179 – Stance shift?

A large army filling the empty field just two days ago.

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Just like that, a ray of tension began to pass through Cheok Chun-yang’s face as she watched the enormous army confronting them.

‘..After all, this day has really come.. The day when Hunter wages a war against Hunter… ‘

The purpose of the Hunters, beings with powers beyond humans, was to hunt down the Abyss that threatened humanity.

The fact that they were now aiming their swords at the same human being gave a bad feeling not only to her, but also to everyone here.

However, the inevitable dark clouds of war had already begun to drift between them, and now it began to slowly sweep through both camps, creating an atmosphere that seemed to explode in a moment.

The fateful time is not far off.

However, apart from this atmosphere, both sides did not start a battle right away, and were only observing the opponent’s movements for a while.

In their minds, the burden of issuing an attack order to their comrades still settled.

And one more crucial part.

Because, in the midst of this tension, each command was trying to make the last contact through the screen at this moment.

– “I will say it again. If we surrender obediently, there will be no bloodshed. No matter how plausible the cause was, it was clearly a rebellion. Do not tarnish your honor as a soldier, and stop at this point for the sake of the lives of precious celebrities.”-

– “Yeah.. I knew you would say that. But Chunyang. Think carefully again. Even if you shed blood while holding a weapon in a situation like this, you won’t be able to change the trend.” –

– “That’s right. Aren’t you well aware that the government is already rotten? I know the loyalty of Cheok Chun-yang, the guild master, but even so, the current upper echelons of the military are not worth risking their lives to protect.”-

Guild Master Kwak Je-hyeon and Adjutant Song Dana try to convince Miss Cheok Chun somehow.

The biggest reason right now is that if you fight with her and the 1st Hunter Guild under her command, you will inevitably suffer a huge loss in terms of power in many ways.

And the other one… No matter how much they say they are in the position of causing a revolution, it is because of the feelings they have for the individual character, Cheok Chun-yang.

As Korea’s strongest hunter, he possesses the strongest military force and that much loyalty.

For them, who are working for a just cause, they didn’t want to fight such a person as much as possible, and it was only natural that they wanted to bring them to the same side if possible.

However, in spite of their wishes, Cheok Chun-yang made a resolute declaration.

-“Unfortunately, the importance of a country is not contained in the person leading it. Because it is a country, it is worth protecting. No matter how dirty and corrupt we are, we are soldiers. It is a natural duty to give one’s life for one’s country.”


It’s a word I’ve heard often as a friend, but it sounds so frustrating at this point.

The more he talked like that, the more Kwak Je-hyeon’s heart grew heavier as he only felt the difference between her and them.

The other party’s opinion was resolute, and it shows no signs of coming over.

In addition, the longer they drag on, the more disadvantageous they are in the end.

In the end, she had no choice but to make a decision.

I didn’t want to get down that much.

However, on the other hand, the decision I had already made up my mind…

-“In the end.. Is this the fate that has no choice but to be like this?”-

– “It is the fate you have chosen. Please accept it gracefully.”

-“..Really.. I’m sorry..”-

As they expressed their regrets for each other’s decision one last time, they ended the call.

“…Now that it’s like this, there’s really no other way but to fight.”

“It’s a war against Korea’s strongest hunter guild… I don’t think it’s going to be a really easy fight.”

Kwak Je-hyeon and Hwang Yuna talk while feeling bitterness and concern at the same time.

It wasn’t just out of sadness at having to point a knife at a colleague.

Although they had a numerical advantage, none of them saw this battle easily.

It was not easy from the defense system that can be seen right in front of the eyes,

Crucially, they were well aware that the strength of the 1st Hunter Guild was different from that of the general Hunter Guild.

An assembly of the best hunters in Korea.

While newcomers to other guilds started at C-level, this one was supposed to accept only those who showed quality among A-rank hunters as newcomers.

Even the combat power of ordinary hunters is almost comparable to S-class.

On top of that, the guild master, Cheok Chun-yang’s combat power was so powerful that it was not a waste of the title of a god of war.

A monster capable of killing thousands of Abyss single-handedly without suffering a single wound.

It was true that the two people, who knew very well how strong the existence of Korea’s strongest human being was, did not dare to face each other easily.

‘But… that doesn’t mean I can’t back down.’

‘We’ve already come this far. Now I have no choice but to see the end.’

Making that final decision, they got up and headed straight for the central control room.

To give orders to the entire army to advance.

In order to defeat the ‘enemies’ in front of my eyes and go to Seoul…


Black Dragon Island

A huge greatsword 1.5m long with the image of a black dragon embroidered on it.

The blade part of the sword is made of a vibrating monomolecular cutter, and the blade is made of adamantitanium, so it is a weapon that can demonstrate excellent performance in both defense and defense situations.

Holding the weapon, which is currently at the peak of swords that can be produced in Korea, in hand,

She is..

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Jeok Chun-yang, the strongest hunter in Korea, made up her mind for the last time and asked in a calm voice.

“How are the enemies moving?”

“We are entering full-scale combat readiness. We will probably launch an advance soon.”

“… okay. I guess so. What about our response system?”

“Most of the preparations have been completed. As soon as they start marching, the defense system is supposed to activate and launch an attack.”

Automated drones, automated turrets, and even mines laid on the ground in advance.

The moment all this is put into motion, the front of the enemy will surely have to suffer a significant blow.

Of course, there may be some differences as the basis of these is to deal with non-human Abyss, but regardless of that, it was clear that they were all weapons specialized in mass destruction.

And that means that a lot of people will die soon.

However, despite knowing the situation, she gave the order.

In order to faithfully carry out the ‘order’ that came down from the country

“Do not hold back and respond thoroughly. Again, they are rebels. As it is a threat to the foundation of the country, we must definitely rule it out.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Cheok Chun-yang encourages her subordinates one last time.

Immediately after that, the enemy’s movement began as they expected, and accordingly they activated the defense system and prepared to annihilate the enemy.

That moment..


“Cheer… Commander Cheok Chun-yang!”

“what? What’s the fuss?”

A soldier hurriedly opened the door and entered.

Regarding this, the faces of those in the command center, as well as Ms. Cheok Chun, began to look puzzled.

Then, towards them, the soldier conveyed something as if something was chasing him.

“..is this.. what is it?”

“Four…this is an order from the upper echelons! An order to be delivered to the Commander immediately…”

“Enemy is in front of my eyes, what is this…”

Feeling that slight burst of colic, she began to check the contents of the paper in her hand.

An order clearly descended from above.

The moment you see it,

A deep look of bewilderment began to appear on her face.


“… This… this… how did this happen?”

“I… I don’t know the details either. But the order says so.”

“Let’s check again. No.. I will contact you directly. And until then, stop all attacks.”

“N.. Yes, I understand.”

Immediately after giving that order, she immediately started contacting the upper echelons through the direct line.

‘What the hell is this… what is going on?… Negotiate as much as possible and surrender if not…’

Up until yesterday, the upper echelons had told them to wipe out the rebels right away.

Feeling deep doubt about how they changed their posture in just one day, she contacted…

The answer was exactly the same as the order she received.

Along with the story of not asking for details and following orders.

Despite feeling so confused, Miss Cheok Chun had no choice but to carry out the order.

It wasn’t until some time later that she learned the truth.

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