St. Freya’s Academy, Hyperion Gnaku.

Hua Yi knew that if she took the initiative to talk to Ai-chan, she would respond and reduce her work efficiency, so she kept silent.

Chatting with Ai-chan is fun, but it’s still important to prioritize.

“Report boss, Ai-chan has detected a total of fourteen vulnerabilities, all of which have been fixed, and the fault handling report has been stored in the information database, do you have any other orders from the boss?”

Bronia and Teresa, who were worried that Ai-chan had malicious intentions, did not leave, and everyone waited for about half an hour, and finally waited for Ai-chan’s report.

Hua Yi glanced at Bronia, and the girl quickly understood what he meant, opened the laptop she was carrying, and connected it to the control system of the Hyperion.

After a short silence, Bronia spoke.

“There were indeed fourteen loopholes, and before that, I had only found nine… Because Bronia has less permissions than Ai-chan. ”

Is this an explanation of your abilities?

Hearing the slight reluctance in Bronia’s tone, Hua Yi was pleased that her emotions became more and more obvious, and then manipulated on the terminal for a while.

“Now your authority is the same as Ai-chan, Bronia.”

Bronia nodded expressionlessly, but Hua Yi knew that she was actually in a good mood now.

Teresa, who witnessed the whole process on the side, opened her mouth, wanting to stop Hua Yi’s reckless behavior, no matter how she thought, it was a no-plan thing to give others the foul authority that should only be possessed by the captain and could control the entire Hyperion.

But it cannot be pointed out in public.

Seeing that the matter was over, Teresa entrusted Bronia and Ai-chan to join forces to check and fill the gaps on the Hyperion, and by the way, after letting Bronia tell Ai-chan more about the situation of St. Freya’s Academy, she pulled Hua Yi out.

Just after leaving the sight of others and coming to the remote path, Teresa couldn’t wait to warn Hua Yi.

“You’ve only seen Ai-chan for a few minutes, right? Why did you accept the fact that she had foul-level privileges? And Bronia, although I know you trust her, but if Bronia’s computer gets a virus or is stolen, someone else may use it to control the Hyperion, which will be very dangerous! Didn’t you see that the terminal with the authority of the captain was placed only on the bridge? Just in case. ”

Teresa’s questioning was expected by Hua Yi, so he responded very crisply.

“With the ability shown by Ai-chan, do you really think that I can limit her by not giving her the corresponding permissions?”


“Giving Bronia the corresponding permissions is not only convenient for her to check the information security status of Hyperion, but also to supervise Ai-chan, with Bronia’s ability, she also has the technology to hack into the Hyperion system, before I wanted to see Bronia’s legs, and she threatened to broadcast the whole ship.”

Hua Yi seemed to have said something amazing.

Teresa’s gaze at Hua Yi gradually became different.

“Want to see Bronia’s legs? Is it really just a look? Captain Hua Yi, although Hyperion is already your territory, it is best not to do things out of character during work? ”

“I can’t tell, Teresa, your mind is quite dirty, I was doing business, determining the condition of her legs, and assessing the possibility of healing with the Quiet Gemstone.”

Hua Yi’s face was righteous at the moment, with contempt for the yellow guy, such a pretentious gesture made Teresa puff up her face angrily.

“You guy, do you want to get beaten?”

Seeing Teresa’s raised fist, Hua Yi took a step back.

“Of course not, especially after seeing Ai-chan.”

Hua Yi is insinuating that he slapped people to lose their memory.

Teresa became more and more annoyed.

But it did have scruples, she was really a little worried, a slap or a fist made Hua Yi lose her memory, although it definitely wouldn’t use much strength, but in case she really had any special abilities…

Pay more attention in the future.

As for the issue of the Hyperion’s authority, with Hua Yi’s strategic vision before, he didn’t have to worry too much about Ai-chan, he should be fully prepared.

Teresa exhaled softly and changed the subject.

“According to the original plan, tomorrow you will go on a mission that is nominally to find Jiuyou, but is actually a vacation at public expense, but I, the head of the school, have to stay here to busy with all the trivial things needed to expand the scale, and I am a little tired to think about it.”

“Aren’t Fu Hua, Lin, and Ji Zi all able to help you?”

“That’s true, but there is no harm without contrast.”

Hua Yi shook his head and did not tell Teresa that this trip to the Nine Ghosts was actually risky.

However, over such a long period of time, he has actually designed more than one response plan.

If it is judged simply by stigmata, Hua Yi, who has just strengthened all three Hannah stigmata, has not greatly improved his strength, but now Hua Yi has more than one means of stigmata.

[Jizo Imperial Soul] and among them, Yae Sakura and Eroder Scarlet Pill, unless they encounter a foul-level enemy, Hua Yi can still hold the victory fruit in his hand when he plays his hole card.

The trip to Jiuyou is risky, but in fact, it is not very dangerous.

Otherwise, Hua Yi would not have let Kiana and them go with them at all.

“We will leave tomorrow and come back in a week at the latest, unless this limit is exceeded, Teresa you can work in the school with peace of mind.”

Hua Yi’s words made Teresa’s eyes narrow, not because she was worried, but-

“Beyond the limits … Wouldn’t you want to enjoy a longer vacation? Remember well, there is only one week, after which St. Freya Academy will complete the expansion, there will definitely be a lot of trivial matters and problems, I need your help. ”

“Understood, I mean you don’t worry too much, say it’s okay for a week, but can’t you fidget in the past few days?”

“Hey, do you treat me like a child?”

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