It is different from the death of Lao Suntou over Xiaoya.

The surveillance in Ward 9 is complete, which is enough to prove Xiaoya's innocence.

But Jiang Xiao was very embarrassed.

There seems to be nothing wrong with his reasoning or conjecture.

But it turned out that the dean was not the murderer.

And Jiang Xiao met all the conditions to complete the crime.

Especially fingerprints. Jiang Xiao's fists left quite a mark on those two people.

Once it is detected, it will really be like a dirty crotch, either a daddy or a daddy.

At this time, some patients have already volunteered to take the two murderers Jiang Xiao and Yang Tao, ah, no, it should be said that they are two suspects for fingerprint testing.

Yang Tao was so anxious that he defended himself a few times, but this only aroused more people's suspicion.

Three elements of crime.

People, times, places.

The personal and material evidence that has been revealed so far has almost pinned the murder charge on Jiang Xiao's head.

No need to wash.

What will happen if I am confirmed as a murderer?

Jiang Xiao frowned, thinking whether he should be a little more violent and simply kill all these people?

But at the same time I found it very interesting.

After all, as a socialist young man with good moral character, Jiang Xiao understands that violent killing is not advisable.

Since the other party was able to kill the dean's wife and the chef without anyone noticing, there must be some clue left behind.

There is a serial perverted murderer in Qingshan Mental Hospital.

His name is Lao Huai.

This man's murder techniques are exquisite and his criminal logic is thorough.

Even the mentally ill people in Qingshan felt that Lao Huai was too mentally ill.


Needless to say, Jiang Xiao grew up listening to Lao Huai's stories.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiao looked at Xiaoqin.

Could it be her?

But it doesn’t quite look like it.

After all, when Xiaoqin left in the cafeteria, Jiang Xiao and Yang Tao were watching.

And monitoring can prove it.

After Xiaoqin left the canteen, she never went there again.


In that case, I'm curious about one thing. They say that Yang Tao and I were the last ones to enter the cafeteria, so who discovered these two corpses?

It's me. Doctor Qin Shou said truthfully.

A minor operation came at lunch time. He didn't have time to eat. He came to the cafeteria after the operation. When he arrived, he saw two people who were dead.

Xiaoqin can prove this. It was because the surgery came suddenly that I called her to the ward.

Jiang Xiao nodded. No wonder nurse Xiaoqin hurried to the inpatient department with her lunch box.

Doctor Qin's explanation is quite reasonable. Even if there is suspicion, it is not as serious as the suspicion of himself and Yang Tao.

How long was the approximate time between when we left and when you found the body?

The patients around him were beginning to feel a little dissatisfied.

All the stolen goods were obtained, and all the witnesses and material evidence were available. They just wanted to bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible, and did not want to listen to his rants.

Dr. Qin Shou, on the other hand, thought back seriously.

Because he thought the same as Xiaoqin, how could such a rich guy make such a low-level mistake?

As we all know, if a rich person wants to kill an ordinary person, there are dozens of ways to do it by just rolling his eyes, so why do it himself?

In other words, the really rich people don't even bother to have any grudges with ordinary people.

Yes, but not necessary.

According to the surveillance, it took about an hour from the time you left to the time I came to the cafeteria.

After thinking for a while, Dr. Qin continued.

But the body's death time was roughly within half an hour of your departure.

Jiang Xiao was noncommittal about Qin Shou's words. Anyway, he was not born as a forensic doctor and didn't know anything about this field.

My guess is that the adulterous affair between the dean's wife and the chef must have been caught by this buddy. The adulterer and the adulterous couple were worried that the adultery would be leaked, so they started fighting, but they were defeated and killed. Bian Bian. A man who considers himself a good man said so.

How should I put it? It's rough, but it makes sense.

Time, people, place.

Well, now that it has happened, let's get rid of the body quickly. It looks really scary.

A woman without a hospital gown said this while pulling a little boy with her to return to the inpatient unit.

Next to her, a man not wearing a hospital gown echoed the woman's words.

Yes, although the weather has been cooler recently, if you put a body here, it will still smell bad. Why not hurry up and let the police come and take the person away.

You're laughing so hard. One by one, there is neither a professional forensic doctor nor a professional criminal police officer. Why are you still talking about this?

Ah this

Dr. Qin Shou's face turned red. His inference of the time of death just now was indeed a bit cross-professional.

Jiang Xiao didn't care at all.

He's not afraid of the police or anything like that.

After all, Master said: If I can't defeat you, why can't I run away?

Even if you are caught by the police, it doesn't matter as long as you don't shoot yourself on the spot.

Anyway, there are still one and a half days until I leave this world, but what Yang Tao said

This big girl may take all the blame.

This was also the reason why Jiang Xiao actually did not use violence. Yang Tao was not bad in nature and should not suffer such an unreasonable disaster.

Jiang Xiao looked at Xiaoqin again.

Time, people, place.

The problem is back to the beginning.

There were only five people in total, and two victims died.

And he and Yang Tao definitely didn't kill anyone.

So no matter how innocent this little nurse looks, I have reason to suspect that she used some unknown method.

Being stared at by Brother Fu, Xiaoqin subconsciously moved to one side, feeling scared.

Xiaoqin, when you came to this cafeteria, did you notice the presence of the dean's wife?

Xiaoqin shook her head and said that she didn't know anything. She was very innocent and the surveillance could prove it.

Okay, let's ask this in another way, have you and this chef ever talked about anything?

No, I'll just finish the meal and then

Xiaoqin was stunned for a moment, then scratched her head and said hesitantly.

Huh? If you want to talk, there really is.

Because I am usually busy at work, I would chat with the bald man while I was preparing meals, and he would also prepare more dishes for me.

What did we talk about?

It's nothing, but before he left, he wanted to take away a few sugar cubes I brought with me. He said he was tired of eating large pots of heavy oil and salt every day and wanted to eat something sweet. He often used to You want some snacks from me.


All the patients around him had you know expressions on their faces.

What heavy oil and heavy salt?

Isn’t it true that “I am exhausted”?

I was squeezed by the dean's wife from about seven o'clock to three o'clock in the morning every day, and my iron-clad body couldn't bear it.


Sugar cube? !


Xiaoqin's eyes suddenly widened, as if she thought of something serious.

It's over, I think I know who the murderer is.

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