Oh, yes.


After hearing this passage, many emperors of all dynasties had the same question in their hearts.

Originally, they thought that the two would compete for hegemony without a single day, and that both countries wanted to be the sole leaders of the whole earth.

But at the moment they realized that the Earth was indeed big enough to host two superpowers without any problem.

In the case of almost the same strength, Big Brother and Eagle Sauce Country can fight each other, but there is no need to fight to the death.

From the perspective of maximizing national interests, starting an all-out struggle for hegemony is not a rational choice for both sides.


What is the reason for the decision to compete for hegemony?

The emperors all cast their eyes on the giant curtain in the sky.

There are answers to the questions.


[The reason why the Cold War broke out was because the Eagle Sauce Country and Big Brother, the twins of human civilization, came to a crossroads that would determine the fate of mankind. 】

[Both countries believe that their own line, their own ideology, and their own social system are right, and both believe that they have the obligation to lead all mankind to the light. 】

[To regard the Cold War between the two as a competition of interests between imperialism is to flatten these two great civilizations. 】

Barrage flying:

"A clash of civilizations!"

"This pattern is big!"

"So that's it, the height of the station is too high. "

"The essence of the Cold War was a clash of ideologies. "


"That's what happened!"

Many emperors of all dynasties suddenly came to their senses, and then felt shocked in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, the reason why these two superpowers started to compete for hegemony turned out to be like this?

This kind of competition for the direction of civilization at the level of all mankind is beyond their imagination.

Such a grand pattern is indeed beyond their imagination.

They were shocked.

This is not a matter of their personal vision, but is determined by historical limitations.

After all.

There was a change of dynasties in ancient China, but "563" was the replacement of another feudal dynasty by one feudal dynasty.

There is no essential difference.


[From 1947 to 1991, it was the most rapidly developing half century in human history. 】

[During this time, the two camps fought an unprecedented battle to prove who had the better social system. 】

[This has greatly promoted the progress of mankind, and it can be said that in the history of mankind's struggle for thousands of years, there is no more meaningful struggle than the Cold War. 】

[Compared with the current worse world, the Cold War is a struggle to see who is better. 】

[In order to prevent the spread of red ideas on their own side, Western countries have made huge concessions. 】

During the Cold War, the gap between the rich and the poor in the Eagle Sauce Country and Europe remained at a relatively low level. 】

[Europe has established a well-established welfare system, and the brutal exploitation of workers before World War II has been swept away. 】

And the reason for all this, as Che Guevara said: After we are gone, they will build you schools and hospitals, and they will raise your wages, not because they have found it in their conscience, nor because they have become good people, but because we have been here. 】

[This is the strongest catfish effect in human history.] 】

Big Brother may not be good enough, but its mere existence is enough to propel the entire capitalist world and human civilization forward. 】

Barrage flying:

"Only competition can make progress. "

"Indeed, it is not the benevolent capitalists, but the revolutionaries who have come. "

"Guevara said it so brilliantly!"

"Suddenly it's sublimated!"



For this remark, many emperors of all dynasties can understand.

Especially Li Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang and other emperors who have experienced troubled times.

This is like competing for the hearts and minds of the people in troubled times, and there will always be some preferential treatment for the people.


[In terms of science and technology, Big Brother sent Gagarin into space, built a space station, and established the first space territory of mankind. 】

[And the Eagle Sauce Country went one step further, carried out the Apollo program at any cost, and sent humans to the moon in 1969. 】

The video in the giant screen shows the image of a man landing on the moon and walking on the moon.

Seeing this scene, the ancients of all dynasties were shocked:

"Hey, a human has actually landed on the moon himself!"

As for the difficulty of humans landing on the moon in person, they have been very clear after the popularization of science in the previous video.

The Eagle Sauce Country was able to send humans to the moon so early, which is really powerful.


[In terms of civilian science and technology, human medicine made great strides during the Cold War, all kinds of imaginative inventions could be approved, and crazy inventions such as supersonic airliners could only be launched during the Cold War. 】

[Eagle Sauce Country has given birth to a variety of new household appliances, because each new invention of the application can add luster to the life of Eagle Sauce Country. 】

[At that time, the Eagle Sauce Country was a real lighthouse country, with huge investment in scientific and technological research and development, aiding Europe, and dismantling the colonial system of the country where the sun never sets and the Gallic chicken country, all of which are all undertakings to promote human progress. 】

[When the United States and Europe are gradually establishing universal social welfare, the living standards of the people of Big Brother are also improving by leaps and bounds. 】

[In terms of medicine, when Solrenitsyn was a prisoner in 1965, the local hospital in Tashkent was able to cure him of lung cancer. 】

[Big Brother's medical level can be seen. 】

[What's more, Article 42 of the Big Brother Constitution states: "The State guarantees free and high-quality medical care to all residents."] 】

Big Brother thus became the first country in the world to promise and realize free medical care from cradle to grave to all citizens. 】

Barrage flying:

"Everyone doesn't need money to see a doctor for a lifetime, it's too strong. "

"It's a pity that after Khrushchev came to power, Big Brother's originally unified free medical care system was split into two independent medical systems. "

"Reply - metamorphism began, class differentiation began. "



At this time.

