Even after breaking the watermelon, we decided to run around the beach for another three or four hours before slowly getting ready to go back.

The time to check-out from the guest house, the accommodation, was approaching, but if it was too late, you might miss the bus going home.

“Oh! It was fun!”

These were the words of Rika, who had tanned after playing hard on the beach for two days, stretching out.

“I think I’ve been playing like crazy.”

“I hope to come again next year.”

“At that time, we were all in third grade.”

“No matter how busy you are with studying for the center exam, wouldn’t it be okay for a day or so?”

They chatted and walked towards the bus stop, carrying much lighter luggage than when they came.

To be sure, attending a high school in Japan and experiencing this kind of experience was entirely new to me as a Korean.

This is because the Korean high school summer vacation I remember was all about taking a short break for a week or two and taking supplementary classes after school.

“Ah, the bus is here.”

After arriving at the stop and waiting for about 10 minutes, a bus to the Express Bus Terminal came.

After that, we get on the bus with our luggage, occupy the back seat, and talk about what we couldn’t finish.

It was around 2 PM when the bus we boarded arrived at the Express Bus Terminal.

Have a late lunch at a nearby restaurant before boarding the bus to Tokyo, then board the pre-booked bus.

Up until just before, the children, who had been running around with full stamina, fell down one by one as soon as they sat down.

It was me and Sasha who were awake until the last time, but Sasha also yawned a little to see if she was sleepy and then fell asleep. .


The highway bus arrived at the highway bus terminal in Shinjuku an hour later.

I just came here yesterday, and it feels like I’ve been visiting for a very long time.

“Ahhh! Is it disbanding like this?”

We looked at each other’s faces at Satoru’s yawning question.

The current time is 4 PM, so if I wanted to play, I could play more.

But the class leader, who was the leader of this trip, raised his right hand and said.

“I’m sorry, but I think it’s going to be difficult because I have work in the evening.”

“Yeah? So what about the others?”

“Everyone seems to be less tired, wouldn’t it be better to disband like this? We can meet and play whenever we want.”

Everyone nodded at Yaguchi’s intervention, who was watching the situation.

It has already been 24 hours since I left the house.

It’s time to start craving home-cooked food.

“Then, we should break up here. Good job everyone.”

After saying that, the class leader waved his hand and was the first to leave.

Sasha and Karen seem to be coming to pick them up.

Satoru said he would go on his own, and I, Ryuji, and Rika and Yaguchiman went to Shinjuku Station to catch the subway going home.

There was an empty seat, so we were naturally seated in a line.

“Kim Yoo-seong, I want to ask you something. Can you spare some time after breaking up with women?”

Hearing those words, I looked at Ryuji next to me.

Ryuji then nodded.

It seems that there has already been a conversation between the two.

Since it was discovered that I could see ghosts in my eyes anyway, avoiding the story seemed meaningless.

It would be right to break through head-on here.

I sent a reply to Ryuji through the messenger app, ‘I understand.’

Ryuji then took out his smartphone, checked the contents of the text, and put it back in his bag.


“Goodbye! Ryu-chan! I’ll text you in the evening!”

Rikawa, who had to go one more stop, broke up on the subway.

Yaguchi, who lives in the same neighborhood, broke up at the crossroads in front of the station because their house was in the opposite direction, and only Ryu and I, who went in the same direction, were left naturally.

Ryuji, who had glanced at me while walking side by side, asked me as I entered an alley with few people.

“Since when have you seen Mahesh?”


“Ah, that’s the guy’s name.”

Saying that, Ryuji pointed to the alien ghost floating next to him.

When our eyes met, he gently raised his hand.

I decided to be honest, thinking that there was nothing more to hide.

“When I went to your house to play, it started showing after I touched the cat-shaped ornaments.”

“Indeed, is it the guidance of Goddess Bastet?”

“Goddess Bastet?”

I looked at the alien ghost who was telling a story I couldn’t understand.

Then, Ryuji hurriedly explained.

“Ah, Mahesh is from Egypt. I met him when I traveled to Egypt and followed him to Japan.”

Is it really a cultural difference?

I looked at Mahesh with new eyes, and mentioned the question that the ghost named Mahesh had said earlier.

