The plane of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Che snorted coldly:


The so-called Proposition 47 law of Yingjiang Country is simply ridiculous in his eyes.

You know, in the Han Dynasty, robbery was a serious crime, and once the person who robbed was caught, he would be punished.

The so-called The torture method is to cut the flesh from the bones, break the limbs, and then cut the throat.

It can be described as extremely cruel.

"If theft and robbery are not punished and everyone follows suit, then the world will not be in chaos? Where is the justice?"

Liu Che snorted again.


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin and the officials of the Tang Dynasty couldn't believe their eyes.

Robbery was an absolute crime in the Tang Dynasty.

If no property is grabbed and no casualties are caused, the person will be sentenced to two years in prison; if property is grabbed but no harm is caused, the sentence will be based on the amount of the property, which may include imprisonment, exile and hanging; if casualties are caused , especially for killing and wounding, corresponding punishments will be imposed according to the severity of the injuries, with the heaviest punishment being beheading.

That is to say.

In the Tang Dynasty, as long as it was robbery, no matter whether it was successful or not, everyone had to be punished.

But what do they see now?

It's robbery and it's legal!

This really opened their eyes.

They never expected that such an outrageous thing would happen in the superpower Eagle Country in later generations.


Except for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang and other emperors in other dynasty planes were all astonished.

No matter which dynasty in ancient China, robbery was a serious crime.

This has been severely punished throughout the ages.

The most severe one is the Ming Dynasty. As long as a robbery occurs, no matter whether it is successful or not, the person who robbed will be executed. At the same time, the family members of the robber may also be implicated.

Therefore, they naturally felt that the legal"zero-yuan purchase" behavior they saw on the giant screen was too outrageous.


【So why was this seemingly unreliable bill introduced, and why was it passed?】

【This is about California’s"simple" folk customs】

【As we all know, California, as a strong vote bank of the Democratic Party, has always pursued a free and open strategy.】

【In addition to creating a cultural revitalization, this strategy has also given rise to the criminal industry.】

【By 2011, California ranked second in the United States in the number of prisoners, second only to Texas, and had the highest per capita incarceration rate among all states in the country.】

【The number of criminals is rising every year, making the California prison system overcrowded, and the corresponding expenditures are also increasing year by year.】

【The goal of Proposition 47 is to solve the overcrowding problem in California’s prisons and reduce the number of people in prisons, thereby reducing the financial burden.】

【In 2012, there were 22,000 felony convictions in California, more than 58,000 of which were Proposition 47 crimes.】

【In addition to removing 58,000 prisoners from prisons, Proposition 47 will also allow more than 7,000 prisoners who have already served their sentences to petition the court for a commutation of their sentences.】

【Annual savings to California's prison budget due to sentence reductions could ultimately reach $100 million to $300 million, according to estimates】

【In other words, the way California has come up with to reduce crime and punishment is not to reduce criminal behavior but to redefine crime.】

【As long as fewer people are arrested, there will naturally be fewer people in prison.】


The ancient people of all dynasties were dumbfounded.

This is a line of thinking that they have never thought of.

As long as a crime is not recognized as a crime, there is no crime.

This way of solving the problem cannot be said to be controversial, it can only be said to be outrageous.

"absurd! Is there any reason for this in the world?"

Many ancient people angrily said


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed angrily.

If he followed this line of thinking, he would go back and abolish all crimes stipulated in Ming law and consider them all innocent.

Does that mean that Ming Dynasty has become a paradise without any crime from now on?

Of course not!

How stupid does one have to be to come up with this kind of solution to a problem?

Isn’t this just self-deception?

"Dad, why did this Eagle Country suddenly become so weird?"

Zhu Biao asked in confusion.

He didn't quite understand how the superpower Eagle Country, which won the cold war with Big Brother in the previous video, became so outrageous just a few decades later?

Robbery is legal, this It doesn't look like something a normal country can do.

"Maybe it's because of the disintegration of Big Brother."

Zhu Yuanzhang replied.

Although Big Brother lost the cold war, and although he disliked Big Brother's red ideas that could shake the foundation of imperial power, he had to admit that Big Brother was once powerful.

