One of the specialties of the Movie Village is the Shinsengumi’s Dunso, which appeared in the NHK drama.

In front of it, staff dressed in samurai costumes were fighting swords or taking pictures of tourists.

And a place where people gather is a good place for hunting.

After stopping by a public toilet for a while and fully armed, we finally set foot on the land of battle.

“Ugh, I’m trembling.”

“Calm down, Ryuji. What do you do when you, the most handsome among us, are too scared?”

Satoru, who is full of aspirations to make a girlfriend this year, encouraged Ryuji, who was nervous about his first hunting.

Their current appearance was like a host wandering the streets of Shibuya at night.

The hair, fixed with the spray, protrudes in all directions, and the collar of the stylish plain clothes stands at an angle.

Sunglasses on his head to create a tourist atmosphere at the peak of the fireworks exude the atmosphere of the light man.

On the other hand, I wasn’t much different from usual.

At most, to change the gloomy impression, she wore neat clothes and did her usual all-white hair?

Considering that I used to just go to school with ponytails, it looked neat.

But Chiaki, who was next to him, didn’t seem to mind.

“How do you look like a yakuza no matter what you do?”

“… shut up.”

There is no consideration for people when you point out the part you were paying close attention to.

Anyway, with such a wretched heart, we went hunting for the first time.

“Come on, Ryuji. Now your role is important. You can approach a woman who seems bored because she is alone or who seems easy to talk to, and talk to her naturally. Do you have time? Called.”

After hearing Satoru’s explanation, Ryuji expressed his displeasure.

“Isn’t that too blatant? They say that hunting is not easy these days.”

“No, you can. As a fellow man, it’s hard to say things like this, but you’re definitely handsome. In percentage terms, we are in the top 20% of our school’s face ranking.”

“… That’s high, isn’t it?”

Something that is quite ambiguous.

Ryuji’s handsomeness was something I had to admit, though.

Anyway, once again receiving encouragement from Satoru, Ryuji finally started the operation with an expression of reluctance.

For the sake of security, we did not communicate by voice, but by text message.

[First, how about the guy in front?]

[You mean yellow hair?]

[right. yellow hair.]

The first target was a female student who was using a cell phone by herself.

Perhaps, like us, he was on a school trip and separated from his friends.

Hair dyed with blonde hair, colorful manicures, and even a cell phone case with cute accessories.

The appearance of a gyaru these days, as if drawn in a picture.

“there… ”

Then the girl raised her head as if it was bothering her and said,

“Do you have that boyfriend?”

If it is a bag, it is a pattern that is often shown by people who are bothered by street hunting.

However, the girl who saw Ryuji’s face immediately changed her stance.

“Oh, I’m sorry. brother. Because it is a tourist destination, there are so many people that bother me. How old are you? Is that your brother?”

When he saw Ryuji’s handsome face, he immediately showed interest.


Satoru, who had been watching the scene, hiding a little far away, shouted with joy.

Hunting succeeds right away on the first try, is this the main character’s correction?

Chiaki, who was watching Ryuji working with us, was pouring cold air out of Chiaki’s body, but since he knows the circumstances before and after, it looks like we’ll be watching it for now.

And the high school girl, who Ryuji succeeded in hunting on the spot, was now actively carrying out a fire attack by putting her arms around her arms first.

“Where does your brother go to school? I go to Inari announcements.”

“Uh, do you know Ichijo Academy in Minato Ward?”

“Oh! Isn’t Ichijo Gakuen a school known for its high variance? Wasn’t he a great criminal unlike the way he looked?”

“haha… .”

Ryuji accepted her words with an awkward smile.

Then, looking at us behind the scenes, he secretly brought out the main point.

“If it’s okay with you, can I call some friends? In fact, I’m the only one waiting behind my back.”

Then, the high school girl who introduced herself as Kobayashi Sanae, who she said earlier, grinned and nodded her head happily.

