Sherlock Holmes:

[Because no matter which version of the story is told to Jiang Xiao, Jiang Xiao’s ultimate goal is the same, to enter the mountain. Therefore, Wang Dayong’s words to deceive Jiang Xiao are completely meaningless and will not have any effect on Jiang Xiao. 】

His words were quickly met with a rebuttal from Beacon.

[I don’t like hearing what you say. You said it makes no sense for him to lie to Jiang Xiao, but then it makes sense to lie to our Justin? Isn't it the same for Justin, no matter which version of the story it is, he still has to go into the mountains? 】

Sherlock Holmes:

【No, it’s different.】

[If you deceive Justin, there will be a very obvious benefit to Wang Dayong. 】

【What? 】Someone asked.

Sherlock Holmes:

[Didn’t you notice? There is only one difference between the two versions of the story, and that is that the information Jiang Xiao got is (the villagers are good people), while Justin is (a naughty child) and (dying with eyes closed, resentment and hatred) and so on, which makes people subconscious will bring the villagers into the (bad guy) template. 】

[The only advantage of Wang Dayong deceiving Justin like this is to make him subconsciously resist these villagers]

Holmes stopped here, and everyone understood.

If it is a lie, it must have a purpose.

Wang Dayong couldn't achieve anything with Jiang Xiao, so he might as well tell the truth to avoid being beaten.

So the only one who was deceived was Justin.

This not only prevents Justin from talking nonsense to the villagers and causing unnecessary trouble, but also allows him to become resistant to the villagers.


After leaving the private school, Justin meditated in a field for a long time. He was cautious and resolutely planned to go directly to the mountain.

If all the villagers were resurrected with grievances, then wouldn't there be a risk of death at any time when I was with them?

Especially for villagers during the day, this feeling of being a puppet NPC can easily make him feel panicked.

[Oh, may the merciful God bless this brave and clever child. 】

【Justin can definitely do it! In any case, he is the first warrior to enter Sunset Mountain! 】

【The first warrior? Are you sure?】

When it comes to being the first warrior, no matter whether it is Jiang Xiao or Justin, they have to step aside.

Do you really think Kameda Yujiro’s name is blind?

Extremely brave!

Before dawn, the villagers drove them up the mountain to get rid of the beasts.

The goal is to get rid of three or more beasts. The beasts must be dangerous to the villagers to be considered as targets.

If Yujiro can meet this requirement, the villagers will forget about his stealing all over the village.


Yujiro looked up at the sun in the sky, then reluctantly got up and continued walking up the mountain.

He was not stupid, and of course he could not go up the mountain overnight. Instead, he stopped halfway up the mountain and waited until it got dark before starting to enter the mountain.

I'm a brave man, so I can help them kill wild wolves or something like that. But at least I can give them some powerful equipment, that's it?

He looked at the equipment on his body speechlessly.

Rusty kitchen knife*1

Crude shoulder pads*2

Simple storage backpack*1

Drinking water*2

Dry and hard pieces of meat*5

Unknown herbal medicine for stopping bleeding and detoxifying*3

Let’s not talk about the material that stretches the crotch. Yujiro has the [Pain] and [Continuous Bleeding] debuffs on his body.

The thorny rattan last night was too tight. Even though the villagers helped him briefly treat the wound, there was still a trace of blood coming out of the wound.

That is to say, Kameda Yujiro has thick skin and high blood to be able to withstand it.

Hey, is it this handsome and brave little brother again?


Yujiro raised the kitchen knife and pointed it at the grass that made the sound vigilantly.

It's me. It's only been two days and you've forgotten about me?

As the voice fell, a cute and beautiful girl also appeared in front of Yujiro.

It was the playgirl who suddenly disappeared last night.

But this time Yujiro was not dazzled by the beauty, but took two steps back to distance himself.

He is a warrior, and he really wants to rescue the princess, but the woman in front of him is a real witch, and she is suspected to have been dead for more than forty years. How could he still go up and lick her?

Little brother?

If you take one more step forward, I will chop you into pieces!

Chop me? Little brother, we haven't seen you for just one night, have you become so fierce today?

Huahua looked pitiful, indicating that she was a good person!

I happened to meet your father last night, and he said that you had disappeared in the mountains for a long time! It has been decades!

is that so

The playful smile on Huahua's face gradually dissipated, and she spoke calmly.

Little brother, I have no ill intentions towards you. If I had, could you have made it down the mountain intact yesterday?

Yujiro's expression was shocked, and it seemed that this was also the case.

Then I don't care. Anyway, it's not appropriate for you, a dead person, to be with me, right?

What's inappropriate? Huahua blinked her big eyes.

Ah this

Yujiro scratched his head and rubbed his hands. It seemed that there was nothing inappropriate, huh?

There is an ancient saying: As long as you are brave, Sadako will take maternity leave.

And the playgirl is much prettier than that Sadako.

The main thing is that the flower girl did not harm herself yesterday. After going down the mountain, she just felt some back pain and weak energy.

So, Playgirl, do you know anything about the weird things about the villagers of Sunset Village?

Huahua shook her head and said she didn't know what Yujiro was talking about. She couldn't leave Sunset Mountain and she didn't know what happened in the village.

Then do you know where weak beasts live in the mountains?

Huahua has the right to speak when it comes to this. After all, after wandering in the mountains for so many years, she naturally has her own understanding of some strange and dangerous places.

To the east, there was a sunken basin, and I remember a white bobcat that was smaller than a wolf living there.

He just asked casually, but he didn't expect that the flower girl actually had a clue, so Yujiro immediately asked her to lead the way.

Compared with Yujiro in the two-player team mode, Justin is a solo player.

Anyway, he hasn't met Huahua here, and he doesn't know yet whether he is lucky or unlucky.

Stay calm and walk in the opposite direction from where you came down. You should be able to get to the essence of the ghost story.

Soon, he came to the stone tablet where he last saw the rules in the mountain.

[Rule 1: Going down the mountain is a straight line, no turns. If you think the route is wrong, it is your own problem]

[Rule 2: There are things that come out to eat people in the forest at night. If you don’t want to die here, try to get to the town at the foot of the mountain before the sun sets]

[Rule 3: If you feel someone watching you from behind on the way down the mountain, never look back, he is not real]


There are two new rules below!

[Rule 5: It’s not time that traps villagers]

[Rule 6: What you see may not be real]

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