In fact, Hua Yi also made a decision.

So far, the supply system has had two missions to reward crystals, one for the third Honkai and one for the giant beast Chiyu.

Hua Yi can roughly come to a conclusion – if there is another large-scale collapse, or another upper-level collapse beast with a long history or powerful combat power like the giant beast, he is likely to receive the task again.

At that time, it will be another two hundred and eighty crystals, and then another high-level supply, so that the strength will be improved.

Wendy represents the fourth collapse.

Hua Yi had already decided before to save the girl who was deceived by the greedy superior, and by the way, nip the fourth collapse in the bud.

He will not put the girl in danger for that crystal and the opportunity to become stronger, and even take the initiative to promote the tragedy.

As a result, Wendy said that she hopes to continue to dream well, and even has dreams that are not dreams, but realistic fantasies.

Hua Yi sighed.

“I wish I guessed wrong… Well, I understand your choice, as you wish. ”

Wendy pursed her lips and fell silent for a moment.

She suddenly hesitated.

If Hua Yi was not wrong, wouldn’t he be the same as a fool who made this choice?

It was he who voluntarily gave up the opportunity to be saved, and then walked step by step into the abyss, and even fell down.

Everything is self-inflicted.

Young girls are ultimately sentimental and suffer from gains and losses.

And Hua Yi’s next sentence made Wendy, who was originally inexplicably sad, stunned.

“If, I mean if, if the future is not as good as you think, then when you feel helpless, I and St. Freya Academy are still willing to lend a helping hand, so please don’t fall into despair.”

Hua Yi knew that when he said this, there would probably be one less lawyer in this world, and the fourth collapse would have a high probability of not happening again, and of course, he would lose a commission task to obtain crystals.

However, there will also be one less girl in this world who is deeply hurt, and that kindness may continue to be preserved.

There was no need to put it on the scale to weigh it carefully, and Hua Yi simply made a choice.

Hua Yi left Wendy’s training room, leaving the girl alone, speechless for all the information she had learned in this short period of time.

Not long after, the high-level of the Oceania branch, the middle-aged woman who was previously responsible for receiving Hua Yi, hurriedly broke into Wendy’s training room without knocking, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the girl’s figure.

She originally thought that Wendy was taken away by Hua Yi.

With the code of conduct shown by St. Freya’s Academy, if they knew that the Oceania Branch wanted to conduct human experiments on Wendy, it was really possible to forcibly take Wendy away, or take the Desire Gem away.

Either way, the Oceania branch couldn’t stop it.

Strength is on the one hand, mainly because Lord Bishop gave the order, and the big man who has always been high and high and in two worlds with many branches of the Mandate of Heaven unexpectedly showed great favor for Hua Yi.

“Wendy, what did that Captain Hua Yi say to you just now?”

The middle-aged woman, who has always been unapologetic when facing her subordinates, tried to support the smiling face that only appeared when communicating with her superiors, and asked Wendy softly.

This isn’t Wendy’s first encounter with a middle-aged woman, and before that, she had spoken to her many times and had been advocating statements such as “longing for gems to save humanity.”

At that time, middle-aged women were all righteous and righteous, and they didn’t smile at all, not even polite laughter.

At that time, she was very “divine”.

And now, looking at the other party’s smiling face, Wendy only felt hypocrisy.

The smile of the Captain Hua Yi, who had just left, was much better than hers.

Everything shows that it is not Hua Yi who is wrong, but himself.

But Wendy doesn’t regret it.

Even if she can’t save humanity, even if she dies a tragic death in human experiments, she can at least save the other Valkyries of the Oceania Branch.

…… But is that really going to be the case?

Will the high-ranking members of the Oceania Branch really abort the experiment because “even the Valkyrie, who has the highest adaptability in the collapse of the entire branch, cannot master the power of thirsting gems”?

Wendy’s heart was slightly cold.

“Captain Hua Yi just asked about my training methods and didn’t say much.”

“Ask about the training method? Oh, so it is, so it is. ”

The middle-aged woman nodded clearly.

She herself is a greedy and unconscientious type, and after pushing herself and others, she quickly draws conclusions.

Yes, the people of the Saint Freya Academy appeared, just to explore the reason why such an excellent Valkyrie appeared in the Oceania branch, and wanted to learn the cultivation method.

Even if he constantly preaches his own humanization and says that he wants to give the Valkyrie a good life, it is only a high-sounding rhetoric, and the real stakes are involved, and the Saint Freya Academy is no different from the Mandate of Heaven.

Originally, it was difficult for middle-aged women to understand how the naïve organization of Saint Freya Academy persisted for so many years, but now it seems that compared to the Mandate of Heaven, Saint Freya Academy is just an extra layer of hypocrisy.

As for the so-called cultivation method, where is there any special cultivation method, if there is, the Oceania branch would have defeated many other branches long ago and become an existence second only to the headquarters.

It’s not as insignificant as it is now.

Excellent is Wendy, who is gifted and easy to control, just like the other Valkyries.

It was perfect.

The middle-aged woman couldn’t help but hook the corners of her mouth more and more, she didn’t feel ashamed of her own incompetence, but gloated because Saint Freya Academy did useless work.

Seeing that the false smile added a hint of mockery, Wendy lowered her head and avoided the other’s gaze, preventing her from seeing the anger and sadness in her eyes.

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