“like. Then I’ll call my friends. Wouldn’t it be better to match the number of players before playing?”

is this real? So easy?

As I watched the entire hunting process from start to finish, I couldn’t understand it easily.

It’s probably the same for Satoru, who has failed hunting countless times.

I looked at Satoru next to me to ask for consent, but it seems that it is enough for this guy to just play with a girl.

It was not at all believable that he had already shown a hell of a figure.

‘Nara must come to her senses.’

With that promise, I checked the message on my phone.

It was the call signal of Ryuji, who had set all the tables by himself.


“Wow! Pretty! Rika! It’s like a doll of Hina!”

“Hehe- Thank you. Karen-chan.”

Rika, who borrowed a kimono from the makeup studio because it was so much effort, blushed in embarrassment at Karen’s praise.

“The bottom of this dress is empty.”

Following the two of them, Sasha wearing a similarly colorful kimono appeared, and people passing by the makeup studio burst into exclamation all at once.

Not surprisingly, two beautiful blondes and silver-haired girls with exotic looks stand side by side.

It’s not an easy sight to see in Japan, so of course it had to catch people’s attention.

“Then, now that we borrowed clothes, where are we going?”

It was Hattori who raised his hand to answer the class leader’s question, who was holding the map.

“Haunted house! Or I like Shinsengumi Dunso or Ninja Mansion!”

“What about the others?”

“How about a ninja mansion? I heard that you can experience shuriken throwing there.”

“Is it NINJA’s mansion? It’s a good sound.”

“I don’t care anywhere.”

The opinions of the five people were quickly unified into one.

“Ok. Then we decided to go to the ninja mansion first.”

Karen asked as she saw the class leader folding the brochure she was holding in her hand and putting it back into the bag.

“Chief, don’t you look at the map?”

“Oh, it’s okay because I’ve already memorized the road.”

The class leader, who said something absurd with a casual expression, immediately started walking towards the ninja mansion in the corner of the movie town.


“I don’t know!”

“Wow! Awesome! This oppa, look at your muscles!”

A 3:3 impromptu meeting made possible by Ryuji’s outstanding performance.

To be honest, this place itself was incredibly unfamiliar.

This is because he has lived a life far from meeting in his past life and present life.

If Satoru hadn’t acted as a mood maker by speaking well, he would have broken up without saying a word properly.

In that sense, Satoru was playing his role well.

It’s something I can’t do because I’m very shy.

“But are you really in high school? Have you been kneeling for years?”

“…Shall I show you my student ID?”

“Ahhh! It’s a joke!”

In this way, we exchanged information about each other simply, and after making a common name, we decided to explore the attractions in the movie town in earnest.

First of all, the first purpose of coming here was tourism.

“What do you think would be fun?”

“Um, I’ve been to the haunted house before, but nothing really happened. How about going to the ninja mansion up there?”

“That’s a really good idea!”

“Is that right? Right?”

Satoru, who is usually at the highest level of affinity, met the child he had been paired with.

In the case of Ryuji, even if he didn’t put in any effort, he was actively dashing towards the boy named Kobayashi.

On the other hand, I didn’t have much of a conversation with the child in the mask, which I accidentally matched.

‘Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to hate me.’

Seeing that I take great interest in my muscles, which I am afraid of at the beginning, I think maybe I have a similar taste to my junior Minato.

Anyway, we move along the way to the set destination.

A high school girl of this age had the ability to constantly babble while walking, so she was not bored while walking.


My role was usually as a bodyguard and screen, so I don’t know if it’s a familiar feeling.

The ninja’s residence was arrived in about 10 minutes on foot from the Shinsengumi Dunso on the west side of the movie town.

It is a place where you can enjoy various attractions related to ninjas, and it was naturally popular with most tourists.

Following the guidance of the staff wearing ninja cosplay, they lined up behind the procession entering the mansion.


And I realized it later.

It means that the girls who broke up in front of the bus are standing in a position not even 1m away.

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