Hahahahaha! Why mourn in life and suffer in death? If you have a right, just look up to the sky and laugh and go out. How can we be Penghao people!

The heroic and arrogant aura further highlights Jiang Xiao's indomitable spirit!


Sister Dabai, if you let him continue reading, he will leave the house.

Juicer Ji, who was bound by turtle shell, reminded her weakly.

After just a few lines of poetry, everyone, big and small, had to move two miles away.

Dabai's pretty face is also dark.

Brother Gangdan, don't forget what we agreed from the beginning. When your father and mother marry, each of us will take care of ourselves!

Jiang Xiao's voice of rejoicing for the rest of his life floated in the distance.


Gang Dan and Chang An were stunned.

Are we the two of us the wrong kind of co-authors?

A playful smile appeared at the corner of Dabai's mouth. She looked at Gangdan and Chang An, with a cunning light flashing in her eyes.

He smiled softly, with a hint of amusement in his voice.

How does it feel for you two to be sold and help count the money? Do you want to continue fighting with me?

Gangdan's face was pale, but his eyes were not focused on his own pain, but looking into the distance. Facing Jiang Xiao and Bai Yi who were about to escape, his heart was filled with powerlessness and heartache.

He feels uncomfortable!

Xiao Changan also looked helpless. Both of them were strong-willed men, and they could stand up even if the earth fell apart.

But...even though they all flew away when the disaster came, and it was just a matter of talking, I can't blame them.

Let’s take a step back.

The Juicer Girl incident was also caused by his master Gangdan. Otherwise, how could he have done this if he had killed Mr. Qi and returned home directly?

Finally, Gang Dan took a deep breath. He knew that he and Chang An were no longer Dabai's opponents, and any further fight would only add to the laughter.

He said solemnly: Dabai, we have admitted defeat and can give up resistance, but you have to chase that boy Wang Dayong back first, and you can't let him get away with it like this.

Although my own failure is a bit difficult to accept, my brother's escape is even more heart-wrenching.

Chang An:? ? ?

Master, how did you say such shameless words with righteousness and righteousness?

When Dabai heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she laughed loudly. She gave a thumbs up to Gang Dan and Chang An.

Hahahaha! What a good man! Since you said so, I will help you. I will definitely bring that boy Wang Dayong back.

Gang Dan also kept his word and really gave up the resistance and let Dabai handle it.

And Juice Girl, who just played the role of hostage, has now turned around and turned into a hostage-taking role.

After dealing with Gang Dan and Chang An, Dabai moved and shot like an arrow from a string in the direction where Jiang Xiao and Bai Yi were escaping.

Her speed was astonishingly fast, leaving only an afterimage shaking in the air.

Gang Dan and Chang An breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that at least Jiang Xiao's grandson would not escape so easily.

Thinking of this, the two of them looked at each other and smiled. Although the smiles were bitter, there was also a sense of relief.

The atmosphere on the scene became a little weird at this moment, and Juicer Girl was muttering quietly from the side.

This world is so unpredictable. One moment we are fighting and killing each other, and the next moment it is brotherly love.

In the distance, the figures of Jiang Xiao and Bai Yi had disappeared from sight, leaving only a cloud of dust.

Bai Yi's face was reddish and her breathing was rapid. She and Jiang Xiao ran all the way until a safe distance was determined, and then they stopped.

She turned to look at Jiang Xiao, with a hint of hesitation and confusion in her eyes.

Dad, isn't it a bit unethical for us to do this?

Bai Yi bit her lip, with a hint of trembling in her voice. She knew in her heart that this escape would undoubtedly leave Gang Dan and Chang An behind, facing Dabai's wrath.

Jiang Xiao stopped, his eyes were firm, and the look of justice on his face did not diminish at all.

He turned around and patted Bai Yi on the shoulder, his voice calm and firm.

Xiao Bai, have you ever thought about it? The desire to survive is the most primitive instinct of human beings and the basis for our survival. Why do people go against their own instincts? We have a strong desire to survive. Is there a problem with this? ? No problem.

There was a philosophy in his voice, as if he was discussing the meaning of life.

Bai Yi looked thoughtful as she listened.

Jiang Xiao continued.

In this world, no one owes anyone anything. We can survive today because of our own wisdom and courage. If we don't think about ourselves, we will only be the ones who fall in the end.

His words are full of the cold logic of survival, but also have a tragic flavor.

Bai Yi listened, and the fluctuations in her heart gradually subsided. She knew that Jiang Xiao was telling the truth. This world had never been a gentle place.

But can we really be so heartless?

Bai Yi's voice softened, as if she was asking herself.

Jiang Xiao smiled: Ruthless? No, this is not called ruthlessness, this is called survival. In this world, everyone is the master of their own destiny.

We chose to survive, and then we have to bear all the consequences. And, have you forgotten? We didn't really abandon them. Dabai will go to Wang Dayong, and they will have a solution.

Moreover, even if we stay, we don't seem to have the strength to change the situation of the battle. Why don't we come out and ask for help? The Taoist men and horses should be arriving soon, right?

Bai Yi was silent, she knew what Jiang Xiao said made sense.

In this cruel world, everyone must fight for their own survival.

She raised her head and looked at Jiang Xiao. The confusion in her eyes had disappeared, replaced by a new kind of determination.

Okay, let's move on.

Bai Yi said and started their escape again.

Behind them, Dabai's pursuit followed them like a maggot attached to the bone.

Although Gang Dan and Chang An had already admitted defeat, the fire in their eyes was not completely extinguished.

Their eyes kept flashing with conspiratorial light during the exchange, as if they were discussing some plan silently.

But their sneakiness did not escape Juicer Girl's sharp eyes.

She had been observing every move of the two men, and when she saw their eyes making contact, as if they were planning something, she immediately frowned.

Hey, two heroes, what are you planning?

Juicer Girl scolded dissatisfiedly, her voice dissatisfied and carrying a bit of unquestionable majesty.

When Gang Dan and Chang An were scolded by her, they immediately looked like children who were caught as thieves. They glanced at each other awkwardly, then lowered their heads in unison and stopped making any communication movements.

No, it's nothing. I was just thinking about what to do about this situation.

Gangdan explained awkwardly, but his voice unconsciously revealed a hint of guilt.

Chang An simply shut his mouth. He knew that under the watch of Juicer Girl, any small movements might be magnified and interpreted, so it was better to remain silent to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

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