Remember [New] for a second,! In the Sea of ​​Japan, inside the Sumeru Tower.

Lu Mingfei looked at the undulating waves outside the Xumi Throne, stood on the floor that was shaking violently, his feet were as if taking root, and the mana in his body surged.

At this moment, he no longer cares about any demonic thoughts or not. The blood under the sea is the most important crisis. Just using mana once will not happen to be motivated by demonic thoughts, right?

Just as Lu Mingfei was thinking about it, the shock wave of the third explosion on the bottom of the sea was transmitted, and the huge wave was even more intense, and the snow-white wave tip whistled toward the clouds.

With his bloodline as an emperor, Yuan Zhisheng walked towards Lu Mingfei and the others as he walked on the ground in the shaking Xumi Throne.

At this moment, besides Yuan Zhisheng, only Lu Mingfei, Lao Tang, Chu Zihang, and Xia Mi, who were of high enough bloodline, and Sakura, who was a ninja with excellent balance skills, could still stand normally. Basically, he was shaking the Middle East violently, and he could no longer command anything, so he simply came over to find Lu Mingfei.

"Lu Jun, if conditions permit, you should leave Japan as soon as possible," Yuan Zhisheng said to Lu Mingfei with a complicated expression, "The family will definitely hold you accountable for such huge casualties, and I will try my best to stop it. The family, but I am afraid it can only play a role in delaying, it is best for you to leave Japan while the family does not respond, so as to avoid the family..."

Yuan Zhisheng didn't say anything later, but his meaning was already obvious. It is impossible for the Sheqi Bajia to let go of the culprit of this tsunami. As a noble "emperor", Yuan Zhisheng may only suffer some less serious problems However, as outsiders, Lu Mingfei and others, I am afraid they will become the main culprits.

But it's not quite accurate to say that they are the scapegoats, because the tsunami itself was indeed caused by Lu Mingfei.

Yuan Zhisheng was still angry at Lu Mingfei's detonation of the Rhine without blinking an eye, which was about to deprive thousands of lives, but if what Lu Mingfei said was completely true, then there was nothing wrong with him doing it rationally. Emotionally, Lu Mingfei cured Eiliyi, and Yuan Zhisheng also felt that he should be on Lu Mingfei's side, so he suppressed his anger and came over to persuade Lu Mingfei to let them take advantage of the Sheqi Bajia before coming. Catch them and run away.

"Brother Yuan, the matter is not over yet," Lu Mingfei shook his head, "Based on what I know about blood scorpions, an explosion of this magnitude should not be able to destroy them all, and some surviving individuals will remain. Spread out and multiply in the sea, then the consequences will be unimaginable.”

"Even a god-level word spirit like Rhine can't kill them all?" Yuan Zhisheng felt incredulous.

Although I haven't been able to see the power of the Rhine with my own eyes, the tsunami caused by the 8,000-meter seawater has proved how stalwart the power of this god-level word spirit is. But even so, how could those **** beasts survive such a devastating sweep? The first generation species can't necessarily do it, right?

"I'll go to the sea to see," Lu Mingfei walked towards the outside of the Xumi seat, "Brother Yuan, pay attention to your own safety."

nautical miles? Aren't those blood spears 8000 meters underwater? Wouldn't Lu Mingfei plan to drive Tianwu into the water again under such circumstances?

"No, Lu Jun, this is too dangerous. The current underwater situation is too complicated, and because the Tianwu ship has just been pulled up due to its overload, the instrument may have been affected. It should not be launched again before the maintenance is completed..."

Lu Mingfei was standing on the edge of the platform of Xumizuo, with the sea just a step in front of him, and the waves below were hitting the concrete base. Just getting ready to dive in and see for yourself."

He can no longer control whether he will expose his abnormal strength.

Dive in by yourself? Dive into the water for 8,000 meters?

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment, thinking that he didn't expect this to happen, and Lu Mingfei was still in the mood to joke.

Then she saw Lu Mingfei plunged down into the huge waves and disappeared.

Yuan Zhisheng: …

? ? ?

! !

Although he doesn't specialize in water movement spells, he has the magical powers of earth evil, but Lu Mingfei, who "enters the water", has also learned from the book of heaven. It is still easy to go deep diving in ordinary waters.

The water flowed against Lu Mingfei's skin and clothes, but it didn't get wet at all, and it didn't bring any resistance to Lu Mingfei. In the deep sea, Lu Mingfei flew down almost unaffected. .

He had written down the route of the Tianwu on the Xumi Seat before, and now he was diving along the route, and when he approached the bottom of the sea, he noticed the strong blood energy.

At this moment, the chain explosion in the Rhine has subsided, and the huge amount of light and heat destroyed the ancient city of dragons, because the sand and rocks were melted into magma and then sharply cooled by sea water into obsidian. Although it was still foggy, the visibility of the seabed In fact, it was better than Lu Mingfei had expected. The temperature of the sea water had long exceeded 100 degrees Celsius under high pressure, but it was still not enough to hinder him.

Parting the scalding sea water, Lu Mingfei swam to a blood-red magic circle.

At this moment, the blood color of the magic circle is very pale, and I can only barely open the light-colored shield. Under the protection, there are about tens of thousands of blood eggs still lying on the ground completely. The price is that the ancient dragon embryos, which are the energy source, are completely drained. , has come to the brink of withering.

Lu Mingfei was suspended right above the magic circle, and when he raised his hand, the flames of bright light scattered all over the sky. Although the range was far less than that of Rhine, the lethality of the flames in the same area was only higher than that of Rhine, and the dazzling golden light was pale blood. The shield only lasted for a moment before it was burned through, and the sea of ​​fire fell, burning a piece of blood eggs into ashes in the sea.

Lu Mingfei raised his hand again, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com was about to cast the flames of bright light again, but caught a glimpse of the withered embryo.

In other words, after the embryo withered, what it revealed was what was originally engulfed by its package.

Taking that thing as the center, the building collapsed in circles in reverse, indicating that it fell to the seabed with amazing speed and weight, causing shock waves. The exposed part is 80 meters long and about 25 meters wide, which is vaguely an icebreaker. boat shape.


The moment he saw the icebreaker, the name subconsciously appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind.

Along with the name came to his mind an endless snow curtain, and in the snow curtain there was a splendid church, the church was brightly lit, the fireplace was burning brightly, men, women and children were on fire. Singing and dancing in color.

The rain of flame-colored stray bullets ripped apart the snow curtain. In the dark night, the huge and slender body rose to the sky from the snow field. Under the bright moonlight, it could be vaguely recognized that it was a dark snake.

Lu Mingfei's consciousness gradually became dazed. He reopened his eyes half-dreaming and half-awake. The blue-gold eyes showed a confused look, but he couldn't hide the tyranny that flowed in his eyes, like wildfire spreading.

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