[First, the direction of the feet.] 】

[In general, we will turn our body to the person or object we like, which can judge whether the attitude of others towards you is acceptable or rejected.] 】

[For example, there are two people you know who are chatting in front of you, and you come up to say hello, one of them immediately turns around when he sees you, and the other person just turns around and says hello. 】

Obviously, the person who turned around welcomed you in, and the other person didn't want you to disturb their chat.] 】

In the same way, we turn away from people or things we don't like. 】

In short, a person's removal of his feet is a signal of desire for liberation, indicating that he wants to stay away from his position. 】

When you are talking to someone, if you notice that the other person gradually or suddenly moves his feet away from your side, you should make some adjustments. 】


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Cheng Zhijie opened his mouth and shouted at Li Tao~:

"Okay, you Xu Maogong, the last time you talked to Lao Qin, I walked over to say hello to you, you treated me like this, it turned out that I was not welcome in my heart. "

The statements of the people of later generations are not necessarily true. "

Li Tao immediately denied it.

Qin Qiong on the side also spoke:

"Lao Cheng, Mao Gong definitely doesn't have this intention, don't think about it. "

"Really, but how do I think the words of the Hereafter sound reasonable?"

Cheng Zhijie muttered.

Looking back, he still felt that Li Tao's performance at that time was not quite right.

The old boy must have thought he was in the way.


[Second, the swing of the feet.] 】

[Let's think about it, when children are happy, are they bouncing? Adults are the same, although they are often not so direct, but when they are happy and relaxed, their bodies will become lighter, and their feet will subconsciously swing up and down. 】

[This kind of swing can be called happy feet.] 】

Happy feet are a very reliable signal that a person thinks he is getting what he wants, or has an advantage to win something of value from another person or surroundings. 】

[You don't need to go under the table to observe, just look at a person's shoulder, if his feet are swinging or shaking, then his shoulders will also sway or shake up and down. 】

[These movements are very subtle, but you can still see them if you pay attention.] 】

[However, there are exceptions, that is, some people love to shake their legs when they are nervous, and some people themselves have the habit of shaking their legs.] 】

[At this time, you may really have to take a sneak look at the other party's feet, if you shake your legs, you generally have the forefoot on the ground and the heel swings, and when you are happy, the heel lands and the forefoot swings, just the opposite. 】

[Therefore, we have to consider the environment and personal factors, and then combine the comprehensive judgment of facial expressions]


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the giant screen in the sky and listened to the video narration with relish.

He never imagined that he could judge a person's psychology in such a way.

It was just too new for him.

Zhu Di on the side is comparing the actual experience in life.

This statement enlightened him.

Is it possible to use this method to judge the true thoughts of the courtiers in the confrontation with the courtiers?

For example, when discussing a specific court policy, if a courtier has a happy foot phenomenon, does it mean that the courtier agrees with this policy?

However, Zhu Di soon found that this method was not suitable for him.

The ministers were all respectful in front of him.

There is no such thing as happy feet at all.

Perhaps this is what later generations call exceptions.

Zhu Di thought so in his heart.


[Third, the spacing of the feet.] 】

[Standing with legs open is an act of defending territory.] 】

[That is, when people feel threatened, they swear a sign of their status, which is especially common among some people in positions of power, because they are used to dominance.] 】

[And there is a funny phenomenon, when they want to overwhelm others in aura, they will subconsciously try to spread their legs wider. 】

[Therefore, when you are talking to someone and you find that their feet that were originally together suddenly separate or the distance between their feet has become a little larger, you should pay attention to whether there is something offensive to the other person. 】


After hearing these words, many officials of all dynasties were thoughtful.

This is very helpful for them to mingle in the court and deal with colleagues or officials.


Fourth, crossed feet. 】

[Crossing your feet is the most unbalanced position, and it is also the most difficult to escape when you encounter danger.] 】

[So it reflects a relaxed and comfortable state, for example, if you are standing alone with your feet crossed, but suddenly a stranger comes in, you may return to a posture of standing firmly on your feet.] 】

[This is a reflex action of the limbic system, telling you that there is an unknown situation, so be vigilant.] 】


Hear here.

Many ancients of all dynasties nodded slightly.

They can understand and appreciate this.


