106 – Class B girls conversation

“It’s a promotion test…”

“Yes, this time Jinhyun-nim Lee asked us to relocate the positions of talented hunters, including Talos, who has newly become a member of Dreamers.”

A report from Are.

Seeing this, a light smile began to form on the corner of the ‘Chairman’s mouth.

“Well, nothing bad. As I said before, do whatever you want. Anyway, the performance we achieved this time alone was admirable, so there are enough reasons to invest more in business.”

“Thank you, Chairman.”

Are silently lowering her head while looking at the person in front of her.

Then… Looking at her face, the chairman slowly corrected his posture and asked with a smile on his lips.

“Now, then.. From now on, a personal question that is not related to the company.”


Chairman, who is smiling with a meaningful meaning.

At this, Are’s face started to look slightly suspicious.

Then, looking at her, the chairman asked her in a very pleasant voice.

“how was it? Doing it with Jinhyun.”


The president’s question asking an unexpected fact.

In response to this, Aare’s face suddenly began to show deep embarrassment.

“Muh… what… Are you speaking?”

“hehehe.. You don’t need to be so pretentious. Even if it looks like this, are you and me? This much is just intuitive.”

“Um… ”

Are starts to blush at the President’s words.

However, at this moment, she was aware that there was no hole for her to escape, and she couldn’t help but open her mouth with a shy expression on her face.

“..jo.. was good.. really.. a lot..”

“Huh~ You really did.”

“N.. Yes?”


Areh again shows embarrassment at the president’s words.

Seeing her expression change so drastically that she usually doesn’t show any emotions, the president reacted like it was really fun.

Then, while looking at Aare in front of her eyes, she turned the chair back and spoke in a light voice.

“Now then, stop going back, I’ll be looking forward to your wedding date soon.”

“Ugh… ”

Are leaves the room in a slightly tattered mood after being subjected to such a one-sided affair.

Meanwhile… right after Aree left the room…

The president spoke in a quiet voice.

“Good.. really..”


Notice of promotion test given to Dreamers Hunters.

Although A-class hunters also participated, the main point of this test was to select a person qualified to be promoted to A-class among B-class hunters.


As such, naturally, those who showed the greatest interest in this work could be said to be B-class hunters who had only played a role in assisting the activities of A-class hunters.

The increase in annual salary and the increase in the number of vacations and annual leaves naturally received after becoming an A-class hunter was a very basic part.

Most of the B-class hunters were most interested in the high-level quests that only A-class hunters could receive, and the part that was used as a main force, not as an auxiliary on the battlefield.

Of course, the A-class hunters.. In particular, Dreamers’ A-class hunters’ power was as great as that of the fairly average S-class hunters, but among the B-class hunters, the number of those who showed rather remarkable growth after becoming black hunters was also Not a lot.

Those who had the idea that with their current skills, they would be able to carry out the request as the main force.

And, at this time.

In a cafe located downtown in Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju,

Three B-class hunters with such thoughts were drinking tea together.

“That’s why… let’s take this opportunity to clearly show our abilities and get the A-class hunter position! This is it! Wouldn’t it be possible to acquire the nickname that you have always wanted to have if you compete with your main force and become the protagonist of the battlefield?”

A woman with short blue hair shouting in a lively voice.


As a B-rank hunter belonging to Dreamers, she has a rather glamorous body contrary to her rather cute impression.

And, another Hunter who was listening to her.

A woman with finely cropped black hair, glasses on her eyes, an intelligent impression, and a slightly slim figure, giving off a sense of a beautiful girl.


As she listened to Roha, she put down the tea she was drinking and said with a slightly bitter smile on her lips.

“This name… did you yearn for something like that? No.. In the first place, the media arbitrarily attached that to S-class hunters.”

“So it makes sense! Even if you have a tinnitus that others don’t even know, what would you use it for? Just once in the spotlight in the press! As you receive it, it is mentioned. The protagonist of this battlefield! Mad Dog Iroha Hunter! I mean.”

Roha speaks with her eyes twinkling.

While listening to her words, a woman was drinking coffee across the street.


Pretty tall with short brown hair tied in a ponytail. With a slightly chic impression, she said a word about the name of a friend she wanted to tackle in many ways.

“No.. no.. I yearn for this name. But, a mad dog? No matter what name you give it, you’re barking like a mad dog? Is there any better name?”

“why? That’s cool mad dog! Even if it looks like this, I often hear that it is a doggie statue!”

“No, it’s a bit far from that… ha. Seriously, unlike how he looks, he’s a guy who doesn’t have a cute taste in many ways.”

While talking with sincere regret, Iro took another sip of coffee and seriously thought about the story for a while.

‘Well…but it’s a good thing to have a dream, but the problem is that the hurdles for that dream are quite high.’

In fact, among the S-class hunters who showed outstanding skills, there were more people known by their nicknames than their real names.

Like a hawk’s eye or a red comet…

The most famous case is Korea’s strongest hunter..

The nickname ‘God of War’ used by Cheok Chun-hyang would be a good example.

However, most of those with this nickname are S-class hunters belonging to official guilds.

As Black Hunters, it was usually difficult for them to get media attention unless they made a really great achievement.

Even Adjutant Lee Jin-Hyun and Dreamers’ A-class Hunters, who performed ignorantly in the previous battle, did not receive much attention from the media, and at most the adjutant who came out of the press conference was all that was mentioned once.

In other words. Even if they achieve similar achievements, it is difficult for ordinary black hunters to gain popularity, and in order to overcome that wall, they need really great achievements and skills to support them.

While feeling a bit bitter about that fact, Iro decided to quietly support Roha’s dream in front of her eyes.

Of course, apart from that, her position was that it was necessary to sincerely reconsider the nickname mad dog.

“Anyway, whether it’s an A-rank hunter or a second person, it won’t matter if you get good grades in the promotion test first. Are you there?”

“Yes, of course! You know what my skills are like, right? I’ll easily suppress the other B-class hunters!”

Roha answers Iro’s question in a bright voice.

However, both Lee Ro and Harim were well aware that her words were not simply groundless confidence.

And this… let alone those who express some concern.

The same goes for Harim, who has the impression that he will be far from fighting.

Among the B-class hunters, they were all determined to put their lives on the line in this promotion test.

‘Must pass! And, as a Black Hunter, I will make a jaw-dropping feat and receive the nickname I longed for!’

‘A chance to let go of the sorrow I received as a B-ranker in my 10,000 years… I can never miss it.’

‘If you become an A-class hunter and raise your salary, you’ll be able to buy more books you want to see, right? I will definitely pass!’

Three people who have different personalities but have their own reasons to stick together.

That’s how they waited for the upcoming promotion test date and began preparing for it with all their might.

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