155 – Roughly severe swearing

The guild masters finally arrived.

From the moment the strongest forces of the Kaesong defense line were gathered, the situation that was nothing more than a mere buying of time began to change.


“Attack! Block his movements!”

“First, cut off the limbs!”

“Watch out for the bird’s head! The pattern is simple, but the destructive power is no joke!”

Guild masters who skillfully attack opponents like long veterans flying on the battlefield

From the basic combat power, it is one step higher than the guild master combination of the Hamheung front line.

In particular, in the case of Kwak Je-hyeon, as if showing that she was not one of the strongest hunters for nothing, she was showing a strong endurance against the Abyss’ attacks, and the fighting power of other guild masters led by her was also not normal.

Swing the sword and make blood spurt from its bird head,

They open a window and stab it, making it impossible to regenerate.

Hunters who shoot a shotgun at close range and blow off one of his arms

Abyss was literally beaten unilaterally by the attacks of the guild masters, who were literally stamping and holding him down while inflicting such relentless attacks from all sides.


The Abyss, which was already in front of us, was actually approaching the final blow to the guy who was clearly in a visibly bad condition as he went through a series of battles with the Dreamers Hunters from Clean Guy’s blow.

The resilience, which was so disgusting as the immortal god, was gradually slowing down, and as a result, the physical strength also decreased as the movement slowed down.

In this state, no matter how much power he had, he could not stand it any longer, and in the end, his movements were blocked step by step by the guild masters’ blows.

“Keaeh… .”

The guy who struggles while letting out a cry that drains his energy.

However, both arms, which had already been cut off, could not grow anew, and one leg was also cut off.

In addition, the new head, which was in fact responsible for the main attack after the mutation, had spears stuck in both eyeballs, and it was impossible to move anymore due to weapons stabbed all over the body.

A guy literally on the brink of collapse.

Then, in their ears, the voice of Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun, who was giving instructions breathlessly, began to be heard.

-“Please remove the bird’s head first. Cut the joint in the abdomen.”-

At his words, Kwak Je-hyeon slowly approached with a sword.

As the distance got closer, he tried to attack her anyway,

Its movement, which already had no more room to move, was nothing more than a meaningless struggle.

“Krrrr… .”

“Then, goodbye!”


Kwak Je-hyun, who resolutely cuts off the joint.

At the same time, the movement of the guy who was struggling with difficulty stopped.


“Kaaa… … .”

The head of the bird’s bird’s head makes a sound as if steam is escaping, and the person’s breath is cut off due to the already severely accumulated damage.

At the same time, their eyes began to see feathers falling from the humanoid part of the sword that had just been covered with feathers.

The hands, which had changed like bird feet, began to change to resemble human ones, and the swollen muscles and twisted bones began to return to their original state.


“eww… Ugh..”

“… ”

As it is, it starts to slowly open its eyes while shaking its body.

right after that…

“!..what.. what..hey?”

Speaking in normal human language, it began to show bewilderment.

Regarding this, Kwak Je-hyeon began to think a little about how to deal with it.

At that moment, the voice of Lieutenant Jin-Hyun Lee came to her ears.

-“… . I beg you.”-

“I get it.”

She nodded at his words.

Right after that, Kwak Jehyeon aimed the sword he was holding at the nape of its neck.


It shows embarrassment at her action of putting a sword into his neck.

Regarding this, Kwak Jehyeon asked it in a cold voice.

“What is your name?”


At her question, he starts to roll his eyes as if he is anxious for a moment.

And then, it looked at Kwak Jehyeon and answered with a trembling voice.

“I… I… I am Seo Ji-yoon! I.. I belonged to the 28th guild.. S-class.. Hunter..”

“Hmm… ”

Watching him talk about his identity, he slowly withdrew his sword.


In response, it let out a deep sigh and bowed its head deeply as it was.

“It seems to be right. For now, I will pay attention and protect myself as you said.”

Kwak Je-hyeon speaks in a calm voice after completing its ‘identification’.

Then, after sharing a few more words, she gave a chin to it, and immediately the hunters around her began to move quickly as if to rescue it.

And looking at that figure, a smile filled with relief began to form on the corner of its mouth that was lowering its head.

at that time..

“Come to think of it, is the cut off part okay? Let me know if you need any help.”

“yes? Ah yes. It’s okay.. It’s okay. At this level, well… you will recover soon.”

Although it has slowed down, it still maintains transcendent resilience compared to humans.

The amputated limbs should have healed in three days or so.

It is a story that considers that fact.

Regarding this, Kwak Je-hyeon nodded with a slight smile on his lips.

“Yeah.. that’s right.”

“Yes, it’s really okay, I… ”

That moment..


“… .uh?”

The next moment, a sudden, sharp sound was heard.

Immediately after that, its expression began to harden as it was.


It was Kwak Je-hyun’s action of cutting off the last remaining leg with a cold expression.

And right after…

“Kyaaa!!! Tlqkdkdkdkdkf!!! anjgksmsrjdi dl rowktlremfdkdkdkdkdk!!!!!! (roughly harsh swearing)”

It screams while pouring out an incomprehensible language.

Seeing this, a cold smile began to form on Kwak Je-hyeon’s lips.

Then, through her earphones, she spoke to the person who directed the situation.

“As you said, it was a fake.”

-“I dug a trap just in case, but it seems to have been caught very accurately.”-


When I saw the guy whose joints were cut off and returned to his human form, I initially thought it would be a case like Talos.

However, right after that, I began to feel a strange awkwardness in the way it looked in my eyes.

A part that would not have been easy to notice if it was someone else.

However, the fact that the original was Seo Ji-yoon, I could recognize that this guy seemed to be hiding something.

‘Seo Ji-yoon’s condition was exactly that when she was kicking the ball. That bitch doesn’t tremble even when a knife is stabbed in her throat.’

Of course, as much as it is a bit excessive to doubt with that alone, I subtly instructed them to ask a test question.

Previously, in the case of Talos, he had almost no memories of the time of the Abyss, and he was often surprised at the part about his own body condition.

When the crushed arm was restored in a few days, it was a situation that even received a considerable shock.

But.. about this, even though it was just after it was ‘rescued’, I accepted it so naturally. Looking at it, I ordered the last confirmation.

Cutting off his legs is the surest way to rip off his mask.

As expected, the guy let out a scream in Abyss language that humans couldn’t understand, and through this, I could understand very clearly.

The fact that the guy in front of me… even if he had Seo Ji-yoon’s knowledge, was clearly an Abyss.

Right after revealing his true identity, I gave the same order to Kwak Jehyeon.

-“For now, I would like to ask you to capture it and bring it back. Alien torture can yield useful information in many ways.” –

“I get it.”

Like that, the hunters who firmly capture and drag him after completing the clear identification of ‘Abyss’.

Immediately after the last remaining task was completed, I leaned back in the chair feeling a deep fatigue.

As I feel the aftermath of a poor sleep over the past few days rolling in like crazy…

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