[Let's take a look at the trunk posture that is easy to ignore, just like the movements of the legs and feet, many behaviors of the human torso can also reflect what you want in your heart. 】

[The trunk is the carrier of many organs, including the heart, lungs, digestive system, etc., and is very fragile if it is not protected. 】

[So once the limbic system senses danger, it will make some actions to protect itself.] 】

[These knee-jerk protective actions can be divided into three categories: back-to-back, distance-free, and blocking.] 】

[And the message of the arm.] 】

[First of all, the posture of the hands.] 】

[If the arm is raised and stretched upward, it is like getting rid of gravity, which is a sign of high positivity. 】

[If the arms are drooping and close to the body, this is a sign of insecurity and bad mood, if this situation occurs in children, it is likely to be bullied or beaten, because this is an action to protect yourself. 】

[Secondly, the movement of the hands.] 】

[For example, in the process of arresting a suspect, when a person raises his hand to surrender, although he verbally expresses his obedience, if his body posture remains stiff or tense, it is likely to imply his inner resistance and disobedience, and it is very likely to be a fraudulent surrender. 】

[For example, when people feel uneasy, uncomfortable, fearful, or worried, people often cover their neck sockets with their hands, and by observing this behavior, we can find out whether a person is lying or whether they are withholding important information.] 】

[In addition, if a person touches his nose, cheeks, neck or chin with his hands during a conversation, it means that he is nervous and uneasy, and his words are most likely lying.] 】

Because these actions are self-soothing behaviors, soothing actions cause the brain to release endorphins, which can help people relieve nervousness. 】


Wu Zhou plane.

Di Renjie listened very carefully.

The content that was said in the giant screen at this moment, he felt that he could use it when he decided the case in the future.

Especially when interrogating a prisoner, it can be used to determine whether the prisoner is telling the truth.

In front of him, Wu Zetian, the lord of Wu Zhou, also listened carefully.

Mastering this knowledge is very helpful for her to judge whether her ministers are bullying the king.


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Di was also very interested in the content of the giant screen at this time.

He felt that these contents were very helpful in identifying and employing people.

Behind Zhu Di, the commander of the Daming Jinyi Guard made Ji Gang work very hard to remember these contents.

On the one hand, it was because of Zhu Di's order.

The other thing is that the content is really useful.

Jin Yiwei often arrests and interrogates people, and this knowledge can be used in many places.


Finally, the physiological response of the hand. 】

[If the above actions can be disguised, then the physiological reaction of the hand will never lie. 】

[Sweaty palms generally mean that the person is nervous, and winter is no exception, and it can't be controlled at all, except for friends who are born to sweat. 】

[Trembling hands also represent stress, fear of nervousness.] 】

[The hands are cold, the face is pale and nervous, this is more blood flowing to the feet, increasing the movement strength of the leg muscles so that they can fight and escape at any time. 】

In addition to the above, some of the following body language is also worth knowing. 】

[The expression of real surprise is fleeting, and more than a second is fake.] 】

[A liar does not avoid the other person's eyes as is commonly understood, but needs eye contact more to judge whether you believe what he says. 】

[Describing a series of events, the fabrication is in chronological order, and whether you can perform flashbacks fluently and accurately is one of the criteria for judging whether the other party is lying. 】

[If the other party expresses disdain for your questioning, usually your questioning will be true.] 】

[When narrating, the eyeball looks to the lower left, which means that the brain is recalling, and what is said is the truth, while lies do not need the process of recall.] 】


Many ordinary people in all dynasties were shocked when they listened to the body language interpretation in the barrage.

They think the people of the Hereafter are terrible!

It is possible to study the human body movements and behaviors in such detail. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If everyone learned these methods, wouldn't everyone have no secrets?

That's horrible, too.

Compared with ordinary people, many emperors of previous dynasties and ancient criminal investigation professionals such as Di Renjie and Ji Gang listened very carefully and carefully.

In the eyes of the emperors, this "mind reading" is the top skill of recognizing people.

If you master this art of recognizing people, you will be able to better recognize and employ people.

In the eyes of professionals like Di Renjie and Ji Gang, these contents are more appropriate, and they can be directly applied to the trial of criminals to solve the case, which helps to find the real culprit in the case.

Oh, that's something that Ji Gang probably doesn't care about.

After all, the duty of the Jinyi Guard is not to find the truth, but to carry out the emperor's orders.


There are also some ancients who have found more application scenarios for this "mind reading".

For example, in the Southern Song Dynasty, Li Qingzhao felt that this "mind reading" could be applied to the gambling table.

In fact, she was right.

Jonnavaro once used his body language interpretation technique to kill everyone at the table.


[One thing to note is that we should combine the benchmark behavior of the object to distinguish which are habitual actions and which are special actions, and also consider them comprehensively according to environmental factors, and it is best to observe several more signals to improve accuracy. 】[]

[Okay, that's the end of this video.] 】

Wu Zhou plane.

Wu Zetian opened his mouth and asked Di Renjie:

"Di Aiqing, do you think this mind-reading technique of future generations is real and reliable?"

Di Renjie groaned for a moment and replied:

"Returning to Your Majesty, I think that what this mind-reading technique says is still very reasonable. "

The minister thought about it carefully, and many of them were quite consistent with some of the minister's past experience, which could be regarded as verified. "

However, people's hearts are complicated, and they can't be copied according to this method, and they need to be analyzed in many ways. "

What Di Aiqing said is extremely true. "

Wu Zetian replied.


