168 – signs of change

Head-to-head meeting to decide the movement of the ROK military.

Inside, discussions were going on about the so-called plan to advance on the Yalu River.

“We, the Lee family, actively vote in favor of this proposal. There will be no opportunity like this other than now, when there is a gap in the enemy’s power.”

“Our faction also agrees. If you can take this opportunity to bring back the lost territory, there will be nothing better than that. For this, we also declare that we will provide maximum support.”

“So are we. Although our three factions compete with each other, it would be the right thing to cooperate in this matter. For the welfare and glory of the country.”

The overall flow is an atmosphere in favor of all three factions.

However, there were still disagreements about the details contained within.

“When it comes to munitions, we have no choice but to take the initiative. As you may know, the Lee family’s Suseong power is being carried out quickly and accurately.”

“Um… However, munitions are not one or two, and crucially, we have a way to magicalize resources at a minimum cost. from that point of view. We also see that we have to take on some of them.”

“What! This has been a leading issue in our family for generations! I won’t forgive you if you try to put a spoon on it now!”

“No matter how much it is, you shouldn’t monopolize forever. How about making concessions to others now?”

“I can’t! I heard that you guys are gathering troops from all sides to carry out this operation. Advance warfare is good, but shouldn’t we leave troops behind just in case?”

“Isn’t that natural as it is commanding our troops? Why do we have to report this and that to the Lee family about the military transfer?”

“This… these bastards!”

As they vomit such intense anger, they begin arguing with each other again, as always.

From that point of view, it would have taken a considerable amount of time for this to be perfectly decided, and in that respect, sighs began to flow automatically from the mouths of the three people here.

‘ha… ‘

‘As expected, like this again…’

‘Aren’t you tired of it… those humans…’

If it’s trivial, people who procrastinate over trivial things.

Objectively, as much as continuing a blood-drying war of nerves with something that is really nothing,

Surprisingly, there was not much concern about emergencies that might occur.

The fortunate thing is that they are also aware of the importance of this agenda, so under the concept of proceeding with the operation, it was possible to say that there was a certain outcome in that it was a situation where it could be said that there was a clear consensus.

Of course, I didn’t think that things would go smoothly after that, and it actually went that way.

But… even so, they weren’t feeling nervous.

While watching this boring scene, thinking that it will end sooner or later…


Hamheung with the blue sky.

Beneath it, at this moment, many people were busy moving.

“Load it quickly.”

“We take care of everything except for the new ones.

“Check your defense system again. No matter what, you have to be careful about burglars.”

As if they were moving, the hunters and soldiers were busy packing and preparing to move.

Some of them have already been fully prepared, while others still need time. All of their faces showed a common emotion.

It was an anticipation of what was to come, and a bit of relief.

What is expected is that they, who have been crouching in Hamheung all along, are finally able to move forward in earnest and start recovering the territory.

And the thing about relief was that the supply situation, which had been going badly for a while, was barely breathing.

“Adjutant Song Dana, this side is ready!”

“Good work. Let’s start right away.”


Adjutant Song Dana, who is the commander of the Hamheung Frontline and has a fairly solid position in the Air Force.

She was putting on a calm smile on her lips as she watched the transport plane leave in front of her.

A transport plane leaving Hamheung and heading for the defense line near Geumseong Lake.

A large number of unmanned fighters were accompanying them as if escorting them.

On the ground, the army, including tanks and self-propelled guns, was also on the move, and a number of hunters were together around them.

Like that, with thorough preparations for the unexpected situation where the Abyss might pop out, Adjutant Song Dana, along with other adjutants, was diligently learning about troop movement.

As soldiers, the adjutants who command those who are moving with anticipation for this operation.


At this moment, their faces…

On the faces of the adjutants, there were quite different emotions from the other soldiers.

A community of adjutants where those who have no work right now are actively conversing.

It was because the atmosphere inside had been getting more and more unusual lately.

‘It’s a revolution…’

The adjutants are talking with a lot of sincerity, not at the level of simply expressing frustration.

Of course, there were also those who opposed hasty actions that could bring about a big storm.

However, even they are just saying that in the sense that they should not be in a hurry.

There was no one who opposed the so-called ‘revolution’ itself.

‘It was too much of a shock to openly protest against that. The fact that Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun, not someone else, said that…’

He is a rare strategist who achieved perfect victories twice, and he is acknowledged by all his adjutants.

The theory was that by the time he declared that the current situation was unmaintainable, the hearts of his adjutants had already hardened halfway.

The words of a person in authority are so scary.

Moreover, given that it was immediately after giving them the psychological shock of an overwhelming victory once again, it was safe to say that virtually no one could resist the power of his remarks.

‘In addition, it is a fact that we all feel decisively. I too… I’m aware that I can’t go on like this for long.’

Although I was able to breathe a little while talking about a large-scale operation now.

Considering the supply and support situation, which had been sluggish right after the battle ended, it wasn’t once or twice that her stomach was boiling.

And this is, even if this operation ends successfully, there is a high possibility that it will be repeated again in the future.

In a situation where things had come this far, the word revolution was something I couldn’t help but think of.

‘Of course.. that’s why it’s a story that’s unreasonable for us to plan a rebellion openly.

It was a law that needed someone who started anything and led it.

However, in the current community, there are a few people who sprinkle rice cakes, and many of them were sympathetic to this. There was no one who specifically moved to action.

‘If Lieutenant Jinhyeon Lee was still a soldier, the story would have been different. Unfortunately, he, as a civilian, will not be able to lead this matter… In the end, it is said that one of us has to step in, but there is no one who deserves it…’

Feeling so frustrated with the current situation,

Adjutant Song Dana began quietly watching the troops moving in front of her eyes for a moment.

at that time..


The next moment, her cell phone suddenly starts ringing.

After checking the familiar number in it, she turned on the phone.

“Yes, Void Lieutenant. What is it?”

A call from a friend who has no reason to feel strange whenever a phone call comes.

However, a few seconds after receiving it.

Adjutant Song Dana’s face began to harden slightly.

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