In the plane of all dynasties.

Many of the ancients were already stunned.

"What? I don't need money to see a doctor for the rest of my life? How is this possible?"

"How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Does such a state really exist?"

"I'm so envious! Why can't I take my turn to do such a good thing?"


In different dynasties, countless ancients made an uproar.

Shock, suspicion, envy, jealousy, and other emotions are intertwined in their hearts.

Especially the poor people.

This incident gave them a huge psychological shock.

In ancient China, many poor people could not afford to see a doctor.

In other words, minor illnesses can be barely cured, but major illnesses cannot be cured.

If you get it, you will survive, and if you can't get through it, you will die.

People in such a situation can imagine the shock in their hearts when they learn that there is a country in the world that provides free medical treatment to all people.


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin and the ministers of the Tang Dynasty looked at each other.

Their faces were full of disbelief.

It's incredible that this big brother can make people all over the country see a doctor for free!

Even, they are a little admired.

This is indeed a great thing for the people of the whole world.

"Auxiliary, you said that if our Datang also allows all the people in the country to see a doctor for free, is this possible?"

Li Shimin opened his mouth and asked the eldest grandson Wuji.

He was a little tempted in his heart.

If he can do this in the Tang Dynasty, then he Li Er will be the first emperor of the ages, and he will be a saint who has never existed in China.

And if Datang really does this, then the people will swear to support Datang.

Datang will also be able to consolidate the country forever.

The more Li Shimin thought about it, the more excited he became.

He was tempted, but the eldest grandson Wuji was startled.

His Majesty really dared to think about it.

What kind of family background does Datang have?

Is that what Datang can afford to do with free medical care for all?

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this matter will not work. "

"My Datang has a vast territory and a large population, just the medical hall that needs to be built and the doctors recruited will be a huge number, not to mention the need for various medicinal materials to treat diseases. "

"I'm Datang, I can't afford it. "

In order to dispel Li Shimin's unrealistic thoughts, the eldest grandson Wuji replied very clearly.

After the eldest grandson Wuji answered, Fang Xuanling and others also spoke up to persuade Li Shimin to give up this idea.

After listening to everyone's words, Li Shimin also calmed down.

He knew that this thing really couldn't be done in Datang.

I don't have that strength.


"Can't do it?"

"It can't be done. "

Zhu Biao replied with certainty. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I don't know what his father thinks, he actually wants to follow the example of Big Brother to engage in free medical care.

He only thought about it and knew it would cost a huge amount of money.

How can Daming have so much money?

Hearing Zhu Biao's very clear answer.

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed in his heart.

Da Ming is still too poor.


[While ensuring the eight-hour work week, Big Brother has turned a large number of high-end hobbies into national hobbies. 】

[For example, ballet was a typical aristocratic hobby in the Imperial Russian era, but it became a national culture in Big Brother, which greatly improved the aesthetic level of the people. 】

[Those who are familiar with Big Brother will find that many ordinary workers of Big Brother basically have a second hobby, such as Big Brother female astronaut's hobby before becoming an astronaut was parachuting. 】

[The reason for this life is that Big Brother guaranteed an eight-hour work week for most of the time in peacetime, and before the dissolution, he even considered a seven-hour work week. 】

Barrage flying:

"This is the holistic development of the human being. "

Jack Ma was furious and shouted and exited the live broadcast room. "

"Jackma: Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, 996 is a blessing. "[]

"Big Brother has a lot of slots, but it does have some awesome places. "

"I gradually understand why there is a group of Jingsu. "



Many ordinary people in all dynasties looked at the life of Big Brother in the giant screen, and their eyes were very envious.

That life is really colorful.


[As for education, you can learn about Big Brother's perverted high-intensity and high-speed education system, as well as the ultra-high mathematics level of the whole people. 】

[At its time, a large number of masters were also cultivated in the education systems of Europe and the United States at that time, and there were masters in all walks of life. 】

[The joke about the lack of food and clothing of the big brother is mainly the temporary period of the Great Brother and the last few years before the disintegration........]

