Rita and Kokolia arrived at St. Freya’s Academy at almost the same time, the day Teresa planned to hold the opening ceremony.

Whether he didn’t want to come early to give people the feeling of impatience, or was he saving energy for St. Freya Academy, or whether he learned through their respective channels that the other party was also coming on this day, so he deliberately chose the same time, Hua Yi does not know.

From Teresa’s side, he took over the reception work, boasting that Haikou wanted to entertain Rita and Cokelia’s Hua Yi alone, and at this moment had to make a choice.

Whether you want to devote most of your energy to hosting one of them.

Argumentative power, Rita is higher than Cocolia.

In terms of the level of science and technology, although Rita is not a scientific researcher, the technology of destiny is not inferior to reverse entropy.

In terms of the forces behind it, Rita is the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny, and Kokolia, although she is also the high-level of anti-entropy and the executor, is the one who is isolated.

Regarding Hua Yi’s impression of them, as a former gamer and current captain, Hua Yi certainly has a better impression of Rita as a Valkyrie.

Coupled with the fact that Bronia can also take on the responsibility of receiving Kokolia, it is actually obvious what choice Hua Yi should make.

However, watching the battleship of Anti-Entropy and Destiny land on the same tarmac, adjacent to each other, Hua Yi knew that if he went directly to receive Rita, Kokolia would see everything.

Hua Yi didn’t have to care too much about Kokolia’s opinion, but he felt that he should care about Bronia’s opinion.

Even for the extremely small possibility that Bronia would have negative emotions because of the cold reception of her adoptive mother, Hua Yi wanted to take a more appropriate approach.

After a brief hesitation, he turned and left the tarmac, while speaking to the school staff.

“Wait until you divide into two groups and lead Rita and Kokolia to the reception room, where I will wait for them.”

In the past, people who were anti-entropy naturally did not officially visit St. Freya Academy for no reason, and they were all people of destiny.

Teresa is partly out of caution, partly due to the embarrassment of lack of talent, and partly to avoid being excused by her grandfather to suppress the development of St. Freya’s Academy, and as the head of the school, she will personally greet her on the tarmac every time.

This is the first time that St. Freya Academy has been greeted by someone under the position of the head of the school.

Then Hua Yi even asked these two very big guests to go to the guest room to find him.

When the staff heard his order, they couldn’t help but hesitate, not knowing whether to persuade Hua Yi or obey the order.

If persuaded, it has the intention of growing the morale of others and destroying one’s own prestige, but if it is not persuaded, St. Freya Academy will offend both the Mandate of Heaven and the anti-entropy will fall into a very dangerous situation.

“Don’t think about it, do as I say.”

Hua Yi waved his hand, signaling that the staff did not need to pay too much attention.

Can’t you call Teresa over again at such a time and ask her to help receive Rita or Kokolia, right?

Hua Yi didn’t think that things happened on the chassis of Destiny or anti-entropy, they would think so much, and they didn’t think that Otto and Walter would go out of their way to wait on the tarmac and other places to serve as greeters.

It’s time to put the St. Freya Academy at a height that is truly equal to Destiny and inverse entropy.

Kokolia came to St. Freya Academy for the first time.

Although I have seen a lot of information about Saint Freya Academy before, and there is a lot of general map information, but now Saint Freya Academy has made such a big change in her adopted daughter, and Kokolia is naturally curious in her heart.

Cocoria, who returned with Bronia and the Arlene sisters, did not care about her own image, and stood by the window before the battleship had fully landed, looking at the various things of St. Freya’s Academy.

She naturally saw the Mandate of Heaven battleship that arrived at the same time as herself, and the Hua Yi who was originally on the tarmac, but turned away when the two battleships landed.

“It seems that Captain Hua Yi is quite a shelf, right?”

Kokolia’s tone was inexplicable, and even Bronia couldn’t tell if it was a joke or a mockery.

However, the girl did not remain silent.

“The captain will not do meaningless things, and Bronia prefers to believe that it is the situation that Mother Kokolia and Rita of Destiny arrive at the same time, which makes the captain feel a little headache, so he will make this choice and not let either party feel coldly taken seriously.”


Kokolia didn’t say anything more, but sighed in her heart.

Bronia is helping Hua Yi speak again, and this feeling is quite annoying.

A moment later –

“Unexpectedly, the executor of anti-entropy, Ms. Kokolia, would also come to St. Freya Academy.”

Although there are many exits on the tarmac, there is only one best option to access the waiting room, and Rita and Kokolia inevitably come together.

Without shouting and shouting to kill, Rita greeted Kokolia in her usual gentle tone.

If the hostile relationship between the two sides is taken into account, this statement will give people a hint of innuendo, such as exploring whether anti-entropy has some kind of cooperation with the Saint Freya Academy in secret.

However, it is difficult for Kokolia to feel such a feeling at the moment.

Because it was Rita who spoke, her etiquette was too perfect, perfect to the point that even if she took a hostile position, she could not feel bad about her personally.

“It’s just that Bronia invited me over, and the relationship between anti-entropy and St. Freya’s Academy is far less than your destiny.”

Hearing this, Rita’s gaze shifted and looked at Bronia beside Kokolia, as well as Rosalia and Lilia.

A very friendly smile appeared on that beautiful face, which was already with a faint smile.


Perhaps because Kokolia did not show too hostile attitude towards Rita, or perhaps because Rita’s charm was too great, Rosalia and Lilia began to talk to her more normally, only Bronia remained silent.

Kokolia did not stop this, nor did she deliberately push it, so that the atmosphere was maintained to a fairly good extent.

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