【After six years of absence, just when Moon Jae-in thought he was going to be a lawyer for the rest of his life, Roh Oh-hyun found him and hoped that he would help him run for president of the country and realize his political ambitions together.】


"Running for president?"

The ancient people of all dynasties were very confused.

This was the first time they heard of this method of determining the supreme leader of a country.

They were curious about how to choose?

Especially the emperors of all dynasties wanted to know about this way of running for president. How to run for election.

But it is a pity.

The giant screen did not say this in detail.

Instead, it was briefly mentioned.

This made the emperors very regretful.


【Facing a friend’s invitation, Moon Jae-in found it difficult to refuse】

【He initially planned to help Roh Oh-hyun campaign, and retired after Roh Oh-hyun was elected. However, his fate later played a joke on him, and he has been tightly tied to politics ever since.】

【Roh Oh-hyun has always regarded Moon Jae-in as his most important adviser】

【During the campaign, Roh Oh-hyun faced a big question: Should he accept the alliance with another candidate Zheng Mong-joon?】

【At that time, Zheng Mongzhun proposed: If one of them loses, they should support the other party and call on their voters to vote for the other party.】

【In addition, Zheng Mengzhun also called for the formation of a coalition government, that is, no matter who is elected, the other person will have half of the power to appoint and remove the cabinet.】

【As the son of Hyundai Group founder Zheng Juyong, Zheng Mengzhun will definitely strongly support the chaebol, which is difficult for Roh Oh-hyun to accept.】

【But if he does not accept it, Roh Oh-hyun is likely to lose the support of Zheng Mong-joon and lose the election.】

【In this case, almost everyone advised to accept Zheng Mengzhun's proposal】


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang became more and more curious about"running for president".

However, he kept looking at the content on the giant screen and thinking about it, but he couldn't come up with any useful information.

"Boss, what do you think is the election method for running for president in this country?"

Before he could figure it out for the time being, Zhu Yuanzhang thought of his cleverness as always.

Zhu Biao was actually thinking about this too.

Moreover, he really captured an information point from the current paragraph: voters!

"Dad, look, here it is said that voters vote, so is it possible that these voters are all the people?"

Zhu Biao put forward a guess of his own.

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a moment:

"All people vote?"


He shook his head and said:


"We think that this electorate should be representatives of all forces in Bangzi Country."

Although there is a saying in ancient China: He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world.

But as a wise emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang knew it very well.

In fact, in most cases, or even to the extreme, in all cases, the opinions of ordinary people do not matter. It cannot decide who belongs to the world.

When Zhu Biao heard Zhu Yuanzhang's words, he also felt that this was more likely.

In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao, there were many emperors and generals in other dynasties who were also thinking about"running for president". thing.

However, in the absence of more information, they can only rely on guessing and cannot reach an accurate conclusion.


【Only Moon Jae-in stood beside Roh Oh-hyun and firmly disagreed with Roh Oh-hyun's conditions for accepting Zheng Mengjun. This gave Roh Oh-hyun great encouragement and made him finally make up his mind.】

【Moreover, Moon Jae-in also used the connections he had accumulated over the years to help Roh Oh-hyun.】

【Later results also proved that Roh Oh-hyun's choice was correct. Although he lost the support of Zheng Mengjun, he still won and became the 16th president of Bangzi Country.】

【After Roh Oh-hyun took office as president, he immediately invited Moon Jae-in to serve as the chief secretary for civil affairs.】

【Entering the central government for the first time in politics is a dream for most people.】

【But Moon Jae-in is not keen on politics. Moreover, in the past few decades, he has been on the opposite side of power, but now he is allowed to become a part of power, which makes him very hesitant.】

【It’s just that he couldn’t stand the request of Noh Wu-hyun, an old friend. After several considerations, Moon Jae-in could only agree.】

【But after working for less than a year, the trivial government affairs, endless exposure, and unfounded doubts from rival parties made him feel stressed and mentally exhausted. He simply resigned and went abroad to relax.】


Da Qin plane.

Qin Shihuang shook his head slightly.

Looking at the previous content, he originally thought that this person named Wen Zaiyin was a talent.

But now it seems that he is just a mediocre person.

I can't bear such a little pressure, and I can't use it for a long time.


【On the other hand, Roh Oh-hyun is a moral idealist, so his political views are relatively idealistic, and he is dedicated to building a coalition government.】

【What is coalition government? To put it simply, we are the ruling party and the opposition party. We propose policies and discuss them together. Each has its own opinions. We can be harmonious but different. We discuss with each other and do something for the country in a down-to-earth manner.】

【But, is this possible? It's obviously impossible】

【However, Roh Oh-hyun is more stubborn and insists on establishing a coalition government. In order to promote cooperation between the ruling party and the opposition party, he is even willing to give up some power to his political rivals and opposition parties.】



In the realm of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che commented lightly.

There are no two days in the sky and no two kings in the country.

In Liu Che's view, as the supreme leader of the country, he must firmly hold power in his own hands.

Is there any reason to share it with others?

What's more, he is his own enemy.