Then Mahesh crossed his arms and said,

“I am the pharaoh of ancient Egypt. And the pharaoh of my time also meant the strongest warrior. In other words, I was the most powerful in Egypt.”


“I became a pharaoh as the strongest warrior and gained unparalleled power, but on the other hand, I was disappointed that no one could stand against me. So I asked my best friend and subordinate, the priest, whom I could rely on. How long it would have to wait for people who could be born. And the priest’s answer to that was ‘5,000 years’.”

“Five thousand years?”

So, is this ghost in front of you from around 3,000 BC?

It’s not at the level of an old man, it’s almost a fossil.

“So before I die, I asked the priest to arrange an arrangement in advance so that people who can fight me in future generations can be resurrected whenever they are born.”

As the story grew bigger and bigger, I looked at Ryuji.

“What the hell did you pick up from Egypt?”

“It’s the first I’ve ever heard of it.”

Whether we do it or not, Mahesh recounted his personal history.

“It was indeed a time of hardship. You can’t even imagine, but life in the underworld is nothing that can be called a stimulus.”

underworld? Does this world have heaven or hell?

To be honest, I was more curious about this than his story.

“Five thousand years after that, it is Ryuji that I finally met. Perhaps the priest saw the future of meeting this guy.”

In response to the lengthy story, I asked, waving my hand to cut it off.

“So, now that you are resurrected after 5,000 years, what do you want?”

Then Mahesh smiled and said that he was asking a plain question.

“Of course, it’s a fight against a strong man that boils blood. In the past, I was just a frog who couldn’t escape from the well of Egypt. But now, the strong are spread all over the world, and I have an environment where I can fight them directly. Literally what I wanted It’s become a world.”

After saying that, Mahes looked at me.

“Kim Yu-seong, from my point of view, you are absolutely not an ordinary person. In order to accumulate that amount of tutra, you must have been training from a very young age. So, I want you to know. information about it.”

I looked at Ryuji, who was next to him.

“I’m sorry for suddenly asking such a request. Yoosung-ah. But, if you know anything, I’d like you to let me know. This guy, I’m sure he won’t give up until I tell him.”

After hearing Ryuji’s words, I was a little confused.

From the looks of it, the current Ryuji seemed to know nothing about the afterlife.

Of course, I don’t really know much, but at least I know a lot compared to the two of them.

But can I give you this information?

I couldn’t help but worry that I might be scratched for nothing.

After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly remembered Myoan.

I coughed and said.

“I’m sorry, Ryuji. I don’t know much either, so I can’t really tell you. I’d say it’s a lieutenant, but I can introduce you to someone who might know about that information.”

“Who is that?”

“You should go here.”

I took a business card out of my wallet.

This is the guy the store manager gave me when I went to the cafe where Fuuma-senpai works.

It seemed like it was a good idea to keep it without throwing it away.

“It’s like ☆Asobi Cafe?”

“You can go ahead and say that you came as an introduction to Kim Yoo-sung.”

“Thank you. You have been greatly blessed.”

“It’s not a big deal. You don’t have to say that too much.”

I stopped Mahesh from lowering his head, and I smiled darkly inside.

If you don’t want me to tell you, you have to let someone else do it.

Immediately after, Ryuji bowed his head.

“Thank you. Yooseong-ah. For listening to this guy’s coercion.”

“Well, you are suffering too.”

Having said that, I tapped Ryuji on the shoulder, and when I got home, I decided to part with it.

“Then see you next time.”

“See you next time! Yooseong-ah!”

After seeing off the two people as they left, I stopped by the store on the first floor for a while.

“I’m home.”

Then the mother, who was in the middle of cleaning the table, asked with a welcome expression.

“Did you have a good time?”

I gave a thumbs up.


“You must be tired, go up and rest.”

“Yes. I’ll see you at dinner.”

I stopped by the kitchen for a moment and said hello to my father, then I picked up my luggage and went up to the second floor.


It was time to unpack and put the clothes I had changed yesterday into the washing machine.

At the sudden sound of a messenger, I opened the smartphone screen.

[Kim Yoo-seong, have you not forgotten your promise with the chairman?]


Come to think of it, I decided to go to the student council to play.

had completely forgotten

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