Why don't you do it? I'm so worried!

A bearded man blocking the back door wiped the sweat from his nose.

The curly hair and the black girl on the side can still see the positions of Jiang Xiao and Mu Xitang.

As for acting based on glances, there is a high probability that I can't see it here. The bearded man who walks through the back door can only rely on listening for noises.

Now Jiang Xiao has a little problem here

Mu Xitang's stubborn temper rose.

It must be said that since ancient times, great heroes have never let their younger brothers die and hid behind to watch the show.

No matter what you say, you have to follow the same routine of conquering the army yourself and taking the lead.

Isn’t this?

I can't survive holding Gatlin.

Jiang Xiao couldn't even pull it away.

Dad, I can be a killer who has no feelings, but I can't be a big brother who abandons his younger brother!

Otherwise if word gets out, how can I, Mu Xitang, who is not only [loyal and righteous] but also [loyal and righteous] and [live and die together] with my younger brothers [who are both sincere and daring] and [have a knife at both sides], still be able to hang out?

God damn it.

How could anyone praise himself so fiercely?

Jiang Xiao suspected that this girl was just bragging in front of the live broadcast room!

[Although Xiaofenmao is suspected of selling melons to Mrs. Wang, I still love her. 】

[She really made me cry to death. 】

【I definitely love it! The pink-haired leader is a very capable person, and she is really there for my little brother when he has something to do! 】

[Aren’t our fans more practical than the bosses here who only know how to draw big cakes? 】

[Well, don’t compare my boss with Mu Xitang. In my heart, he cannot be compared with people at all. I usually compare my boss with a dog]

[Yes, yes, I also like to compare dogs with bosses. For example: Letting a dog lead is better than the leader’s execution ability. The boss’s decision-making is not as good as that of a dog. I think this dog’s IQ should be as good as our boss’s. Things like 50/50. 】

【Shut up! I won't allow you to insult Xiu Gou like this! 】

Seeing that Jiang Xiao kept disagreeing, Xiao Fenmao had no choice but to tell the truth.

After all, the book says that sincerity is the surefire skill!

Mu Xitang: (~)

Mainly, mainly because of the live broadcast now. If I perform poorly, I won't be able to recruit younger brothers in the future!


Sometimes, you don't have to be so honest.

Jiang Xiao: (~`)

Okay, I allow you to push forward another thirty meters. Also, you are not allowed to leave me more than three meters away.

Mu Xitang: ()()

Oh haha~ Got it! I knew daddy was the best!

After receiving the order, Mu Xitang directly picked up Gatlin, who was taller than her, and rushed fifty meters!

The little face is full of perseverance!

Xitang Special Operations Team's first operation, the [Killing God X] plan, begins!

As the grenade on Little Pink Hair's waist fell in an elegant parabola to the door of Romiya Cathedral.


The battle between five people to encircle and suppress a church has officially begun!

Hearing a slight movement outside, the priest who was still praying inside was startled.

what's the situation?

Father, let me go and take a look for you.

A bunny nun finished her prayers and went out to check on the situation.

The nun inside could not feel the sound and power of the grenade.

The main reason is that when the church was first built, the priest requested that the noise and earthquake protection be extremely high.


He doesn't want any interference from the outside world while working.


The church is his shelter. Although he is invincible, no matter what, the more solid and luxurious the residence, the better.

The exterior wall of the church is a 200cm layer of granite, followed by a 60cm thick steel plate.

There is also a layer of top-quality sound insulation cotton sandwiched in the middle.

Behind the steel plate, there is another layer of 200cm granite.

There is also a layer of top-quality sound insulation cotton sandwiched in the middle.

So the wall structure is granite + sound insulation cotton + steel plate + sound insulation cotton + granite.

Let’s not talk about anything else. Anyway, the strength of the wall, which is nearly five meters thick, is fully stretched.

Hmm! Such a thick door! Mu Xitang looked at the door in front of him in surprise.

Several grenades were dropped in succession without opening the door. Who would believe it?

The three bearded men were also stunned.

Is it different from what you imagined?

I thought it would be a massacre, but I didn't expect that my mortar couldn't even penetrate the wall?

If he hadn't been able to feel the tremors on the ground, Big Beard would have doubted whether the shells Loki gave him were parallel imports.

But everyone's surprise didn't last long as they were attracted by several sounds breaking through the air.


It turned out that Curly Hair, who was ruthless and talkative, saw that the wall was too hard, so he took out an air-to-ground missile.

Several missiles dropped from the sky and hit directly on the top of the Romiya Cathedral.

This weapon, which can be said to be extremely lethal to a single soldier, cannot withstand even a steel plate.

Everyone could clearly see that the wall was tilting.

But this is not enough.

The ammunition everyone brought was limited, not to mention missiles and the like.

It is obviously unrealistic to expect a small number of missiles to destroy this church.

At this moment, Xiao Fenmao suddenly took out his pistol and shot into the air.

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

What does this mean? Jiang Xiao asked the little pink hair curiously.

