I was mentally ill and was selected to participate in the strange rules talk

Chapter 352 The King of Northern Jiangsu’s Hardness Reluctantly Asks for Leave Because of Kidney Sto

[Don’t order it, I don’t know why I’m charging for the stupid leave chapter, that’s nonsense, I have no experience in asking for leave once, and I don’t know who to ask for it in the middle of the night]


Xiaoyu's path to enlightenment was not halfway through, but the middle path collapsed.

It has been more than half a year since I wrote the book, and I am deeply moved.

From the very beginning when newcomers published books with great enthusiasm, it has now declined.

(Commonly known as [Open high and go low, the writing is broken], if you want to scold me, you can scold me as hard as you can in this comment)

I need to apologize to the book friends who have been reading this.

You have to admit when you are wrong, stand upright when you are beaten, you have spent money, and I should be scolded if my writing is not good.

(But you can’t go to the book review circle. The review management there will delete it on the surface. If you want to criticize, you can criticize in this public chapter, and I will read it.)

The beautiful girl editor helped me summarize the reasons why the writing collapsed.

Because it was my first time to write a book and I had no experience, I threw out all the interesting and fun parts in the early stage.

As a result, no matter how much you write later, it will never reach the height of the previous copies.

[The early stage was very cool and intensive, mentioning the psychological thresholds of myself and the readers, and I don’t like to reuse a paragraph, so I wrote it to pieces]

Especially last month's influenza A epidemic, which directly caused my condition to drop off a cliff.

I can sleep for more than 16 hours in a 24-hour day, and I think I can sleep for a full 24 hours if I want.

I kept going back and forth and never recovered. I would often forget what I wrote the day before the next day.

The high order of 40,000 words has now reached less than a million words, and the follow-up orders are only a few hundred. This is a naked lesson to me.

How should I put it? There should be no one at the starting point whose grades are as bad as mine.

[Some bosses also suggested that I write another book about rules and weird stories to sort out my thoughts and start over, but I don’t want to. Maybe this is the persistence of newcomers, and they don’t want to write about repetitive themes. I’m tired of it, and readers are tired of it too.]

However, even if his grades get worse and worse, Xiaoyu has never been absent from work in the past six months, or even asked for leave once.

Even if I only have one subscription, I will insist on finishing the book. Even if it doesn’t look good, I don’t want to be a eunuch.

But it was really no longer possible today. The A-flu relapsed and the high fever refused to go away. I took medicine and slept until four o'clock in the afternoon. Then I woke up with a burst of abdominal pain, followed by retching.

After carrying it for two hours, I went to the hospital when I couldn't bear it anymore.

The doctors were surprised at my perseverance and asked me why I could resist for so long.

[Should I say it or not, the doctor’s name is quite funny, Tang Guoqiang, medicine number: 886]

Really, as expected of me, I like to make jokes when writing books, and this trip to the hospital was always a joke.

In addition, it was my first time to go to a large hospital, and I still had a road-crazy constitution. I was confused in the crowded hospital and didn't go home until after eight o'clock in the evening.

I got a painkiller injection, took a CT scan, took the medicine and went home.

No need to hang water, no need for surgery, the nickname of the King of Erections is not for nothing.

I have no choice but to ask for leave. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for leave once every six months.

It’s not like I’m pretending to be miserable.

I just want to explain the reasons why my writing failed and why I asked for leave.

The picture has been uploaded, but I don’t know if it will be reviewed tonight.

The manuscript for the new book has been deposited recently and is expected to be released by the end of the year.

The type is probably about a doomsday survival shelter that starts with a dog and relies entirely on cutting equipment.

Learn your lesson and try not to jump too fast. This is mainly a character issue.

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