Raiden Bud Yi has been diligent lately.

Diligence in every sense of the word.

She is not only responsible for the diet of Infinity Tarjiko, Kiana and Bronia, but also makes small snacks from time to time and gives them to Hua Yi, Teresa, and Bronia’s friends, Rosalia and Lilia.

If you are an ordinary girl, you will feel very tired just by completing these cooking tasks, and if you don’t really love it, you may even become irritable.

And Raiden Bud Yi has no complaints, and even enjoys being a cook.

The rest of the day, she was often away from home, either to buy food and daily necessities, or to practice swordsmanship in the training room, and to try to use her own powers as a lawyer more proficiently.

It can be regarded as entertainment time, probably a date with Hua Yi during the day, or a tryst at night.

Hua Yi knew that the third collapse brought pain to Bud Yi.

She has always attributed the sins of those who died because of the collapse in Changkong City to herself.

It’s hard to enlighten this kind of thing.

Hua Yi couldn’t say stupid things like “those people deserve to die” to Nha Yi, nor could he say the right reason to completely separate Nha Yi from the third collapse.

He could only try to give examples through various historical facts, telling her that even if there was no lawyer born, Honkai would destroy mankind by other means, such as the Ice Age, like the Black Death, like some abrupt wars.

The Lawyer is an advanced means of destroying humanity, but it is also the character most likely to turn humanity into victory compared to other situations.

If the Lawyer is willing to help humanity, then she will bring far more good than the destruction she created in the first place.

Not to mention that the casualties caused by the third collapse have reached the theoretical minimum with the efforts of St. Freya Academy and Hua Yi, and those survivors are all happy and grateful.

Hua Yi had already said this to Nha Yi.

But she didn’t untie the knot.

If it weren’t for the fact that when he was dating, Hua Yi could feel that the smile on Nha Yi’s face was from the heart, and during this time, he would not have the heart to think about other things, and would only find ways to solve Nha Yi’s psychological problems.

If you want to completely untie this knot, you don’t have to rely on words or simple actions.

Only when Nha Yi believes that more people are saved because of her existence, rather than more people are destroyed, will the knot be untied.

Therefore, Hua Yi did not stop Nha Yi’s combat training that had almost exhausted everything, and even often served as her sparring opponent.

Only by becoming stronger can we save more people.

After all, Nha Yi is not a scientific research talent.

Seeing Hua Yi in front of him, he was stunned, and Bud Yi showed a very gentle expression.

“Is there something wrong with the captain? Is it hunger? Or or… Want to go on a date? ”

At the end, her face flushed with a hint of redness.

Although he and Hua Yi are already old husbands and wives, girls will not change their personality due to changes in the relationship, and the shy emotion will not be completely abandoned.

At least not bud clothes.

Hua Yi looked at the girl in front of him, and in a trance, he seemed to see himself in the past.

I used to be preoccupied with the idea of preventing the third collapse, wanting to achieve salvation, and working hard to become stronger.

At that time, Nha Yi was Hua Yi’s swordsmanship teacher, and not just a swordsmanship teacher.

At that time, Bud Yi discovered Hua Yi’s inner obsession, and after being broken by her, Hua Yi further improved her mastery of emotions.

It was a metamorphosis from an ordinary gamer to a real captain.

And now, the person who is more eager to become stronger is Raiden Bud Yi, and the one who becomes a teacher is Hua Yi.

Who could have predicted this role reversal.

Just like Hua Yi at the beginning, Raiden Bud Yi’s mind gradually became more and more colorful, she hid her inner pain well, and the gentleness on her face made Hua Yi’s heart move.

And heartache.

“A few days ago, the clean-up of Changkong City by St. Freya Academy was completely completed, and the victims who were temporarily relocated before will soon be involved in the reconstruction of Changkong City with the assistance of many cities in the Far East.”

Hua Yi’s words made Bud Yi’s movements pause, and the gentle girl showed gratification, as well as a trace of weakness and sadness.

She wanted to hide, but in front of Hua Yi, at least at this moment, she lost the courage to hide.

And Hua Yi has already held Bud Yi in his arms.

“You are now the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy, and you are credited with the achievements made by the school. Don’t deny it, it’s not just a matter of money, you did protect everyone with your strength, didn’t you? Changkong City was emptied by you and Kiana, and many of the dead men in the belly of the giant beast Qianyou were also destroyed by you. ”

“I… It’s still far from that. ”

Feeling the warmth from Hua Yi, Raiden Bud Yi responded weakly.

“Your goal is very high, this is not something that can be reached overnight, if you wear out your body, I will be very sad, Kiana and they will also be very sad, Bud Yi, you should not be cruelly indifferent to this, right?”

The girl looked at Hua Yi very seriously.

“I haven’t reached my limits yet, at least, I haven’t trained to the point of being bruised like you once was.”

“That’s what only stupid people do, good kids don’t learn.”

Hua Yi paused, put on a carefully considered look, and continued.

“It seems that in order to supervise you, I will have to ‘check’ your body every day in the future.”


Obviously with sadness and serious topics, why did it suddenly take on color.

Even if Lei Dian Yayi knew that Hua Yi was doing this on purpose and wanted to change his mood, he blushed at the moment.

Her gaze drifted.

“What about sister Himeko?”

“I’m in good health, so it’s okay.”

At first, Raiden Bud Yi did not understand it.

When the reaction came, the embarrassed girl pinched Hua Yi a little harder.

It’s too much!

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