It once dominated the earth. extreme red giant


【So how did this outrageous bill pass?】

【As we all know, various elections in Eagle Country require candidates to raise campaign funds.】

【But in fact, in the Eagle Country, voting on many bills also requires raising funds for advertising.】

【Proposition 47 supporters raise more than $10 million】

【In addition to large media outlets such as the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, supporters also include large NGOs such as Soros's Open Society Foundations, the Foote Foundation, the American Civil Liberties Union, and many Hollywood stars.】

【Just by the volume of her voice, she overwhelmed the opposition.】

【In addition to explaining the reason for raising the felony threshold from $400 to $950 as an objective reason for the soaring prices and cost of living after inflation, supporters have focused on the merits of this proposal.】

【It proved to be a bill more friendly to minorities and low-income groups, attracting support from black and Latino groups as well as a large number of white left groups.】

【The final result is obvious. The bill passed with a support rate of 59.61%.】



Emperors of all dynasties were unfamiliar with the way this law was produced.

Why do countries need to vote when enacting laws?

They don't quite understand.

This is normal.

After all, in ancient China, the biggest feature of legislation was that the law came from the king.

There has never been an independent and specialized legislative body, and all the power of the country is in the hands of the emperor.

The usual method of legislation is that the emperor proposes and appoints courtiers to be responsible for legislation, and then the courtiers form a temporary legislative body.

This body will draft specific legal provisions based on the emperor's will, the provisions of the previous dynasty's laws, and the actual problems faced by this dynasty.

After the provisional legislative body drafts legal provisions, it is submitted to the emperor for review. If the emperor is not satisfied, it will be rejected and the provisional legislative body will revise it again until the emperor is satisfied and approves it.

Finally, it was announced and implemented in the emperor's personal name, and the provisional legislative body was dissolved.

In a word, the emperor decides everything.

This was the legislative process that emperors were familiar with.

So it's no surprise that they don't understand the way legislation is voted on


【So, what will be the effect of this bill after it is passed?】

【It can be said that it has an immediate effect】

【In 2015, violent crime in California's 68 largest cities increased by 11% in the first half of the year compared with the same period in 2014.%】

【Research from the California Policy Lab found that between 2016 and 2019, half of the 9,000 inmates who were convicted of misdemeanors and released before trial committed new crimes while on release.】

【Although supporters actively demonstrate the advantages of Proposition 47, there is no doubt that the overall security situation in California is getting worse.】


Emperors of all dynasties were not surprised when they saw this situation.

When robbery is legal, how many people can remain unmoved?

Go to rob, oh no, there are too many people"buying for zero yuan".

It would be strange if it didn't cause a big mess


【Coincidentally, in May 2020, the Nicotine Lives Matter Movement broke out in Yingjiang Country】

【In the face of the tsunami of political correctness, even those who oppose Proposition 47 dare not act rashly.】

【But this is not the end】

【Because many human rights groups have used the momentum of this movement to push for more deregulation and restrictions on police powers and court rights.】

【""Zero Yuan Purchase" also took advantage of this shareholder trend to spread throughout the country.】

【As the saying goes, you will reap melons if you sow melons, and you will reap beans if you sow beans.】

【In a"zero dollar shopping" in Philadelphia, one person stole 6 mobile phones】

【So where did all the stolen goods go?】

【Not long ago, a netizen from Yingjiang Country said that when he went out, he encountered a small vendor selling"zero yuan purchase" stolen goods at a low price. He bought it back home out of curiosity. After comparing it with the real thing, he found that The product is actually real】

【And more"zero yuan purchase" stolen goods are openly sold through various online sales platforms.】


See here.

Many ancient people in the past dynasties can only say one thing: too arrogant.

Not only can people steal things in public, but they can also sell stolen goods in public.

This"zero-yuan purchase" from Yingjiang Country really refreshes their knowledge.

It is truly a superpower.

Just different


【Seeing that his"political achievements" in terms of equal rights and diversity are about to be surpassed. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【So Los Angeles decided to pass an even more outrageous bill: zero bail】

【According to Los Angeles County Presiding Judge Samantha Jessner, nearly all defendants charged with nonviolent felonies or misdemeanors in Los Angeles County will be arraigned and released within 24 hours of arrest.】

【or be released under certain terms and conditions】

【Their brain circuit is like this: because cash bail is a system that benefits the rich, it means that even for the most serious crimes, the rich can escape, while low-income people have less money because they have no money. It's unfair to go to jail for a crime】

【Therefore, the new bill will pay more attention to the person's"character" rather than how much money he can shell out.】


After watching this part of the video content.

Many common people in the past dynasties did not think it was outrageous.

Many people even think it makes sense. why?

Naturally, this is because in ancient China, there was such a thing as paying for sin.

Some of the ancient punishments were regular punishments, that is, punishments that must be carried out and cannot be avoided.

