I was mentally ill and was selected to participate in the strange rules talk

Chapter 195: Put aside your personal qualities and enjoy a wicked life.

The old woman's voice was unusually hoarse and harsh.

Just like that old cat that has lived for ten years, it makes people feel chills down their spines.

If you're not here to stay, why did you come in without knocking on the door? Are you robbers?

When talking about the robbers, the old woman looked at the group of people with a faint blue light in her eyes.

The three bearded men were stunned.

Subconsciously, he thought of the robbery between Jiang Xiao and his daughter.

Needless to say, it seems that we are indeed robbers.

No, no!

The black girl immediately denied it.

Oh no, no no, madam, you misunderstood, we are not robbers, we are here just, just

how to explain?

Anyway, I just broke into someone's house in the middle of the night without knocking.

Curly took over the black girl's words.

Ahem! Old lady, we are just uneducated. We don't like to knock on the door when entering a stranger's house. It is commonly known as shameless. Well, you can also say that we are unqualified. Whatever you say, we are not robbers anyway.


old lady:

If you say that, then there is nothing the old lady can do.

You say you are shameless, what can I do?

Put aside your personal qualities and enjoy a life of immorality.

In that case, let's go. It's okay if you die outside tonight.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't have Jiang Xiao's big nerve, so of course they decided to leave based on the idea that doing more would be better than doing less.

Just go back to the Moonlight Tavern for one night and leave early tomorrow!

Are you the bell-ringer?

Mu Xitang's sudden voice caused the resentful trio to freeze on the spot again.

Bell ringer?

Naturally, the vision of the three bearded men was not as good as that of the little pink-haired man. When they entered the town, they could only hear the sound of the bell but not see anyone else.

Now after what Mu Xitang said, no matter how stupid they were, they understood that this old woman was probably the bell ringer in the bell tower.

Sister, if you see it, don’t say it!

Seeing that the old woman didn't deny it, Little Pink Hair touched her chin and nodded.

That's right, that's right. It's not in vain that I've been looking at this young man like you for so long. I just saw why the back of the bell ringer looked so weird. It turned out to be a hunchback.


The black cat on the table let out a shrill cry.

Then the door of the B\u0026B closed with a bang.

The old woman's back arched more and more frighteningly, and a green light actually appeared in her eyes.

Hehehe, your eyesight is so good? Are you a devil?

Normal people's vision at night cannot see clearly such a tall bell tower, let alone her figure.

Demons generally have excellent night vision, and some demons can even see more clearly at night than during the day!

Mu Xitang's face was expressionless. She hated being called weird, and she hated being called a devil even more!


The old woman's brows suddenly shrank, and her whole face suddenly became painful.



A meow interrupted the old woman's moans.

At the same time, the lithe black cat jumped from the table to the old woman's shoulder, licking the cat's paws in an elegant gesture, and the cat's eyes were locked on Mu Xitang.

At this time, the old woman's expression gradually returned to normal, and she immediately took several steps back.

This pink-haired one is indeed a devil!

Just now, Alanya felt that an evil force entered her body, and mobilized all the blood in her body to rush into her brain. If the black cat had taken action later, her head might have exploded!

Even now I have a black cat protecting me.

Alanya still felt that there was a dark force coiling around her like an evil snake.

As long as you are a little careless, the consequences will be...

Master Xitang is having sex with the old woman!

Although the grudge trio usually seek stability, there is no ambiguity at critical moments.

The bearded man came forward and stood side by side with Mu Xitang.

It's okay, you guys go back first, I can take care of this old woman by myself! She can't restrain me! Mu Xitang looked eager to try. She urgently needed a beautiful victory to save herself from being captured and captured after the defeat just now. The 'shame' of getting a nosebleed.

There may be someone in this strange story who can use the power of the Bible to deal with herself like Martha did.

But fortunately, not everyone has the power to restrain themselves.

Just like the old woman in front of him, Mu Xitang felt it as soon as he made a move. This old woman obviously had no means to target him and could only confront him head-on!

In a head-on confrontation, Weiyi will crush the opponent and kill him.

Hey! I, Mu Xitang, came from the Eastern Tulong Kingdom and came here to ask for advice today! You old bitch, how dare you put down your cat and fight me head-on!

Barrage:? ? ?

【As expected of a father and daughter! They all have similar understandings of (frontal battle)! 】

[I again thought of the scene when Jiang Shen was holding a human body and spraying maggots with a machine gun, clamoring for many weirdos to fight head-on with him. 】

Xitang, have you forgotten what I taught you? You must be polite to the elderly!

oh oh!

Mu Xitang nodded and pointed at the old woman to call the formation again.

Hey! I, Mu Xitang, came from the Eastern Tulong Kingdom, and I'm here today to ask for advice! You old bitch, how dare you put down your cat and fight me head-on!

Everyone:? ? ?

Alanya:? ? ?

Barrage:? ? ?

【You become you? 】

The kid was somewhat polite, but obviously not very polite.

And you, put the cat down!

Hehehe, the little girl is really good at joking. Why should I put the cat down? Can you promise not to use the power of the devil?

Mu Xitang spread his hands.

The devil's power is my own, why can't I use it?

Alanya:? ? ?

Then I'll put down a black cat!

Alanya was speechless. Is this little devil mentally ill?

How could you say such shameless words in a serious manner?

After seeing the old woman's behavior, the other three were relieved.

Leader, we are not afraid! As long as she is not a magician, we will definitely kill her to death if we fight four against one!

No! Have you seen it? Have you ever seen a fist as big as a casserole? You, Ulla!


The old woman shook her head helplessly and threw away the crutch she was leaning on.

God has not stipulated that magic must be used to kill demons.


You are an old man and you still want to practice with three of us young people?

Jiang Xiao looked around and then sat on the broken leather sofa nearby.

A picture of: [Please start your performance].


The old woman took a breath and said.

Hashido sack, そろそろ真剣に打ってみる时だ (Wait a minute, it's time to hit it seriously.)

Then he crossed his hands to support his knuckles and began to bounce lightly on the spot.

Lift your left leg first, then your right leg, and keep lifting your arms to relax.

The whole person gave people a sense of relaxation, and even the hunchback seemed to be a bit straighter.

【Look! An old woman's city walk is countless times better than some tight and relaxed feeling in Shanghai. 】

【city walk? Don’t you think the old woman’s city walk looks very familiar? 】


If you say so.


It's so familiar.

Dad! She's imitating Kakarot's warm-up moves! I got on it first! Old bitch, give me a kick! Ah!

Mu Xitang: ━=I’m kicking!

‘Dang! ’

Little Pink Hair stepped hard, leaving a footprint of about four centimeters thick on the floor of the B\u0026B.

The small body seemed to contain huge strength. The left leg was slightly bent, the right leg was straightened, and a short short leg was thrust straight into the heart of the old woman.

A word that wakes up the dreamer!

Isn’t it Kakarot!

[I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that the old lady is quite fashionable. Does she like watching Sakura Hot Blooded? 】

[Trivia: Akira Toriyama’s set of moves were borrowed from the well-known martial arts action stars of our Dragon Country. 】

[Let me tell you, it’s no wonder that the fights in Dragon Ball are filled with the beauty of the ancient martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom. It turns out they are leather trousers covered with cotton trousers. 】

[I'm a little worried that the pink-haired leader won't be able to defeat him.]

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