Hyatt Regency Chicago.

I would like to thank the principal, thank the principal who has been booking a Skyline View Suite at the Hyatt Regency Hotel for a long time, and generously lent the room to them after receiving a call from Lu Mingfei.

Although he may just not want to see Lu Mingfei.

"Senior brother, is this really okay? Junior sister is a girl after all." Lu Mingfei leaned back on the sofa and unscrewed the lid of the glass bottle of soda.

"I said I could book a room for her alone, but after looking at the price, she said that I owe too much favor, so I would just make a floor for my room."

Although the principal is rich and has always been unambiguous about his enjoyment, he is a lonely man after all. Therefore, even in prosperous cities around the world, he has long-term luxury suites in hotels, but these rooms, without exception, have only one large room. bed.

After all, for the principal, even if he occasionally meets a girl with snow-white skin and long flaxen hair somewhere in the city, a big bed is enough.

But unfortunately, there are now three people in this room.

"The fact that the three of us live in an apartment must never be known to Fingal, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, there will be more unsavory rumors in the school?" Chu Zihang originally looked down at a research report of "Jade Jade Record", and raised his head to speak. Already know quite a bit.

Lu Mingfei shook his head, squinted his eyes, and a cold light flickered in his eyes: "Otherwise, I can only do it first!"

"What's the best thing to do first?" Xia Mi came out wearing a new long dress, wiping her wet hair.

After arriving at the hotel, the three of them went to the bathroom to rinse.

Although they are mixed races, they are still creatures after all. They have sold water for most of the day outside. Even if they are mixed races, the three of them will inevitably sweat. .

Although there are two are installed.

"Huh? Senior brother, what are you looking at?" Before getting Lu Mingfei's reply, Xia Mi had already caught the attention of another thing, took the towel in her hand, and trotted all the way to Chu Zihang's side.

Chu Zihang was sitting on the single-seat sofa, and Xia Mi simply sat on the armrest of the sofa, squeezing her little head over to read the research report in Chu Zihang's hand.

"This is the reference material for the third level of chemical alchemy," Chu Zihang asked. "What course are you going to major in?"

"Well... I think both chemical alchemy and magic machinery are good. I like them a little bit, so I don't know how to choose." Xia Mi was a little distressed. "I'm afraid that I won't have enough energy if I choose both."

After admission, Kassel College's course selection is divided into majors, but in order to match the strong learning ability and free-spirited nature of mixed races, basically all courses are freely chosen, and majors do not affect course selection at all, so most of the time The major itself has no sense of existence, and the major subject represents a student's major.

"Junior sister, let me remind you, I know the teacher of Magic Mechanics, and he must be named in every class!" Lu Mingfei reminded.

"Cough! Brother, I have decided, I major in chemical alchemy!" Xia Mi said seriously.

"Then it's good for you to know the textbook in advance," Chu Zihang turned the research report back to the first page, "Let's read it together."

"Pa—" Lu Mingfei slapped his face.

He now feels that his senior brother is like a cold-faced young man in martial arts, so serious that even the tassels of the sword spikes hanging on the hilt are burning straight.

The young heroes from other families bring their favorite female heroes to spend the next day, and they have to find ways to win the favor of the female heroes. Occasionally recite poems to show that you are not a pure man in both civil and military affairs. If you catch a heavy snow, it is best to dance a sword in the snow again. In the heavy snow, the young warrior stands in the yard and dances in white robes. The sword light is like electricity. The snowflakes got stuck on the end of her hair and were thrown out, and the heroine stood under the eaves with her eyes shining and her palms turning red.

After going back and forth like this, they would ride horses together to practice swordsmanship together, riding on the horse and hugging their waists. When practicing swordsmanship, they held the hand of the female hero holding the sword with his own hand, watching the female hero's cheeks redden like a peach blossom young hero's heart slapped his thigh. , know it's done.

But when it comes to the senior brother, it is another scene - the senior brother encounters a female hero who has a good impression of him. The heroine jumps up in front of him with her hair wrapped around her back and a sword on her back and asks, "Brother, what are we going to do?", Senior brother blinked, took out a book from his sleeve robe, and said, "Let's read "Mengxi Bi Tan" together today."

The heroine must have been in true love without a sword.

Gu Jian

Of course, if the heroine not only didn't hack him, but even got together to watch it with relish, Lu Mingfei wouldn't know how to describe it.

Like the current situation.

Chu Zihang was studying an obscure paper, and he took notes from time to time. Xia Mi sat next to him and read it with relish, but she didn't know whether she was reading the paper or someone.

"Ascension from the earth, and descend from the sky, gaining the ability above and below. In this way, you can gain the glory of the world and stay away from darkness and ignorance." Chu Zihang marked this sentence and read it out in a low voice.