How naive is it to try to win over enemies by sharing power? How stupid?

Such a person can actually become the supreme leader of Bangzi Kingdom.

It can only be said that there is no one in Bangzi Country


【However, Roh Oh-hyun did not win the gratitude and support of the opposition parties when he shared the power of governance with the opposition parties.】

【Not only that, Roh Oh-hyun’s actions actually irritated his colleagues in the party.】

【After all, voluntarily giving up power to political enemies is indeed a bit too much.】

【Roh Oh-hyun did everything so cleanly that no one would play with him. For this reason, Roh Oh-hyun could only withdraw from the New Millennium Democratic Party and become an isolated and nonpartisan president, like a polished commander.】

【Because Roh Oh-hyun was born into a poor family, his policies were basically biased towards the people. This of course also offended the domestic plutocratic forces.】

【He actively safeguarded the country's subjectivity, insisted on building independent national defense, and demanded the recovery of wartime command rights, which offended the Eagle Country.】

【In terms of foreign relations, he was committed to improving relations with the Dragon Kingdom, easing the situation with Goryeo, and opposed the Japanese government's actions of tampering with history and beautifying the war of aggression, and offended the domestic conservative political forces represented by the opposition party.】

【In short, with Lu Wuxuan’s actions, everyone who can be offended has been offended, and those who cannot be offended have also been offended.】


"This person is not suitable to be the leader of a country."

In the dimension of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin looked at the giant screen and shook his head.

This person may be a good person, but he is unqualified as a leader of a country. A mature leader will not put himself in a position where he is surrounded by enemies on all sides.

Checking and balancing forces, pulling one faction to fight another, etc., are the basic skills of a mature leader.

Even enemies will have their own priorities and will not deal with everyone at the same time.

Of course.

What Li Shimin didn't know was that in later generations, the Bangzi Kingdom The political environment is extremely abnormal.

Roh Oh-hyun’s difficulty is due to his own lack of ability.

But it is mostly limited by the political environment of Bangzi Country.


【During his five-year term, which was regarded as weak and incompetent, Roh Oh-hyun’s path to the presidency was full of difficulties.】

【During this period, Moon Jae-in went in and out of the Blue House three times and silently supported Roh Oh-hyun from behind, which also earned him the title of Roh Oh-hyun’s shadow.】

【Both individuals and times have limitations. Noh Oh-hyun has more than enough ambition but not enough energy.】

【Towards the end of his term in office, his approval ratings plummeted, and his once ambitious ambitions turned into an idealistic tragedy.】

【In 2008, after a bumpy five-year presidential career, Roh Oh-hyun ended his term and bid farewell to the Blue House.】

【That day, Wen Yin finally breathed a sigh of relief】

【After retirement, Noh Oh-hyun and Moon Jae-in coincidentally chose to return to the countryside】

【They live close to each other and often visit each other.】

【Noh Wu-hyun also became a farmer and liked tending flowers and plants in his own field.】


Watching the image of Noh Oh-hyun as a farmer on the giant screen.

Many emperors felt that it might not be a good outcome for this person. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sitting in a position beyond one's ability and holding power beyond one's control may not be a good thing for this person.


【But this peaceful life was eventually ruthlessly broken】

【In the political arena of Bangzi Country, there has always been a"death curse", that is, none of the presidents of Bangzi Country ended well.】

【The eight presidents before Roh Oh-hyun were either liquidated after leaving office, imprisoned, or exiled overseas... none of them could spend their old age in peace.】

【This time, it’s Noh Oh-hyun’s turn】

【After the new president of the Bangzi Kingdom, Lee Myung-bak, came to power, he immediately began to liquidate Roh Wu-hyun.】

【Lee Ming-bak himself has worked for the conglomerate Hyundai Group for 27 years, rising all the way to the position of president. It can be said that he is a direct puppet president raised by Hyundai Group.】

【After Li Mingbo came to power, the plutocrats of Bangzi, who had suffered greatly from Roh Wu-hyun, immediately ordered him to attack Roh Wu-hyun in order to intimidate those in the government who were unfavorable to them.】


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned slightly.

In this later generation, a big businessman from Bangzi Country could actually control the president of Bangzi Country.

This power surprised him a bit.

And this kind of behavior made him unhappy[]

After seeing the horrific tax data of Longguo Company in a previous video, Zhu Yuanzhang had the idea of ​​vigorously developing business.

However, at this time, I saw the negative impact of businessmen who were too powerful.

Zhu Yuanzhang was slightly worried.

He is not worried that something will go wrong when he or Zhu Biao takes power, but is worried about the mediocre abilities of future generations.

