158 – What about us?

A terrible situation unfolding before our eyes.

Regarding this, the guild masters couldn’t decide what to do with stunned expressions for a while.

The figure of Hunter making a crazy laugh while giving birth to the Abyss.

Even among them, the shock was multiplied in that they knew who she was.

“Isena… how could this woman…”

“… Gut..”

Even though they went through hardships while carrying out an operation that didn’t work because of her, apart from that, the scene in front of them could never feel good from a human point of view.

The image of a laughing woman who has lost her mind while giving birth to monsters…

No matter how much the opponent is the trash that the world will chew to death, this situation was too terrible to see it and be thrilled.

“hehehehe… ”

Isena was laughing with a voice full of deep despair.

It was the time when the guild masters were showing shocked expressions while watching this.

“for now… Let it come back.”

“… Yes?.. ha.. but..”

“That’s what you came here for. Remove the attached Abyss and transport them for now. Take care of those who crawl out later.”

“Ah..n… Yes. Ah.. I see.”

The guild masters responded with trembling voices following Kwak Je-hyeon’s orders.

So, in a reluctant mood, they began to approach the fallen Isena, and then they began to see the fallen woman more clearly in their eyes.

The black Abyss still crawling out from the bottom… and also crawling out from inside the empty smiles.

First of all, the hunters didn’t really want to do it to deal with them, but once they reached out and grabbed one of them, they started to pull it off.

“Aha…ahahahahaha… hehehe..”

Every time, Isena let out an unpleasant laugh while moving her body as if it was itching or feeling some other emotion.

Watching it like that, the hunters felt together with disgust and a terrifying feeling that suddenly began to bloom in their hearts.

‘If… if the person captured by the Abyss had been someone here other than Isena, that person might have ended up like this too…’

‘Is this what the captive hunter said?… Become a monster assimilated with them and slaughter humans. Or give birth to monsters with your own body…’

Looking at Abyss Seo Ji-yoon, whom they had dealt with just before, and Isena, who was now in front of their eyes, the hunters automatically felt a chilling fear in a corner of their hearts.

From their point of view… No, a future that no human being wants to face, a future that is so terrible that they would rather die than die.

Recognizing that fact, they began to count very clearly in their hearts that even if the skies split in two in the war to come, they should not face the fate of prisoners.


“hehehe… Ehehehe..”

“… ha..”

The image of Isena lying on the other side of the glass wall.

I let out a heavy sigh as I watched her completely out of her mind as she was hastily treated to remove the remaining Abyss eggs in the cage.

‘It ended up like that… To be honest, I don’t particularly sympathize with it, but it doesn’t look very nice.’

I was thinking that one day I would be punished by God.

Not only because of me, but also because of the cost of the lives of countless people who died because of that bitch.

But apart from that, the sight of it smiling aimlessly while spewing up and down the Abyss eggs at this moment didn’t give me as much excitement as I thought.

With such a slight feeling of discomfort, I turned around and left the place.

‘By the way… Now that the mission is over, shall we go back?’

The request to stop the Abyss from going south was completely finished.

In addition, as long as Isena, who could be the seed of disaster, was recovered, there should be no major problems for a while.

Thinking that I could rest for a while with this, I moved toward the dorm.

at that time..

“Adjutant Jinhyun Lee?”


The voice of a person I’m used to hearing the next moment.

I stopped my steps at the voice of Adjutant Jeong Gong-heo and looked around.

“Yes, what are you doing?”

“That’s… if you have time, could you sit down with me for a while? I have something to tell you.”

“What is that?”

The operation ended with this, and the Abyss were annihilated.

Of course, in the center of the Asian continent where China used to be, there were still numerous Abyss.


Now that most of the Abyss that had infiltrated here on the Korean Peninsula were wiped out due to the battles on the Hamhung and Kaesong fronts, it was safe to worry about enemy invasion for a while.

Nevertheless, Adjutant Jeong Gong-heo still looks serious.

From his appearance, I sensed that something unusual was going on.

Then he answered my question in a serious voice.

“I don’t think this is a story to share here. Follow me and I will tell you.”

“Well…then let’s do that.”

I don’t know exactly what it is, but I followed him once I saw him talking with seriousness.

And after a while, the place where I arrived.

There… the person who faced the enemy at the forefront of this battle.

Hunter Kwak Je-hyun, who ranks 4th among Korean hunters in combat power, was sitting.

A person who has been confirmed to have combat power that surpasses even Are, the strongest power of Dreamers.

To that extent, the woman sitting in front of me felt like a tiger.

“I was waiting for you. Please sit down for now.”

“yes. All right.”

Following her words, I first sat down, and then Adjutant Jeong Gong-heo also sat down next to me.

“First of all, Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun, I saw your skills very well. I’ve heard rumors, but it’s really great. I really never thought that I could wipe them out completely like this without sacrificing my allies.”

“It is overrated. Although I commanded the operation, it was a victory that would have been impossible without the cooperation of others.”

“Don’t say that, because not only me and Lieutenant Jeong Gong-heo here right now, but also everyone here believes that the victory in this war was thanks to you.”

“It is as you say. I also want to thank you for this victory once again.”


I felt a little embarrassed by their unfamiliar compliments. At the same time, I started noticing that they were going to ask for my help to get something serious out of the way.

“I would be very happy if you said so. But… it’s not like the two busy people called me to talk about this. What is the story you want to tell me?”

A slight smile began to form on the corners of their lips as they saw me asking for a direct answer without having to go round and round.

And then… Adjutant Jeong Gong-heo hardened the expression on his face and spoke to me in a serious voice.

“All right. Then I will tell you.”

With those words, once again, after looking at Hunter Kwak Je-hyun, who was sitting next to him,

Adjutant Jeong Gong-heo spoke to me in a voice full of determination.

“As you were in charge of the Kaesong defense this time, I know that you already understand the situation better than anyone else. Adjutant Jinhyun Lee. Please speak calmly. We… how much longer can we hold out like this?”


Adjutant Jeong Gong-heo talks about a more serious matter than he thought.

Regarding this, I started to frown slightly, and then, seeing my reaction, he continued with a serious voice.

“Please answer me. Although we won this time thanks to Adjutant Lee Jin-Hyun, everything after this is very unclear. I would like to hear the opinion of the adjutant in this regard.”

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