"Newton's original text is 'itascendsfromyeearthtoyeheaven&againitdesendstoyeearthandreceivesyeforceofthings;&thismeansyoushallhaveyegloryofyewholeworld&therebyallobscurityshallflyfromyou.' Brother, you did not add a subject. From the context, Newton's 'it' refers to the 'only miracle' he mentioned earlier, or 'Taiyi'. This sentence can also be translated as 'Taiyi rises from the earth into the sky, and then descends to the ground again, thereby absorbing the power of the upper and lower realms, so that you will have the glory of the whole world and be far from ignorance."

"Mengmei? Where is there a cute girl?" Lu Mingfei suddenly came to his senses.

"Here and here!" Xia Mi pointed to herself.

"Cut!" Lu Mingfei looked contemptuous, his eyebrows filled with disappointment.

Xia Mi: ('д')

"If 'Taiyi' refers to the spiritual world, then it can be explained that hybrids can try to enter the spiritual realm of dragons, and then return to human beings, so as to obtain complete power." Chu Zihang ignored Lu Mingfei, who was slapsticking. And Xia Mi, think along Xia Mi's train of thought.

"Impossible," Lu Mingfei said aside, "spirit is a product born from the body, although theoretically it can exist independently of the body after being strong to a certain extent, but in the final analysis, it is the body that determines the spirit, even if Spirit can enter the realm of dragons, at the bloodline, or genetic level, it is still human genes, it can only be said that it has reached the realm of dragons in terms of spirit."

"The foundation of the word spirit is the spirit," Chu Zihang pondered, "According to this, if someone can reach the dragon's realm spiritually, then he can release the word spirit that has reached the dragon's domain? Then if someone can Your spirit has reached the realm of the Dragon King..."

"That's right. In fact, there are some people in history who have done this kind of thing," Lu Mingfei said.

"Me?" Chu Zihang was a little puzzled.

"It's the president of the first-generation Lionheart Club, Menec Cassel," Lu Mingfei said. "Senior brother, you should know this person, right?"

"There are records within the Lionheart Club, but not many." Chu Zihang said.

"That's right, because a lot of information is strictly kept secret by the secret party," Lu Mingfei said, "For example, this first-generation president once perished with a first-generation species before his death, and the means for him to perish together was to arrive in one shot. The world-destroying word spirit in the Dragon King Domain, of course, the consequence is that he should have died from the huge consumption of releasing the word spirit before being blown up by the word spirit he released."

Meneke Cassel, Chu Zihang silently remembered this name, Lu Mingfei said that the information is highly confidential in the secret party, and even he, the president of the Lionheart Club, has no right to know.

"If we count further, there is another Yan Ling who is the same as Xiao Qiang," Lu Mingfei said, "In historical records, Zhuangzi once made Kun Peng the Yan Ling show a majestic gesture comparable to the world-destroying Yan Ling, and this gesture Even before being displayed by the dragon, some people suspect that Zhuangzi's spirit has approached or even reached the level of the Dragon King, but because he is still a mixed-race body, he cannot avoid the fate of death."

When Lu Mingfei said this, Xia Mi's eyes suddenly changed.

"Actually, if nothing else, these two paragraphs should describe the sage's attitude." Lu Mingfei said.

"Sage attitude?" Chu Zihang and Xia Mi showed curious expressions at the same time.

"From a common sense, hybrids have a critical point of bloodline, and hybrids that exceed the critical point will be dominated by dragon blood and degenerate into dead servants, because dragon blood strengthens the body of the hybrid, although it also strengthens the spirit, but it It will be mixed with the tyranny unique to the dragon. This tyranny will destroy the human mind. The more dragon parts in the human spirit, the stronger the spirit, and the greater the proportion of the tyrannical part, the easier the human mind will be destroyed and changed. Become a Deadpool," Lu Mingfei explained, "but if someone can get rid of the distracting part of their spirit before they degenerate into a Deadpool, they can make the spiritual 'quality' in an almost absolutely rational attitude. Take a leap, and in a short period of time, the spirit is comparable to that of pure-blooded dragons, and this posture is called the sage posture."

"After the mixed race reaches the sage attitude, it means that it has the spiritual power to completely control the dragon's blood. No matter how strong the bloodline is, the tyrannical part of the dragon spirit cannot defeat the human mind. UU reading Eliminate the risk of becoming a deadpool."

Chu Zihang showed a thoughtful expression.

It was the first time that Xia Mi heard the so-called "sage attitude". Although she has always been persistent in collecting information from mixed-race people, she did not know anything about the top-secret information of the sage attitude.

She lowered her head and was silent for a while, and suddenly her face changed suddenly. When she raised her head, although her expression had returned to normal, there was still a lingering horror in her eyes.

Damn it! She seemed to understand why Odin wanted to mix himself with human blood!

He may have walked in front of all the hybrids and dragons, and the goal he pursued was probably bigger and more terrifying than she had imagined.


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