213 – Why are you here?

I have often heard that absolute beauty sometimes even makes one feel sacred.

And this was a fact that I, as well as other hunters who claimed to be pretty, could not help but sympathize with.

Glass Leash.

She already has a beauty that seems to be on a level higher than others from her face.

A face with transparent and immaculate skin, and a shape that makes you feel mysterious and majestic.

And there. her body… To be honest, even Are, who can be proud of being an S-class by the standard of the general public, was so perfect that he gave up.

A sense of elasticity and elegance.. and even voluptuousness.

In the case of Are, it was still to the extent that it could be considered the same category of human beings, but in the case of Glass, it had an appearance that seemed to transcend perfection to the extent that it felt like something from a different dimension than just a human being.

A glass that spreads the feeling that it is already a noble existence just with its appearance..

over there…

The outfit she was wearing was also more like a goddess dress rather than a swimsuit.

A white piece of cloth secured to something like a ring pin hanging from the neck.

It wrapped itself around her large, beautiful breasts, reconnected behind her back, and wrapped around her arms like wings.

In the case of the lower part, a long cloth wrapped around the pelvis with a feeling reminiscent of a skirt.

And, a swimsuit with a fairly narrow area at a glance that looks frozen in between.

like that..

It was the time when I couldn’t come to my senses for a while while looking at the glass, which looked like it would be more appropriate to look down at the leisurely world from a high place, not the ground.

“Aide? Didn’t you say you were going to eat? I’m starting to feel hungry.”

“… Yeah? Ah..b… yes.”

While exuding a goddess force in her appearance, Glass says that she is hungry in a familiar tone that is no different from usual.

Listening to her words like this, I was finally able to return to reality, and like that, we immediately started moving towards the restaurant in the hotel.


“Vraiment délicieux! (really delicious)! It is exactly as expected!”

Sitting at a restaurant, Glass eagerly enjoys a meal with a familiar exclamation.

Aside from her graceful goddess-like appearance, the hunters, including me, automatically began to smile bitterly at her appearance, pouring out rave reviews for delicious food as always.

‘As expected.. Apart from appearance, glass is glass..’

‘It’s always the same that he’s serious about food, but… How can I say it?

‘Well… Actually, that’s the charm of glass in its own way.’

Feeling that subtly disillusioned, we began to enjoy our meal in the same way.

Starting with seafood soup made with lobster,

From pork dishes, which are famous here in Hawaii, to puddings made with coconut, etc.

It was the first time everyone had tried it, but nevertheless, the taste was so wonderful that admiration came out naturally.

“It is really delicious. Unusually, this meat.. The savory yet sweet taste is very excellent.”

“Really. I don’t really like pork, but I don’t think I’ll get tired of it no matter how much I eat it.”

“Crunch! Wow, wow!”

“… is this over there? I remember hearing that you eat only a little because you have to go on a diet..”

“it’s okay! I can’t go to Salo for something this delicious!”

“..hahahaha.. what. This kind of dish is not easy to eat normally, so let’s skip today, Talos.”

“Well then, delicious food is also good for health. On the contrary, if you don’t enjoy it at a time like this, you’ll gain more weight from stress.”

Dishes prepared by the best chef with carefully selected ingredients in a luxurious restaurant in a luxury hotel.

While enjoying it to our heart’s content, we filled our hungry stomachs from flying long distances.

at that time..

“This… Adjutant Jinhyun Lee?”

“… yes?”


The next moment, a familiar yet unexpected voice suddenly came out.

At this, we started to turn our gaze in the direction of the sound.

And… the moment I realized who the person standing there was…

“all… you are! wealth… Obviously… that adjutant then… Quoc!”

“Lieutenant Commander… And lower your voice.”

Haram raised her voice in deep embarrassment, and Iro, who spoke in a low voice, striking her side once again.

However, even though only the two of them spoke correctly, at this moment, all of us were just as shocked by this sudden encounter as the girls.

A woman standing with two hunters who appear to be bodyguards in front of our eyes…

Even though she was wearing sunglasses, we could recognize at a glance who she was… having met her several times already.

Lieutenant General Song Dana…

He is one of the people who hold real power in the Republic of Korea, and a person who has a deep relationship with us in many ways.

There is no other place to find such a person… in this faraway Hawaii

I really couldn’t imagine that we would meet at the same hotel… It seemed that this was a situation that not only us but also she had never thought of.

“Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun…and even the Dreamers’ hunters… what are they all doing here?”

“What are you doing… Hey, as you can see, I was eating. In many ways, I had time to spare, so I went on vacation as a group to train…”

“Ah.. that… that’s right.”

Lieutenant General Song Dana fanned her face slightly as if she had a fever because she was so surprised by my words.

Looking at her like that, I looked around for a bit and asked quietly with a low voice.

“But… Lieutenant General Dana, what are you doing here? If there is something important…”

“much? Ah… no, there is no such thing. I’m also on vacation for a while.. Nothing special happened, so don’t worry.”

Lieutenant General Dana speaks in a slightly awkward voice.

In response, I suddenly began to recognize that there was something she was not telling me.

Of course, meeting unexpected people in such a remote place can be embarrassing, but even taking that into account, the emotion on Vice Admiral Song Dana’s face now felt a bit unnaturally rigid.

His breathing was strangely rapid, and his face was visibly flushed.

Nine out of ten, a situation that seems to be greatly upset by something.

But… I decided not to dig deep into it.

Although they were close friends to some extent, she was still a lieutenant general holding real power in a country, not an adjutant who was in a position where she could meet eye level to some extent in the past.

No matter how old comrades are, there are inevitably enough serious issues that cannot be said.

Considering that, I came to the conclusion that it would be better to keep her from interfering with her ‘work’ as much as possible.

‘Judging from how nervous he is, he must have something important going on here, right? Are you trying to meet the President of the United States?.. Or is there an important meeting with executives…’

I don’t know the exact inside story, but from my point of view, whichever side I became, I didn’t have to worry too much.

So, with a smile on my lips, I spoke to the woman in front of me in the most polite voice possible.

“Okay, I see. Then, we just finished eating, so I’ll excuse myself at this point. See you later.”

“… what? … Ah.. uh.. yes.. that.. yes. Then… later…”

Vice Admiral Dana answered my words with a slightly stiff voice.

Looking at her like this, I felt once again that she was quite nervous, and left the restaurant with the hunters.

At the end, while watching us, she seemed to be talking in a low voice, not paying attention to what she said…

“..but.. we met like this after a long time..”

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