What's it called?

The senior had a weird face and couldn't help but ask.

Brother, your hobby is quite unique, what do you think? You want me to imitate her name for you?

Hiss, Big Nose is freezing. This sister is also a ruthless character. She would risk her life just for the excitement.

By the way, did she really hang herself on the flag pole?

Well, it seems to me that she is still twisting her body. Is she shaking?

The phoenix dances for nine days, swinging to the top?

Otherwise? Could it be that someone forced her to do it?

Well, I won't talk about the tortoise shell binding on her body. If you have good skills, you can do it by yourself, but what I can't understand is, how did she get herself up if she was just one person?

Hey, this is a difficult point to explain.

Many students were talking about it, and most of them felt that the woman had gotten them up by herself.

The euphemistic name is for performance art and for excitement.

No one suspected that someone had hung her up by force.

After all, we are all junior high school students. How bad can we be? How could we do such a perverted and abstract thing?

As for the teachers on the side, most of them had sad faces.

Teacher Li, what are you going to do with this little girl in your class?

Mie Mie's forehead twitched. How come the disciplinary committee member he picked was so perverted? He even saw it before!

Now it's not a matter of whether to deal with it or not. The question we are considering now is how to completely rescue her from the flagpole, right?

However, there are exceptions to everything. A physics teacher holding a thermos cup and drinking wolfberry tea couldn't help but nodded when he looked at the situation in front of him.

It is known that the height of the school's flagpole is 16.88 meters, and Xinyi weighs about 150 kilograms. What is the speed when it hits the ground, and how much kinetic energy is generated? Come on, Su Yang, let's solve this problem.

Everyone: ?

No matter how you look at it, now is not the time to make jokes, right?

All students, please return to their respective classes. If you dare to stay any longer, you will have your points deducted!

Finally, the pot-bellied principal came over in a hurry and scolded him.

He was so anxious that he didn't even wear pants. From his bright red sweatpants, it was easy to tell that this year should be his birth year.

Quick, quick, why are you standing there, hurry up and find a way to bring her down!

Jiang Xiao didn't know what happened next.

In order not to have their points deducted, these students were ordered back to the classroom by their respective class teachers.

Until the morning self-study was over, everyone went to the cafeteria to finish their meal and then came to the first class in the morning.

Xinyi, who was crying and shaking all over, was brought back to the classroom by Jiejie.

Just now in the office, a group of teachers didn't ask anything.

This girl neither admitted that she was the one who got her up, nor could she tell who was the one who got her up.

When I woke up, I found that I was hung up.

A group of plastic sisters surrounded Xinyi and comforted her hypocritically.

And Jiang Xiao also heard some bad news.

The teacher who had a problem went to check the monitoring system.

This made Jiang Xiao feel a little uncomfortable.

What was uncomfortable was not that someone discovered that he had hung Xinyi up on the flagpole.

What makes me uncomfortable is that the scene of me entering the girls' dormitory building must have been filmed, right?


Xinyi turned around. Not sure if it was Jiang Xiao's illusion, but he felt that the tiger glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Then in full view.

Xinyi woke up and smeared the snot on her heels wildly, and then approached Jiang Xiao step by step.


Jiang Xiao: (д`)

Jiang Xiao, you.

Xinyi was rudely interrupted by Jiang Xiao as soon as she opened her mouth.

Nima! Don't come close to me! Sun, do you want to wipe the big snot on your hands on my body? Are you disgusting?


Xinyi's face turned red, and she casually took the tissue paper from a classmate's desk and wiped her hands.

Jiang Xiao! Let me ask you, after what happened today, will you still like me?

What are you talking about?!

Jiang Xiao was shocked. To be honest, he was panicked. For the first time in his life, he felt panic because he was forced out by a girl.

In panic, he couldn't care less, so he grabbed something and threw it towards Xinyi.


The one caught was Wang Qiang.

Two Tigers, one male and one female, collided with each other in an unstoppable manner and fell to the ground at the same time.

I'm really impressed. Why are you pretending to be such a big ass! You're talking like I've fallen in love with you. When you open your mouth, it looks like hairspray. What's going on? You want to style your dad's hair. ? You can eat shit randomly, but you can’t talk nonsense!

It was so scary that I was scared to death!

Pushing Wang Qiang away with difficulty, Xinyi asked with red eyes.

you do not like me?

No, brother, your mouth is too thin, right? Huh? You're still kicking your horse and slinging soup, is that because you can't understand people's words?

Then what do you mean by rubbing my hand on the first day of school?


On the first day, during the second period break, when I was running downstairs and walking to the stairs, you rubbed me.

Everyone: ?

There is no need for Jiang Xiao to explain. Just based on your own description, it seems that you just bumped into him accidentally, right?

Does this label the other person as liking you?

Wang Qiang got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, looked at Xinyi with disdain, and raised a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Ha, classmate Xinyi, you think too highly of yourself, don't you? You don't have a mirror at home and you haven't peed yet? Take a good look at yourself when you have time.

The boys nearby also started to cheer after hearing this, and they all laughed unbridled.

Yes, Xinyi, aren't you obviously narcissistic?

Sister, I think you are a toad and want to eat swan meat. Unfortunately, this swan meat is not something you can eat just because you want to.

Amid laughter, Xinyi's face became increasingly ugly. She held the tissue in her hand tightly, her fingertips turning white.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she tried hard to maintain her last bit of dignity, but these sarcastic words pierced her heart like a sharp blade.

Jiang Xiao stood aside and watched this scene. He felt that Wang Qiang and the others were exaggerating, but he felt that he had not done anything wrong. Besides, this tiger style was indeed unsatisfactory.

Xinyi took a deep breath and tried to make her voice sound firmer.

I, I was just joking to get your attention. You don't really believe it, do you?

Everyone: ?

Forced explanation is the most deadly.

However, Wang Qiang and several other boys did not stop mocking. They continued:

Attracting attention? Ha, you have made the whole school laugh, right?

Eh? That's true. You are now the famous 'Flagpole Goddess' in the whole school. Are you satisfied with this reputation?

Xinyi's face turned even paler, and her tears finally couldn't help but fall down. She turned around and ran out of the classroom, leaving behind a burst of laughter and Jiang Xiao's deep eyes.

He felt an inexplicable temperament in Xinyi's body.

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