With Jiang Xiao's permission.

Lao Wangtou even sat on the sofa and drank some water.

I don’t know whether it was because the dead pig was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water or because he was upright and was not afraid of the shadow being crooked, but Lao Wangtou’s expression actually relaxed.

Jiang Xiao, I just want to ask you a question first. If you are a father and a father who loves your daughter deeply, can you allow a pornographic pervert like me to live with your daughter? And at this time Your daughter’s body is starting to take shape.”

Jiang Xiao's anger suddenly rose again, draft! Of course it's impossible!


Everyone present was stunned, as if they had vaguely grasped something in their minds.

Well, my old Wangtou said that I am half a perverted voyeur. There shouldn't be any objections here, right?

No one objected.

He, a pervert, does have this fetish.

Mr. Li, well, although his level of perverted voyeurism is much higher than mine, I say that I roughly understand his inner thoughts. You should agree, right?

In other words, both of them have a hobby of spying on others.

Although Lao Wangtou's realm is far less advanced than Mr. Li's, it is still somewhat credible to say that he only knows a little bit about it.

Don't worry, I won't make unilateral guesses. I will give my own inferences and the reasons why I dare to go to Li Xiaoyun's room!

Even Jiang Xiao's brows furrowed.

Maybe, things are different from what you imagined?

Haha, I don't need to say more about how sick Mr. Li's peeping symptoms are, right?

But he managed to completely ignore the secret of his beloved daughter.

It can even be said that there are not many parents in the world who can do what Mr. Li does and respect their daughter's privacy almost 100%! Don't you think there is a problem? He is a top-notch perverted voyeur!

Azhi interrupted Lao Wangtou.

You said it yourself, Li Xiaoyun is Mr. Li's favorite daughter. In terms of not exploring Li Xiaoyun's privacy, although Mr. Li did go beyond what a normal parent would do, it's not completely unreasonable, right?

Lao Wangtou interrupted Azhi.

What you say makes sense. As a father who loves his daughter deeply, it is indeed possible to avoid knowing her daughter's privacy 100%.

But don't forget, Mr. Li is not a normal father. His voyeurism has reached a hopeless level!

Old Wangtou looked crazy, and even what he said was a bit unclear, but it did not hinder everyone's understanding.

Why do people like to say that their 'love' for someone can be 'love' to a pathological level? Isn't it because of the depth of love? So they want to take over everything of the other person!

Not to mention how someone like Mr. Li, who is already sick, could be indifferent to the secret of the person he loves most?


It's indeed somewhat unreasonable.

Normal parents will be deeply interested in their daughter's thoughts.

Especially people with better relationships want to know each other's secrets, because this will make them feel that they know each other better.

There is no doubt about this!

It only takes a little bit of perspective to understand, giving you a choice between knowing the secret of an acquaintance or knowing the secret of a stranger.

90% of people will choose to know the secrets of acquaintances, right?

And judging from Li Xiaoyun’s notes.

At least since she entered junior high school, Mr. Li has stopped being curious and exploring everything about her.

This time period may even be earlier.

Because the earliest record in Li Xiaoyun’s diary was in junior high school.

This is the time when girls reach puberty, and it is also the time when parents are most worried.

But Mr. Li, who has a perverted voyeuristic hobby, did not choose to peek at his daughter, even for a second?

Haha, do you think it's unreasonable now?

Lao Wangtou sneered, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

Let me tell you why, because Mr. Li loves his daughter so much. In his heart, Li Xiaoyun is the most holy and perfect existence in the world, incomparable to anything. This kind of love has surpassed what you can understand. The scope, of course, is beyond my comprehension.”

He Menghan frowned and asked in confusion.

Then according to what you said, Mr. Li still loves his daughter, and everything happened because of you!

Yes! It's because of me! I personally destroyed Li Xiaoyun!

Lao Wangtou did not deny it, but also emphasized it again.

But all the things I ruined for Li Xiaoyun are what Mr. Li wants to see! But he dare not admit it!

ah? ! !

What's the meaning?

What kind of magical brain circuit is this?


Don't rush to beat me, I told you, I won't hit you without aim!

Lao Wangtou pondered for a while, seeming to think about where to start.

After thinking for a long time, he slowly spoke.

First of all, let's make a guess. Does Mr. Li know that there must be some secret in Li Xiaoyun's room? The secret I'm talking about is not the diary I found. The scope is very general. Can you understand?

After everyone thought for a moment, it was not difficult to understand the meaning of Lao Wangtou's words.

What Lao Wangtou said was that Li Xiaoyun had some secrets of his own hidden in his room.

And as a girl’s private room, it should be reasonable to have some secrets, right?

Not to mention diaries, for example, some fringe photos taken, or some underwear that parents are not allowed to wear, and even love letters and chat records can be considered secrets for the time being.

Seeing that everyone understood the meaning of his words, Lao Wangtou continued to talk, or in other words, continued to reason about Mr. Li's mental state.

Mr. Li must know that there is a secret in his daughter's room, and he also knows from the monitoring room that I am a lustful, perverted candid cameraman. And he also knows that I must covet his daughter's beauty, right?

Yes, that’s right, Mr. Li knows all this.

But he deliberately threw the keys that can open all the rooms in the villa on the sofa. Now I say that he deliberately lost the keys, don't they deny it?

Everyone nodded.

Even Jiang Xiao had to admit this. After all, it was Mr. Li who told him personally last night that he deliberately left the key on the sofa.

The purpose is to make the story more interesting.

Let me ask again, Mr. Li actually knew that I had taken the key away, right?


That’s right.

Haha, so, he obviously knew everything, but he let me stay in the villa alone, and he took you out to summer camp?

Doesn't he know that I, a lecherous old man, would 100% sneak into her daughter's room and do perverted things?

He knows! He obviously knows everything, but he deliberately gave me this opportunity!

Jiang Xiao has returned to the sofa. His mind is so confused.

What Lao Wangtou said is right, very right.

There is something I guessed afterwards, but I never asked, Mr. Li and you, did you take time to come back during the summer camp? No, did you find an excuse to 'leave'?

Now everyone was shocked.

What Lao Wangtou said is not bad at all!

Logically speaking, Lao Wangtou, who was at home and did not go there, should not know that Mr. Li left midway through the summer camp!


Did you see Mr. Li coming back or something?

Of course I didn't see it, but I guessed it.

Lao Wangtou squinted his eyes, seeming to be puzzled by Mr. Li's confusing operation.

I guess he left you just to return to the villa to see if my next 'operation' was correct. Otherwise, why would he come back?

Jiang Xiao closed his eyes.

He was somewhat unwilling to face another fact.

He didn't want to face it, so Lao Wangtou continued to talk to himself.

So, everything I did in her daughter's room, even taking away the diary, he knew clearly in his heart!

Jiang Xiao interrupted Lao Wangtou. He only needed to confirm one thing now.

That day at the summer camp, did Mr. Li go back after leaving your army?

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