There is another kind of atonement. As the name suggests, this kind of punishment can be offset with money, or it can be used to pay for the crime with official titles or valuable objects.

This system of atonement existed from the Qin and Han Dynasties, to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, to the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.[]

For this system, poor people who cannot afford to pay naturally feel that it is unfair.

So, in a sense, they resonate with the idea of ​​​​this"zero bail" plan.


【In fact, this is not the first time that Luoshanji has implemented this system.】

【During previous special periods, they implemented a zero-bail system to prevent prison overcrowding.】

【It can be seen that this is still an extension of Proposition 47. If it cannot solve the problem of prison crowding, then we will solve the measures to create crowding.】

【As long as they are not arrested, there will be no criminals】

【So what are the consequences of doing so?】

【The good news is that many murderers and felons are not eligible for zero bail. The bad news is that California has already had a pilot program.】

【Yolo County in California is the place to eat crabs】

【Of the 595 people they released on zero bail, 420 were rearrested, including 123 for violent crimes.】

【Faced with a situation that may be completely out of control, as of October 28, 2023, 29 cities in Luoshanji County have jointly filed a lawsuit to prevent the policy from taking effect on safety grounds.】

【Loose and humane legal provisions have not brought about the return of criminals. Instead, they have allowed"zero-yuan shopping" to form an industry.】


Da Qin plane.

Qin Shihuang's eyes flashed with sarcasm.

He felt that the people who made the laws in Yingjiang Country were naive.

If the law wants to deter and punish those who break the law and cause trouble, it must be fair and strict.

It is sheer wishful thinking to expect those who commit crimes to repent by relaxing the law.


【Faced with the increasingly rampant"zero-yuan shopping"","Victims of"zero-yuan purchases" choose to fight fire with fire】

【Since 2022, at least 9 states across the country have passed relevant laws to impose stricter penalties on"zero dollar purchases", and 6 more states are preparing to pass them.】

【A similar bill is also brewing in the Senate】

【The author and driving force behind these legislations is the National Retail Federation, the largest industry trade association in the world.】

【Executives from retail giants such as Walmart, Target and Macy's serve on the association's board of directors】

【According to them, the retail industry is the largest private sector employer in the country, and the industry contributes $3.9 trillion to the country’s GDP.】

【Translated into Chinese, it means legislator. Want to know who has the final say in this country?】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin is actually also very curious about this issue.

In these countries without emperors in later generations, who has the final say in the affairs of the country? besides.

How did the supreme leader of a superpower like the Eagle Country emerge?


【So, can these bills solve the"zero dollar purchase" problem in China?】

【Of course not】

【Because the increasingly poor public security environment is just a symptom, the core is that the manufacturing industry continues to move out of the country in an increasingly poor economic background, and the economy is turning away from reality. The poor people at the bottom, with ethnic minorities as the majority, naturally suffer the greatest consequences. impact】

【The high-return, low-risk"zero-yuan purchase" naturally attracts a large number of"labor force""】

【Then, you may have questions, isn't the employment rate and GDP data of China always very good?】

【Although simply looking at the numbers, it can be said that the economy of Eagle Sauce Country is improving all the way.】

【But in fact, this is inseparable from Ami’s soulful application of statistics.】

【In the statistics of the country's unemployment rate, those without jobs will not be regarded as laborers if they just want to lie down instead of"actively" looking for work.】

【Some research institutions pointed out that the"real unemployment rate" in China in 2022 may be as high as 22.3%, while the official statistics of China are 3.5%.%】

【It can be seen that the reindustrialization of the Eagle Country not only has an impact on their manufacturing industry, but also has a considerable impact on public security.】

【However, it may only take a few days to close a factory, but it will take several times or even dozens of times to rebuild a new factory.】

【Is the"zero-yuan purchase" the first to drive out bad money and force supermarkets and factories to leave, or is it the first to complete re-industrialization to save the economy and public security?】

【No one knows the answer to this】


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di opened his mouth and said:

"It seems that there is a crisis in this Eagle Sauce Country."

"Dad, you are right. Even ridiculous things like zero-dollar purchases can happen, which shows that the crisis is not small. Zhu

Gaochi replied.

After hearing this, Zhu Zhanji on the side said:

"Maybe in the future, the Dragon Kingdom will take this opportunity to surpass the Eagle Sauce Kingdom."

"What Zhan Ji said is true, no matter what era we are in, our country, China, must be number one in the end."

Zhu Di replied proudly.

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