101 – Can’t take it anymore

Are is showing a soft smile under the soft lighting.

At this, my heart started pounding for no reason, clearly recognizing that it was only her and me in this place.

Like that, in an atmosphere that stimulates the strange senses… Are said with a slightly sweeter voice than usual, lowering his head to me.

“I feel a little late, but. You really worked hard to lead us who are lacking in many ways even in difficult situations. On behalf of Dreamers’ hunters… I would like to thank you again.”

Are gives a calm yet heartfelt greeting.

I was able to recognize that the gratitude contained in it did not simply mean victory in battle.

Consolation for the mental pain I’ve been experiencing since the annihilation of the 28th guild.

Thank you for the effort you put into commanding the battle and giving us a victory in which no one dies in the end.

And crucially, depending on your point of view, she could be seen as the person responsible for the annihilation of the 28th guild… Even my gratitude for my actions for accepting Talos without any ill feelings…

Like that, I slowly shook my head and said about her actions as the actual leader of the group, conveying her feelings.

“Not enough.. not at all. It’s a fact that I always feel, but on the contrary, I don’t know how grateful I am to all of you for being my colleagues. I am lacking in many ways, but thanks to you, I was able to come this far. Also, I was able to find the meaning of living.”


I felt intoxicated by the alcohol and the atmosphere, but I meant it from the bottom of my heart.

If I didn’t have other colleagues… If I didn’t have the girl in front of me…

Perhaps, I might have completely collapsed after hearing the news that the 28th Guild had been annihilated.

The fact that those who had a sense of responsibility and tried to protect them somehow passed away in vain was such a big pain to me, and at the same time, it left a deep scar that was difficult to overcome easily.

But.. nevertheless, the wound was surprisingly well recovered.

Because you were by my side when I was suffering from my wounds.

Because there were beings who gave me meaning to live.

at that time..

“..I have a question. There is one thing. This may be an rude question, but…”

“… yes?”

In the next moment, Are’s words as she silently questioned me while looking at me.

Then she looked at my face and asked seriously.

“Have you ever… lost someone dear to you?”

“… ”

Are’s question posed towards me.

I could easily recognize the meaning contained in it.

At the same time, the fact that it did not mean the 28 guild was also true.

It’s not just a matter of being a former colleague, it’s a deeper issue…

The story that created the character of the current Nara, which is obsessed with fanaticism about not sacrificing a single person.

And about this…

I answered her in a calm voice.

“There has never been anything like that.”

“… ”

It wasn’t a lie.

However, this was not the perfect truth either.

As if recognizing this, she started staring at my face as it was.

Beautiful red eyes like jewels sparkling in the moonlight.

Catching its gaze, I let out a small sigh and told her.

“Ha ha.. to be precise.. there was a time when I almost did. Maybe you already know, but…”

“!… no way.”

At my words, Areh reacted as if he had suddenly thought of something.

To this, I gave a small nod of my head as a sign of affirmation.

“Although it was a brief moment. The emotions I felt then still feel frighteningly frightening even now. Fortunately, nothing major happened… to the point where I thought that if I experienced it again, it would be really hard to handle then. And… it’s actually less shocking than that, but when something similar happened, I couldn’t come to my senses for a while.”

“… It was.”

Are silently expressing her affirmation to my words.

Watching her like that, I filled up my glass again and slowly started drinking.

Lost territories can be regained.

A record of losses can be covered by a record of greater victories.


The dead…

No matter what you do, you can’t come back.

for recognizing that fact.

Because I know about that fear…

While I was in the position of lieutenant, I always acted cautiously as if I was walking on ice to live on, and because of this, I had to be criticized in many ways by the guild master and others.

However, despite this, I do not regret my actions, and I will continue to do so.

Until one day I don’t have to worry about this anymore…

like that.

As I reaffirmed the resolution I had been holding in my heart once again, my gaze began to turn to the woman in front of me again.

At this moment, along with Sooyoung noona, she is the most precious person to me.

No matter what happens… the existence that I must protect.

Looking at her unbelievable beauty

I was swept up in the atmosphere, and in the midst of a slight intoxication, I began to speak the thoughts I had always had.

“Really… it’s a pain I don’t want to go through again. The death of someone around me… that’s why, I will definitely stop it. As a commander in charge of people’s lives… never. For whatever reason, important people.. especially.. as much as losing you is a must..”

“… ”

Are, who bowed her head for a while, not responding to my words.

It was at that time that I was starting to have some doubts while watching her like this.

– Tup!


The next moment, Are suddenly reached out and grabbed my neck.

At this behavior of hers, I began to feel perplexed, as if my mind, which had been hazy for a while due to drunkenness, came to my senses again.



right after that…

A thrilling sensation that suddenly begins to curl your lips.

It was the second time I experienced it, and it began to wrap around my lips and mouth with a more unstoppable feeling than before.

“hahahaha… hahahaha..”

Are passionately kissing as if a snake were wriggling in its mouth.

I couldn’t help but surrender myself to her expression of affection without being conscious for a moment in the intense act of love that was carried out by being caught up in emotional excitement and drunkenness.

Her fiery tongue stirred in her mouth and the sweet, thick saliva dripped from it.

Almost completely caught up in the ecstasy it gave me, I could not resist, and I could only wait for Are, who was in charge, to finish the act.

And after a while…

“hahahaha… .”

As he exhaled his hot breath, he finally opened his mouth.

But.. I could clearly recognize that this was not the end, but a mere beginning.. Looking at her in front of my eyes.

Are pushes my body onto the sofa with all my strength.

About this, I told her with some urgency.

“Uh… Hey Aressi?

“Sorry..sorry.. but.. but Jinhyeon-nim.. er.. I can’t take it anymore.”

Are, looking at me and gasping for a rough breath.

Seeing her full of drunkenness and excitement that I could tell at a glance, I began to feel the alcohol run away.

Of course, no matter how insensitive I was to this kind of thing, in fact, I had some thoughts from the time she asked to see me separately.

The memory of the time I was in Paris the other day was still vivid in my head.

In fact, even if it weren’t for the emergency situation of being attacked by an exhibition hall, the two of us would have been on the verge of being in a relationship.

Of course, I knew what it meant that she asked me to meet her privately.

But. Apart from what I had expected to some extent, when it came to me in a more violent way than I had imagined, I automatically began to be seized with a thick tension.


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