hid the [Quiet Gem] and had to agree.

Looking at Hua Yi, who was blocked by transparent special glass at the moment, ready to open the box containing the [Tranquility Gem], Teresa had more than one thought of whether she wanted to immediately snatch the [Tranquility Gem] and hide it in a place that Hua Yi could not find.

In this laboratory, in addition to several of the best scientists, including Dr. Markey, there is only Teresa as a bystander.

The others, even Infinity Tower, didn’t know what was about to happen.

After all, they know that they can’t stop it, let alone make a favorable change, so it’s better to hide the matter so as not to annoy others in vain.

“Once the concentration of collapse energy increases, can it really be suppressed immediately?”

Teresa asked Dr. Margee, who knew [Silent Gemstone] best, next to her, to which Markey nodded.


However, there was one more sentence that Markey did not say.

Before the concentration of Avalanche energy rises due to [Quiet Gem], as a person who has direct contact with [Quiet Gem], Hua Yi will be affected first, which is something that the instrument cannot control and cannot avoid.

Markey originally disapproved of the attempt.

This is not a human experiment, because scientists, including Dr. Markey, can only do aftercare now, and all actions about [Quiet Gemstone] are decided by Hua Yi.

In Markey’s view, it’s more like sending to death.

The [Stone of Tranquility] was indeed controlled, and according to the Mandate of Heaven, it was only after the birth of the Second Law that it appeared and was mastered by it.

But that is the Lawyer, the second Lawyer who has brought the greatest disaster to the world among the three Lawyers, the three Falls.

Markey didn’t want Hua Yi, the benefactor, to die, but after learning that even the school principal had failed to change the other party’s decision, he could only participate in the hope of trying his best to remedy the accident when it happened.

When people outside the confined space were worried, Hua Yi had already made moves in the confined space.

As the [Silent Gem] breaks away from the special chest that has a blocking effect, the concentration of Avalanche energy in the surrounding area begins to gradually climb, and immediately someone runs the Avalanche Energy Suppression Device, and the power of human technology is fighting against the power of Honkai.

And Hua Yi’s fingers finally touched the [Quiet Gem], a beautiful crystal that was indeed like a gemstone.

Then, [Quiet Gem] felt the presence of Hua Yi, who was rich in Avalanche energy, and reacted.

The concentration of the collapse energy, which had been gradually limited by the Avalanche Energy Suppression Device, began to climb rapidly.

While Dr. Markey and the others were operating various devices in a cold sweat, Hua Yi felt a touch of death power because of the stimulation of the collapse energy, and poked his head out of the [Quiet Gem], vainly trying to invade his body through his fingers.

This is the power to accelerate apoptosis, which can make the young Valkyrie die instantly, more exaggerated than a night of gray hair, and turn into pieces in a few breaths.

However, Hua Yi was not without means of defense, and he never thought that [Tranquility Gem] would surrender just because of his unusual physical qualities or ability to withstand Honkai.

The power of erosion, which is also the power of the law level, began to emerge from the [Jizo Imperial Soul] in Hua Yi’s soul, using his fingertips as a battlefield to fight with the death power of the [Quiet Gem].

This kind of clash of forces will not cause rivers of blood and corpses like human wars, and the annihilation of power is silent, but Hua Yi’s fingers, who are regarded as battlefields, are not so lucky.

The epidermis of the fingers, which was much stronger than ordinary people, was cracking, and those cracks soon spread to Hua Yi’s entire palm, and blood began to drip down.

“Hua Yi, put the [Quiet Gem] back, immediately!”

Teresa, who noticed this situation, lost all her composure and gave the order with some gaffe.

Hua Yi did not take immediate action as she said, but waited for a while, and found that the confrontation between the power of erosion and the power of death would not stop at all for a while, and the power that controlled the [Quiet Gem] was even more impossible to talk about, before he frowned and put the [Quiet Gem] back into the box.

The crack had spread to Hua Yi’s forearm at this moment, and at a glance, his left hand was bloody and terrifying.

Almost at the moment when Markey and the others opened the alloy door that isolated the space, Teresa rushed in, she wanted to carefully examine Hua Yi’s arm to determine the injury she had suffered, and she was worried that she would accidentally aggravate the wound, and she was in a slightly overwhelmed state.

Seeing this, Hua Yi smiled and waved his arm.

“It’s just an ordinary injury, except for a little blood, it’s not a big deal, and it will heal in a few days.”

“Ordinary injuries? Bleeding a little? ”

Seeing Hua Yi’s indifferent attitude and seeing his left hand that was already stained with blood, Teresa was angry and distressed.

And the medical staff, who had long been on standby, also hurriedly ran over with some portable small instruments at this time, stopping Hua Yi’s bleeding while checking his physical condition.

About ten minutes later —

“The power of the [Tranquility Gem] seems to have been hindered by something, and it has not invaded Captain Hua Yi’s body.”

Even if some strange things about Hua Yi were found, the medical staff did not ask, but only reported.

She knows exactly what her job is.

“What about these injuries?”

“These injuries are caused by unexplained tears, which are traumas in the ordinary sense and do not leave sequelae.”

After receiving the assurances of the professionals, Teresa was relieved, and when she saw that Hua Yi put the [Quiet Gem] away again, in just a few breaths like a trick, she didn’t know where to hide it, Teresa immediately wanted to reprimand, but she was a little powerless.

“Promise me not to make such dangerous attempts again.”

“Do Valkyries fear war because of bloodshed?”


“So, you should know my answer.”

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