High in the sky.

The barrage is refreshed.

[From the "Historical Records", we can understand the Spring and Autumn penmanship in the Chinese history books. 】

["Princes and generals, rather have a kind of", this popular rebel slogan comes from Chen Sheng, the leader of the first peasant rebel army in China. 】

[A poor tenant farmer who sold himself to the landlord to farm the land. 】

[It stands to reason that if you turn several pages of a history book, you won't catch a glimpse of the life of such a low-level person. 】

Barrage flying:

"Chen Sheng has a word, and his ancestors should also be wide. "

When he shouted out the princely general, Ning You'd like to say this, and dared to take up arms to resist, his identity didn't matter. "

This slogan of rebellion is so awesome that it runs through the entire ancient Chinese period. "

"The prince and general, Ning has a kind of hu, as soon as he shouts out, he feels his blood boiling!"


Great Qin Dynasty.

Qin Shi Huang looked at the sentence "Princes and generals, rather have a kind" on the giant screen in the sky, and frowned.

This sentence is too inflammatory.

In addition, he already knew that Chen Sheng was a native of Great Qin, and the rebellion in the original historical time and space also happened in Great Qin, and it was a rebellion against Great Qin.

He felt even more uncomfortable in his heart.

"Zhao Gaoli Si, it's really not a pity to die! Hu Hai is also a rebel!"

Qin Shi Huang snorted coldly in his heart.

In the end, it's all the fault of these three people.

In the original historical time and space, if these three people had not tampered with the edict, forced Fusu to death, and let Hu Hai usurp the throne, Great Qin would not have been in chaos in the world and would have died.


[But a certain book unprecedentedly believes that this clay leg is as epoch-making as Confucius Dasheng.] 】

[And the author of this book is the humanoid surveillance of the Han Dynasty, the lifelong enemy of powerful officials, the creator of middle school idioms, the founder of historian penmanship, a very successful knife and pen officer, and a very unfortunate righteous minister: Ma Qian of Taishi Company. 】

[Sima Qian's circle of friends is the second generation of Fan Xu's descendants and Jia Yi's descendants. 】

[They brought him news that ordinary people do not have. 】

[For example, in our impression of the Hongmen Banquet, Fan Hao broke into Xiang Yu's camp with a big shield and won the favor of Xiang Yu himself. 】

[Why did he act so brave? Because this story was told to him by Fan Xu's grandson.] 】

[Tout your ancestors, you can understand.] 】

"Normal, there is also the fact that Yang Xi was stared at by Xiang Yu for several ways, and it was also Yang Xi's fifth grandson Yang Chang told Sima Qian, and this Yang Chang is Sima Qian's son-in-law and married Sima Qian's daughter Sima Ying. "

"Reply-no, it's not a glorious thing, why do you say this?"

"Reply-why is it disgraceful? The overlord of Western Chu is the first fierce general in China, and it is also an honor to be glared at by the overlord. "

"Reply - don't talk nonsense, saying that this is just incidental, the focus is on the content behind: Yang Xi was not afraid after being stared back, and ran back bravely, snatching one of Xiang Yu's thighs after his death among everyone. "

"Reply - this is a golden thigh, with this credit, Yang Xi was named the Marquis of Chiquan, and the Yang family also received the Danshu Iron Coupon. "

"Reply - not only that, but later the famous Hongnong Yang family, who had many children and would enter the phase, knew that it was Yang Xi's Yang. "

"Reply - Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian is still the twenty-first grandson of Yang Xi. "

"Reply-hiss! Overlord's leg, this is Hongnong Yang's golden thigh!"


The Great Han Gaozu Plane.

Liu Bang was a little surprised.

He didn't expect Yang Xi's descendants to have such a creation.

Yang Xi was just a lieutenant under him, and he was indeed made a marquis because he grabbed one of Xiang Yu's thighs.

Because he himself said at the beginning: Those who kill Xiang Yu will be rewarded with thousands of gold and sealed 10,000 households.


[But without investigation, there is no right to speak, and the "Records of the Historians" is not all such a single confession. 】

[For example, such as Jing Ke's assassination of Qin, a major event where many witnesses still lived to the Han Dynasty, compared with Fan Xu's bravery, it is much more authentic. 】

The Great Han Gaozu Plane.

When Fan Xu saw this, he was not happy: What do you mean by this?

He's His Majesty's number one bodyguard!

How is his prowess not real?

How can this be true to the people of the Hereafter!


[But if it's all confessions from the parties, it's called miscellaneous talk.] Most of the historical records are supported by official archives. 】

[For example, Lees's death.] 】

[At first glance at Li Si, many people will be curious, how does Sima Qian know what Li Si appealed in prison? How did Sima Qian know about the specific plan of the Dune Palace Change?

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