"You have to think of a proper way."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought in his mind


【Li Mingbo's people first arrested a large number of government officials related to Lu Wuxuan to collect evidence, accusing Lu Wuxuan of taking a copy of his file after his retirement.】

【At that time, the law in Bangzi country stipulated that the president could not take away his own files. Although Roh Wu-hyun took away copies, they took advantage of the loophole. They used this to make a big fuss and further expand the scope of the investigation.】

【Many of Roh Oh-hyun's friends, colleagues, and relatives were taken away for investigation, which put tremendous mental pressure on Roh Oh-hyun.】

【Later, they investigated and found out that Noh Oh-hyun’s brother and his wife had taken bribes of US$6 million (actually IOUs).】

【Although they finally had no evidence to prove that Noh Oh-hyun had accepted bribes, the news that his relatives had been bribed made Noh Oh-hyun very passive in public opinion.】

【Then, they instigated the media to rush in and start fabricating various malicious rumors against Roh Wu-hyun.】

【All this overwhelmed Noh Oh-hyun, and finally, on May 23, 2009, he chose to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff.】

【In fact, according to Noh Oh-hyun's situation, even if he was convicted, he would only be in prison for a few years at most. However, he refused human trial by committing suicide and left everything to history to evaluate.】


Many important officials in the imperial court in the past dynasties were shocked and secretly decided to take care of their families.

The struggle in the court was cruel.

Even if they themselves are as untouchable as this man named Noh Oh-hyun, there is no guarantee that someone with malicious intentions will use those around them as a breakthrough point.


【Moon Zaiyin once thought that he could live in the mountains and forests without caring about worldly affairs. He had already walked all the roads he thought he should take, but fate denied him in a cruel way.】

【A scholar dies for a confidant】

【In order to avenge Roh Oh-hyun, Moon Jae-in, who did not like politics, re-entered the political arena of Bangzi Country with the belief that he would die.】

【In 2012, Moon Jae-in came out and was successfully elected as a member of the 19th National Assembly.】

【Having just returned to politics, he immediately announced his participation in the presidential election of Bangzi Country, but regrettably lost the election by a small margin.】

【In 2017, Moon Jae-in ran for president again and was elected with a high support rate.】

【After being elected, Moon Jae-in always carried a piece of paper with him, which was Noh Oh-hyun’s suicide note.——"There's no other reason than that you can't throw it away"】


See here.

Many ancient people throughout the dynasties were moved.

What a determined desire for revenge.

Da Qin plane.

Qin Shihuang looked at Wen Zaiyin with a determined face on the giant screen, with a flash of approval in his eyes.

Compared with the previous Moon Jae-in who resigned due to pressure, Moon Jae-in at this time has undoubtedly become stronger.


【A gentleman's revenge will last ten years】

【In the same year that he was elected president, prosecutors launched an investigation into Lee Ming-bak at the urging of Moon Jae-in.】

【In the end, Li Mingbo was found guilty of abuse of power, tax evasion, corruption and bribery, a total of more than a dozen crimes, and the evidence was conclusive.】

【On May 23, 2018, Li Mingbo, who was prosecuted for corruption and bribery, appeared in court for the first time.】

【And May 23 is the memorial day of Noh Oh-hyun】


"This person is really thoughtful."

Many ancient people in the past dynasties sighed in their hearts.

Such a coincidence (of the good king), it is hard not to think that it was specially arranged by Wen Zaiyin.


【In 2020, Li Mingbo was sentenced to 17 years in prison in the final trial】

【Moreover, Moon Jae-in publicly stated that he would not grant amnesty to this person.】

【Li Mingbo, the direct"murderer" who forced Noh Oh-hyun to death, was brought to justice, but Moon Jae-in did not stop there.】

【He inherited Roh Wu-hyun's political ideals, continued to fight against the Bangzi country's plutocrats, continued to suppress the privileged class, carried out judicial reforms, etc. 】

Various barrages flew out:

"However, a few months after Moon Jae-in stepped down as president of the country in 2022, Lee Ming-bak was pardoned."

"Reply - There is no way, Moon Jae-in has tried his best, but it is impossible for him to eliminate the chaebol by himself"

"Reply - Chaebol has been deeply bound to Bangzi Country, creating nearly 80% of Bangzi Country's GDP. It is a tree with deep roots that cannot be eradicated."

"Reply - It is said that the real backend of Bangzi Country's chaebol is Wall Street of Eagle Sauce Country, which is not that easy to deal with."

"It is said that Moon Jae-in seems to be the only person who has escaped the death curse of the president of the country and walked out of the Blue House safely."

"Reply - It’s too early to say this. The current president of Bangzi Country has already launched an investigation into Moon Jae-in and is preparing to liquidate Moon Jae-in."

"Reply - I don’t know if he can escape death in the end."


Look at these barrages.

Many ancient people in the past dynasties could not help but feel sorry for Wen Zaiyin.

Not only is the revenge for his friend unfinished, but he may also be in danger


【Noh Oh-hyun loved the concept of rivers during his lifetime. He hoped that people could be like rivers, no matter what setbacks they encountered, they could gather together and rush into the sea.】

【And Moon Jae-in has always adhered to his promise to his best friends, to be a person as clean and clear as river water. folder】

【At the end of his autobiography, he wrote: For the sake of Jiang Shui, I would like to meet you again.】


See the end of the video.

Many ancient people throughout the dynasties sighed in their hearts.

The friendship between these two people is touching, but their ending is quite regrettable..

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