[Actually, Big Brother does not have any choice in terms of daily necessities, but the standard of living is definitely not bad. 】

[During the Cold War, Big Brother was the world's largest producer of woolen textiles, the world's largest cotton cloth, the world's largest producer of shoes and sugar, the world's largest consumer of dairy products, and the world's second largest consumer of beer and ice cream. 】

[Big Brother jokes are a precious spiritual heritage of mankind, but don't think that a country that lacks food and clothing will become a pole of the world. 】

[From the perspective of social life, the standard of living of the big brother is lower than that of Eagle Sauce Country, and it is also lower than that of Western Europe and Japan, but other than that, it is basically the highest standard of living. 】

[Big Brother Supreme Leader Khrushchev once had a famous kitchen debate with the President of the Eagle Sauce Country, Niko. 】

[At that time, the living standards of the people of Big Brother grew rapidly, and although the Khrushchev House was ugly, it solved the housing needs of Big Brother. 】

[What's more, it's distributed free of charge by the state.] 】

[Khrushchev's theory is that in Big Brother, everyone can get a house provided by the state for free, while the poor in the Eagle Sauce Country can only sleep on the street. 】

[This is a very real problem, if you don't have enough confidence, who would dare to be better than life with Eagle Sauce Country?]

"Hey, and get a house for free!!"

The ancients of all dynasties were stunned again.

What kind of country is this?

It's free medical treatment and free house.

The legendary paradise is not so good, right?

Many ordinary people in all dynasties were envious again.

They feel that the life of the big brother people is too good.


Datang plane.

in a grass hut.

Du Fu looked at the giant screen in the sky and was stunned.

There are tens of millions of mansions in Ande, and the poor people in the world are happy!

Isn't that what it is?


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Di recovered from the shock and said with emotion:

"This big brother's means of winning the hearts and minds of the people is really powerful, no wonder he has become a superpower. "

Not only does it cost no money to see a doctor, but it also gives a house for free.

What people would not support such a country?

"What's even worse is that Big Brother can afford such expenses. "

Zhu Gaochi then spoke.

Free medical care and free housing are two things that are easy to say.

But it's not easy to do.

He only used Da Ming's situation to calculate a little in his heart, and he knew that it was an astronomical number.

Not to mention that Big Brother has a much larger population than Daming.

"yes. "

"This big brother does have something special. "

Zhu Di sighed again.


[Both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages in social life. 】

[Eagle sauce Chinese people have a sufficient supply of exquisite goods, and more importantly, it is more efficient. 】

[Big Brother, on the other hand, focuses on fairness, there is no obvious gap between the rich and the poor and class barriers, and it is stable, the unemployment rate is almost negligible, and there is no such thing as an economic crisis. 】

[But the shortcomings of the Big Brother system are also very obvious.] 】

[The highly planned economy has led to a serious waste of resources, civilian demand has been suppressed for a long time, the quality of goods is poor, and scientific and technological achievements have been transformed into concrete products, with a long cycle and slow results, so they have gradually fallen behind in the Cold War. 】

[The disadvantage of Eagle Sauce Chinese life is that there are periodic economic crises and unemployment risks, such as the Middle East oil crisis 0.3 machine is a bit unsettled. 】

[But the advantages of the market economy of the Eagle Sauce Country are always huge. 】

[During the Cold War, the workers of the Eagle Sauce Country could work one person to feed a family plus two dogs, which is the best proof of strong productivity, and it is also the golden age that the people of the Eagle Sauce Country still miss. 】

[Of course, don't think about this kind of life after the dissolution of Big Brother, after all, there is no need for capitalists who are not threatened to always give profits to the workers. 】

Barrage flying:

This sentence is all too true. "

"So we have to find the right balance between efficiency and fairness. "

"Touching Big Brother and crossing the river with Eagle Sauce Country. "

"I don't think it's possible to have both efficiency and fairness. "

"Reply - I don't agree, I think efficiency and fairness are not an either/or relationship, and they can be reconciled. "


[Big Brother's planned economic system is an overly advanced system, which has brought about an extremely uneven allocation of internal resources, the military industry has long hijacked the national economy, and the people's living standards have stagnated for a long time after meeting their basic needs, lacking choice and enjoyment. 】

[Big Brother's poor product quality contributed a lot of jokes. 】

[But except for the end of Big Brother's disintegration, the problem of Big Brother is always whether it is good or not, not whether it is good or not. 】

[In 1979, the GDR made a satirical film called "The Minister's Car", which was about an East German worker's private car that was too old, and by chance he changed to a minister's old car, thus producing a series of funny stories. 】

[The purpose of the film is to satirize the corruption of East Germany, but even then you can see the fact that in 1979, ordinary working families in East Germany could afford to drive private cars, and as the son of Big Brother, you can probably imagine the standard of living of the socialist camp at that time. 】

Look at the cars in the giant screen in the sky.

The ancients of all dynasties were shocked again.

From the previous video, they knew that most of the ordinary people of the Dragon Kingdom did not have this condition in 1979.

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