Western Pacific, Mariana Trench.

It is the deepest known part of the ocean, with high water pressure, complete darkness, low temperatures, low oxygen levels, and low food resources, making it one of the harshest areas in the world.

At the same time, it has an incomparably long history.

It is estimated that this trench has been formed for 60 million years.

Inverse Entropy found the remains of a pre-civilization here, Haiyuan City, as well as a huge teleportation device called [Eye of the Abyss], which connects to the Quantum Sea.

After a long period of research and analysis, Inverse Entropy roughly mastered the use of [Eye of the Abyss], and carefully began to explore the Quantum Sea.

From the very beginning to send Titan robots, to later personally enter, field investigation.

Due to the mystery and vastness of the quantum sea, even Walter has too many ways to explore, and must be limited to a limited range in order to determine the space-time anchor point and ensure that it can return.

At this moment, the alliance owner Walter, who left the main base of anti-entropy, and Einstein, the founder and executor of anti-entropy and also a powerful scientist, appeared in Haiyuan City.

“Sorry… Regarding direct experiments on [Eye of the Abyss], I still have reservations. ”

Einstein’s tone lacked ups and downs as always, and Walter’s face did not change because of the words that seemed to be opposed.

“We have argued about this many times and made a lot of preparations.”

“I’m not questioning the probability of success, but I’m afraid of that dimension that Otto calls the Quantum Sea, and we don’t know anything about its bizarre nature except knowing where the Eye of the Abyss leads.”

Previous explorations have not yielded any fruitful experimental data, and the only conclusion is that the quantum sea is too large to imagine.

That’s why Einstein was so conservative, and why Walter wanted to experiment more radically.

“That’s why experimentation, fearing is not a virtue that scientists should have.”

Obviously, in terms of position, Walter, as the owner of the alliance, is undoubtedly higher than Einstein as the executor, and judging from the appearance age of the two, Walter’s age is older.

However, at this moment, Einstein spoke with the attitude of teaching juniors.

“But it’s not a sudden advance, skipping more surveys, going straight to experiments… IMHO, you are in a hurry, lord. ”

“Impatient… Yes. Since that catastrophe, I have been looking for a way to put an end to the collapse once and for all, and anyone who has experienced this catastrophe has reason to fear the future. Doesn’t this city, this [Eye of the Abyss], offer just one possibility? ”

After a slight pause, Walter, who had originally had a very serious expression, softened a little, and continued.

“This world is no longer the exclusive stage of destiny, the St. Freya Academy is growing step by step, Otto is blinded by pride, and still has not been able to see its progress, but I have seen it. Since anti-entropy is no longer difficult to support alone, as the leader of the alliance, I should also put aside my scruples and make some bold attempts. ”

“My answer is still the same as before, you are a little too arbitrary, Lord. It’s like before I couldn’t believe that you wanted to give the core of the lawyer to that Captain Hua Yi without too many tests. ”

“Arbitrarily … I prefer to call it intuition, isn’t many achievements of scientists because of a flash of inspiration at a certain moment? Inspiration, intuition, and sometimes believable. ”

“I see.”

Einstein sighed, and Walter sighed in relief.

If this elder who raised himself insisted, he really couldn’t do it.

Walter, who was relaxed, flashed some pictures in his mind in a trance.

Some pictures that should be clearly in memory, engraved in the bones, but blurred by unknown circumstances.

In the end, Walter had a feeling that if he hadn’t had the core of the lawyer and was the first lawyer, he might not even be able to recall those blurry pictures.

“Dr. Einstein, did I have a teacher when I was a child?”

Walter’s abrupt question made Einstein slightly startled.

“…… Is there any? ”

In the vague picture that emerged in Walter’s mind, the teacher should know each other with Einstein in front of him, and he was extremely familiar.

Now it’s a bit scary.

However, Walter strangely did not feel a sense of panic, but had a strange sense of relief.

It’s as if the person who created such a situation would never harm him.

“Maybe I misremembered.”

Walter smiled and skipped the topic lightly.

Einstein did not delve into it.

“Record number ABS…, experimental content: activate the Moonlight Throne β, project energy to the center of the Eye of the Abyss, test space feedback, put the Avalanche Beast experimental body, and prepare to turn on the engine for transformation.”

The energy was injected into the spatial rift of the Eye of the Abyss.

Whether it is to collect and integrate the collapse energy, inject it into the quantum sea, and realize the peace of this world; Or to find a possible pure land in the quantum sea, as necessary, the last home of mankind, need to carry out some experiments.

At first, all readings were normal.

When Einstein was about to increase the power of energy injection, he suddenly noticed that the curvature of space-time was abnormal.

At the same time, a whisper sounded in the ears, as if a shadow swept over everyone’s heads.

“Something… It’s coming out of the Eye of the Abyss. ”

Walter knew that this experiment was a bit reckless and risky, so he was already prepared to deal with the risks.

There are not only two people in Haiyuan City, he and Einstein, but some other researchers of anti-entropy have also been brought to cooperate with experiments and scattered all over Haiyuan City.

The distribution of personnel makes it difficult to protect, and Walter prefers to actively break in and stop it than to let the contents of the Eye of the Abyss come out and put the members of the anti-entropy under threat.

The first law is never a greedy person who is afraid of death.

The name Walter represents the world.

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