1-2-3-1, collectively install C4 bombs! Use the resonance of the bombs to cause unparalleled damage to the wall. The book calls this statement Moose's Law!

Jiang Xiao continued to ask: Well, can you guarantee that Big Beard and the other three can install it with you?

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another burst of gunfire.

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!


Little Pink Hair wiped her face that was blackened by gunpowder smoke and said proudly.

I just made an agreement with them in advance. I will send the signal once, and then the bearded man farthest from me will repeat it. This is the time for us to act together!

Shall I wipe it?

Could it be that she is really a genius?

Uh, Xiao Xitang, daddy wants to ask you something?

Oh, what?

Mu Xitang answered Jiang Xiao's words while installing C4 with extremely professional techniques.

You learned all this knowledge from books?

Ang, yes, because Dr. Sun said that reading thousands of books is equivalent to traveling thousands of miles. I, a child born and raised in ghost stories, have too little experience. If I want to integrate into the same society as my father, I have to do more. Read a book!”

How many books have you read?

There are so many, martial arts, fantasy, black technology, war, underworld, oh, so many, many. Anyway, I read more than 900 books in five days, and I have memorized them all!

Jiang Xiao:.

Dad, how many books have you read?

Xiao Fenmao's simple question immediately broke Jiang Xiao's guard, and she felt quite traumatized in her heart.

If Jiang Xiao remembers correctly.

He didn't even memorize all the Three Hundred Tang Poems, the only book the dean gave him.


You can't bring your little pink hair with you anymore, this guy has made himself lose all sense of existence!

She looks so cute, but she still knows how to do sex work, and now she realizes that her brain is still so good. Who can bear this?


More than nine hundred books? Five days?

Have you memorized everything about riding a horse?

You can’t even turn the page in one second, right? !

[Is it possible? Damn it! Is it possible that the man in the legend is not a liar? 】

【who? 】

[(Quantum Wave Speed ​​Reading Method) Shit Creator! It's said that it only costs 88,000 for half a year, and you can take a prodigy home after studying! 】

[Shut up, Mu Xitang is weird and not a normal person. Don’t treat her with the same cognition as a normal person. 】

[Should I say it or not, both father and daughter seem to be a little abnormal in their minds]

[What you said, if you were not blind, you would probably have seen it already, right? 】

Don't worry about whether Mu Xitang's brain is sick or not.

Anyway, one of the bunny girl's high heels ran away when she peeked through the crack of the door to see the scene outside!

Father! Father! It's not good! Something big has happened!

The praying priest finally opened his eyes for the first time.

Those who are attentive can see that the priest, who is exuding holy light, has a hint of black light in the depths of his pupils.

Nonsense, I've said it so many times. You are not allowed to shout or yell in church. Everything must be done with meditation. This word quiet has seven levels of understanding. These seven levels are equivalent to Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum. , Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea, those seven churches, at the same time, these seven?”

Before he could speak, the priest's words were interrupted again by the panicked bunny girl.

Father! Someone is coming from outside! Carrying a big, big machine gun!

Oh? Is this happening?

The priest had been interested for a long time, so long that he had forgotten the last time someone dared to challenge his majesty.

Mora, undress me, Badayali, take my scepter.

Yes, my Father. x2

Ah yo!

The bunny girl is so anxious. Why are you still going through all these red tapes after this time?

Alex, you have just started working in the church for less than a week. It is normal for you to be irritable, but please remember that Father does not like your personality. Please remember to change it.

That's right Alex, you have to know that no matter what happens, even if the sky falls, it won't be able to hurt a hair on my father's head.

The nuns, who had worked longer than Alex, all admonished the new bunny girl.

Hearing the admiration of the nuns under his command.

The compassionate temperament on the priest's face seemed to be even more intense.

It's just a little ignorant bee here. The occasional sting is a warning from God to us. It tells us not to be complacent.

Yes, Father, I'm sorry, it's Alex who is ignorant.

The bunny girl lowered her head, her father's strength was obvious to all, and she believed that no one in the world could hurt him.


The pink-haired little girl outside does not look like an ordinary cannon.

Especially the man with a tangled look on his face, who even seemed to give her a sense of oppression as if she were facing the priest directly.

Come, my believers, follow in the footsteps of the Father, and let us see who dares to offend us, which is tantamount to defying the pressure of God.

It's not okay yet.

Jiang Xiao looked at the busy little Fenmao and felt that his father was very useless.

Okay, okay, Dad, let's move back a little bit!

Mu Xitang pulled Jiang Xiao back to a safe distance.

The priest and nun inside also came to the door.

“Father, let me open the door for you.”

No, just wait and all retreat. As a believer in God, I should be the first to appear in front of these pagans outside. Let me influence them with God's kindness and love. I am enough!

The priest's face still showed a feeling of great compassion, and he sighed softly, as if he felt helpless at the attack of the pagans outside.

As expected of a father!

Even if you are knocked at the door, you still plan to influence the other party, instead of relying on the strength of the crowd to swarm him!

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