“Lynn, I heard you’re going to enter the class as a student next semester? Hehe, Miss Ben has already graduated? ”

Facing the A-class Valkyrie Lin, who originally belonged to the Mandate of Heaven, Kiana was not angry at all, and even began to publicize her deeds to her.

If you don’t know, you may really be bluffed by Kiana, after all, she is actually a beautiful girl who has the feeling of an aristocratic lady, and she is also full of confidence when she speaks.

At this moment, Lin regarded Kiana as a super student and began to humbly seek advice.

“Then can Senpai tell me about the school curriculum? I am worried that I will not be able to achieve good results in the future, after all, I was taken care of by Captain Hua Yi before, and now I have just joined the school, even if I can’t show my value immediately, at least I can’t cause trouble for everyone. ”

Even if Destiny was originally an organization that pursued a quick Valkyrie, to be able to become an A-class Valkyrie at such an age, Lin was undoubtedly a diligent genius and a smart girl at the same time.

Grandpa has become a senior scientist of St. Freya Academy, and he was asked by the head of Teresa Academy to study at school, and he can’t use the combat power of the A-class Valkyrie to contribute in the process of fighting Honkai, so he should at least become an excellent student.

She used to take the initiative to participate in human experiments like that, not because Lin was an idiot, but because she was too kind.


Hearing what Rin called herself, Kiana was stunned.

Seeing this, Lin showed a cautious expression and explained softly.

“I’m just going to study at St. Freya Academy now, and you’ve already graduated, so you’re my senior sister, so I used the title ‘senior’, that… Doesn’t it work? ”

Rin is an A-class Valkyrie of Heavenly Destiny, the same level as Infinite Tower Himeko.

Previously, Himeko had suppressed Kiana breathlessly in battle, and that strength was beyond doubt.

At this moment, hearing a girl of the same level as Himeko call herself a senior so respectfully, at this moment, the sense of joy and excitement in Kiana’s heart was indescribable.

The stupid Kiana did not worry that her lies would be punctured, and her extremely poor theoretical class results in the previous Valkyrie exam would be discovered by the other party.

She showed a triumphant look and patted her chest to assure.

“Okay, absolutely! As your senior, I will definitely help you without any reservations, now I will take you to familiarize yourself with the campus, and by the way, find something delicious. ”

Kiana excitedly took Rin’s hand and began to run towards the commercial street lined with shops, intending to show the demeanor of a senior and invite Lin to a big meal.

In addition to the living expenses that Saint Freya Academy would have allocated to students, Kiana, who was already a trainee Valkyrie and had eliminated the dead in Changkong City, now has a very high income.

Lynn didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

If you are in the Mandate of Heaven organization, ask the other Valkyries for advice, although they will teach carefully, it is difficult to show the joy from the bottom of their hearts like Kiana.

The Valkyries of Destiny are very tired, and after finishing ultra-high-intensity training every day, they fall into a state of physical and mental exhaustion, and most of them fall asleep with their heads upside down.

Everyone works very hard, saving every minute and second to exercise, to become stronger, because the upper level will not consider the training progress of a single individual, and soon there will be extremely dangerous tasks assigned.

If you don’t work hard, if you can’t get stronger quickly, the Valkyrie will easily die in the battle with the Broken Beast or the Dead.

Lin herself, in addition to training, also constantly received combat missions within reach, in order to reduce the burden of those B-class Valkyries and reduce casualties.

Her life is a three-point line – the training room, the dormitory and the battlefield, and there is no more wonderful story.

When Lin chose to leave these three points and become a volunteer for human experiments, she almost ushered in her own end, she already knew the danger of the experiment from her grandfather, and also knew that the three sisters who had known each other for a short time originally belonged to the special force of the Mandate of Heaven, and their task was to supervise the normal progress of the experiment, and for this reason, they also mixed drugs into their diet.

Lynn did not resent this, she understood and chose to forgive.

After all, human beings have always been in a weak position in the face of collapse, and some unscrupulous means are helpless for this.

Good maidens do not approve of bad behavior, but they also do not hate those who do not help themselves.

However, Lin did not expect that the Saint Freya Academy, born out of the Mandate of Heaven, was born within another organization that fought against Collapse, and it turned out to be like this.

A school city that exists for Valkyries and serves Valkyries.

From time to time, girls in student uniforms walk by on the street, holding snacks such as crepes or drinks such as milk tea, laughing and playing with their peers.

In Rin’s eyes, such a casual attitude and such a lazy lifestyle are by no means what a warrior against Honkai should look like.

However, it is such a school that has created the most brilliant record in the history of mankind against a large collapse, and before the Hyperion stayed over Changkong City, I heard that it was to completely eliminate the dead there.

The girl in front of her, as if she had seen it on the Hyperion, she was already a warrior who had fought against Honkai, and she still looked so cheerful and comfortable.

Of course, Lin longed for such a life, but she once thought that she could not live like this in the context of the world where collapse was raging, but everything in front of her, what she heard, and what she saw, made the girl confused.

Should have dedicated her life, life and future, everything to the Valkyrie who guarded mankind and fought against the collapse, could she live happily?

Rin couldn’t help but ask out loud.

“Senior Kiana, has Saint Freya Academy always been like this?”

“yes, what’s wrong?”

“…… Wouldn’t it be too lax? ”

Lax? What is slack? It feels normal.

Kiana was a little unable to understand Rin’s wording, no, she was finally called a senior, but she couldn’t show her ignorance.

But if you don’t know how to pretend to understand, it seems a little irresponsible?

“If you want to know about things inside the school, I’ll take you to Teresa, right?” She is the head of the school, and you can raise any questions at that time. ”

Kiana decides to throw the puzzle to Teresa.

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