Is there really no movement?

Hirozuka Okado panted heavily and ran towards the dormitory without looking back while holding the female body in his arms.

What are you doing?

Okamon Hirotsuka's furious state startled Bao Lebin on the bed.

However, the former is now pale and in shock, so he has no intention of answering his questions.

It wasn't until he was sure that nothing dirty was coming with him that Hirozuka Okamon breathed a sigh of relief and began to check the condition of the female corpse.

Just now, he was anxious for a moment and didn't look at anything. He picked up the female body and faced it at the urinal.


After taking a look, the worst case scenario did not happen. The head of the female corpse looked normal, not broken, and did not have the wet feeling as expected.

What on earth are you doing? Why are you purring? You have something to say. Don't scare me.

Bao Lebin huddled himself tightly in the corner of the bed.

[Rule 6: Every once in a while, make sure your roommate is still the same person]

He is really panicking now.

In the middle of the night, your roommate carried the female corpse to the toilet, and then returned to the dormitory with a pale face. Without saying a word, he just held the female corpse's head and looked at it non-stop. Anyone who saw it would feel panicked.

Taking a deep breath, Okama Hirotsuka still planned to tell his unjust roommate what had just happened and let him give him some advice.

Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say next.

Fortunately, it seems that it is still Gangmen, not some random thing pretending to be, Bao Lebin sat up and said.

I'm an old employee of the funeral home. I won't be afraid. Please tell me.


After taking a sip of the mineral water handed over by Bao Lebin, Okamon Hirotsuka said.

I just met someone in the toilet who asked me to borrow toilet paper.


Bao Lebin was slightly startled.

Who borrowed the paper? Is it the curator or the night watchman?

No one, yes, yes.

Thinking about it carefully, Okamon Hiritsuka never saw what that thing looked like from the beginning to the end?

Yes, you don't care about that! Anyway, I just took off my pants and drained the water halfway, and he asked me to borrow toilet paper out of the blue! Can you believe it?!

Uh. Bao Lebin thought about it carefully and agreed: That's really unbelievable. I haven't done such a stupid thing like going to the toilet without paper for a long time.

Okado Hirozuka: ?

No, no, I don't mean that he goes to the toilet without paper, it's not important!

It's not important?

Yes, the main reason is that he is scary! It was so dark in the toilet, and you couldn't see anything. This voice suddenly appeared, and he opened his mouth and asked me to borrow paper! Who doesn't know that I, Hirozuka Okamon, always carry paper with me? His good habit? I was so scared that I couldn’t even pee because of him! He.”


Unable to hold back, Bao Lebin laughed out loud, and at the same time interrupted Okamon Hirotsuka's conversation.

Don't you believe me? Huh?!

No, no, no, cough, I believe it, you continue.

Okamon Hirozuka glared at Bao Lebin angrily and continued.

I was so frightened at the time! And I couldn't control my body at all. I even suspected that borrowing paper was just a polite word from him. His actual purpose may be that he wanted me to wipe his butt instead of blowing it. It was my way of wiping his butt. It’s indeed a unique skill, but I’m curious how he saw it.”

Puff, puff~

Bao Lebin is a person who doesn't like to laugh, but he really can't hold it back.

Hey! I've tolerated you for a long time! Do you look down on me?!

Yes, I'm sorry, please continue. I, well, I couldn't hold back and pressed on the numbness just now. I didn't mean to laugh out loud. Uh, is the person you said you asked to wipe his butt ugly? Are you so scared?


Okado Hirozuka shook his head.

It's not a question of whether he is ugly or not. His voice is cool, cold and gives me a very ferocious feeling, with a tone that cannot be rejected. Unfortunately, it was too dark just now and I couldn't watch it. Do you know if he is being distracted or if you are laughing again?

Bao Lebin sat upright and said that he definitely did not laugh this time.

Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore! Let's talk like a chicken and a duck!

With a cold snort, Okamon Hirozuka threw his amulet female body onto the upper bunk, and then got into bed with him.

A night of silence.

The next day, Jiang Xiao, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a sharp scream.

Wipe? What are the dogs barking outside!

With a crackling sound, Bao Lebin rolled and crawled into the dormitory.

Brother, washroom, washroom!

Jiang Xiao turned over. It was a bright day today. As we all know, he did not have the habit of getting up early.

After he had had enough sleep, all the few people at the funeral home had arrived.


Before he even got close, Jiang Xiao smelled the pungent smell of blood.


Seeing him coming, the other three people all showed strange expressions.

I saw blood stains everywhere in the small bathroom.

The most common place is the mirror in front of the sink, with the two characters Jiang Xiao written in blood on it.

What does it mean?

Jiang Xiao frowned, and everyone moved out of the way.

Who wrote it?

Everyone shook their heads, let alone saying it wasn't them, in front of the victim, even if they did it they couldn't admit it.

Bah, what level? It's really bad!

Because the mirror is not very large and there are too many strokes in the character xiao, it looks crooked.

I saw Jiang Xiao directly erase the word Xiao on the mirror, dip it in the blood that had not dried up in the pool, and write a new one on it.

After looking at it carefully and making sure that nothing was wrong, Jiang Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

The level is really rubbish. It's not as good as me, who has never read a book.


This guy has a really big heart.

Is someone playing a prank? the curator said thoughtfully, stroking his chin.

Haha, there are so many people out there, who do you think is responsible for the prank? The night watchman's voice was calm, but his tone was firm.

Only Bao Lebin, even though several hours had passed, still felt weak in his legs when he saw the scene in front of him.

You guys, haven't you forgotten the legend about the funeral home?

The curator and the night watchman looked at each other, and then snorted coldly, signaling Bao Lebin not to talk about these things. What if the new employees were frightened?

Bao Lebin: ?

Look at this guy. Will the person who wrote his name on the mirror with his own hands in blood be frightened?

Sure enough, Jiang Xiao, who was still admiring his graceful handwriting, immediately showed great interest when he heard about the legend.

As we all know, children without a father or mother love to listen to stories.

Brother Jiang Xiao, it can't be done.

It seemed that he realized that such words could not be said. Facing Jiang Xiao's questioning, Bao Lebin always chose to keep his mouth shut and say nothing.

In the end, he had no choice but to take out the rules again.

[Rule 1: There are no ghosts in this world. Rumors about ghost stories in funeral homes are strictly prohibited. Violators will be fired immediately]

Brother Jiang Xiao, I'm still young and I don't want to die!

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