Various barrages flew out:

"Halfway through the swing, the protagonist appears"

"The Gallic Chicken Country is about to usher in its glorious moment!"

"The enemy could only question Nahuang's height, because his great achievements were beyond reproach!"

"The First French Empire is about to be born"


Looking at the many barrages on the giant screen high in the sky, the ancients of all dynasties instantly remembered the beginning of this video.

I thought of the man who took the crown and crowned himself.

This person must be a legend. then.

They focused their sights more on the high-altitude giant screen


【Napoleon was born on the Mediterranean island of Corsica in 1769, and his native language was Italian.】

【One year before he was born, the island was sold to the Gallic Chicken Country by the Genoese and forcibly incorporated into the Gallic Chicken Country's territory.】

【In 1779, under the arrangement of his father Carlo Napoleon, Napoleon, who was only 10 years old, entered the Military Academy of Brienne in Gaul for education.】

【As a person from a remote 18th-tier city, Napoleon was short in stature and spoke French with an Italian accent. He became the target of bullying by other students.】

【At first, he chose to be patient】

【But the taunts and fists did not stop because of his tolerance.】

【I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore】

【During the counterattack, the young Napoleon realized a truth: the opponent he defeated would never dare to bully him again. 】

The barrage flew out:

"《The Biography of Napoleon says that the reason for the conflict was because he was unwilling to speak French"

"The young Emperor Nahuang grasped the truth that the bigger the fist is, the bigger the truth is."

"Nahuang: Hit him with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches."


After reading this paragraph.

Ancient people throughout the ages became more interested in Napoleon's future story.

How did a person who was born in a remote place and was not even the Gallic Chicken Country become the emperor of the Gallic Chicken Country?


【In the military academy, Napoleon developed a tough and unwilling character, and won the respect of local students with his excellent results.】

【During this period, Napoleon showed extremely amazing talents in mathematics and geometry, which laid a solid theoretical foundation for his subsequent professional development. 】

The barrage flew out:

"He is indeed very talented in mathematics and came up with a formula"

"Reply - Geometry Theorem: Napoleon's Triangle"

"If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid of traveling all over the world."

"No wonder the artillery soldiers are so good at playing, it turns out they are good at mathematics"


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Gaochi, who was not familiar with military affairs, was surprised and said:

"What does this artillery have to do with arithmetic?"

"Calculating the distance and angle of firing can make the artillery fire more accurate460."

Zhu Di replied calmly.

As a person who attaches great importance to firearms, he is no stranger to artillery.


【In 1784, Napoleon graduated from the Brienne Military Academy with honors and was directly sent to the Military Academy in Paris, Gaul, to specialize in artillery.】

【At this time, European artillery technology underwent an extremely critical change】

【In 1774, the French artillery commander Gribeauval improved the cannon casting process: first the cannon was poured into a solid body, and then the cannon was drilled out.】

【This process results in extremely tight endurance and allows for greater range with less charge, which means more powerful siege guns, and more maneuverable field guns】

【An era in which artillery dominates the battlefield is coming】

【At this time, the young Napoleon had a profound understanding of this point.】


Accompanied by narration and subtitles, the video on the high-altitude giant screen gave a detailed introduction to the improvements in the cannon casting process.

Emperors of all dynasties quickly ordered people to write down this improvement method in detail.

Especially for the dynasty planes that already have artillery, such as the Chengzu plane of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di and others are even more excited.

This is knowledge that can be used directly


【In 1785, 16-year-old Napoleon graduated early and entered the Russell Corps as an artillery second lieutenant due to the death of his father.】

【In 1789, the Gallic Revolution broke out, and Napoleon, who was deeply influenced by Enlightenment ideas, was very excited.】

【But he also expressed his contempt when he witnessed the rebels killing Louis XVI's guards without any resistance.】

【He wrote in the letter:"Had Louis XVI mounted his horse, victory would have been his."】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin nodded slightly.

He partially agreed with Napoleon's judgment.

If Louis XVI could decisively summon troops loyal to him and fight to the death to suppress the rebellion, the outcome would have been hard to say.

Don’t say you will definitely win.

But at least it's better than being caught without mercy and being pushed to the guillotine in the end.

He died bravely and at least retained his dignity as an emperor.

"Pheasant slaves, please remember that as a king, you must not be indecisive or weak. When doing thunderous things, you must be decisive and strong!"

Although he already knew that his son was not as cowardly as he appeared, Li Shimin still reminded Li Zhi. Do n't pretend to be weak for too long, or he will become really weak in the end.

Li Zhi's face straightened and he replied seriously. road:

"Sons and ministers should remember their father’s teachings"


【In 1793, the situation in the Gallic Chicken Kingdom reached a critical moment.】

【The Jacobins came to power, Robespierre issued a general mobilization order, and Napoleon also ushered in the first opportunity in his life: the Battle of Toulon】

【The Port of Toulon is the most important military port in southern Gaul. There are 30 warships parked here and a large amount of ammunition and supplies are stored there.】

【In August, the royalist rebels colluded with the Sun Never Sets Navy to occupy the port of Toulon.】

【This action directly sealed the southern coast of the Gallic Chicken Country.】

【The French army must recapture the port of Toulon before enemy reinforcements arrive, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.】

【In September 1793, the French commander Carto led 8,000 people to march towards Toulon. However, this man was a painter before. Although his political stance was reliable, he knew nothing about marching and fighting. 】

The barrage flew out:

"A well-known person from Hansbao Country said: Painters can also fight."

"Reply - Don't talk nonsense, he is just a failed art student. (dog head)"

"Reply - The failed art student sweeping across Europe, right?"

"Reply - I didn’t become a painter, but I became a nightmare for the whole of Europe."

"Reply - When he was admitted to the Vienna Academy of Arts, there might have been one more painter and one less war madman in the world."


Many ancient people from all dynasties were shocked when they saw this place.

Just a few sentences outline the image of a big man.

They couldn't help but feel a little curious


【During the battle, Carto's artillery adjutant was unfortunately wounded.】

【To do this, he had to promote a new artillery commander】

【This person is: Napoleon. 】

The barrage flew out:

"The gears of fate begin to turn"

"The beginning of the legend"

"A small decision has a huge impact on the future"


The ancient people of all dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky with more concentration.

They look forward to witnessing how the legend begins


【Napoleon proposed to Carto that the city of Toulon was well defended and a strong attack would probably result in heavy losses.】

【But the reason why the rebels are emboldened is because they have the backing of the Chinese fleet.】

【If the cape southwest of Toulon Port can be captured, all warships in the port will be exposed to artillery fire.】

【At that time, the navy of the country where the sun never sets will definitely withdraw its troops, and the rebels will be defeated without any attack.】

【Napoleon's plan was perfect, but first he had to capture the fortress guarding the promontory, where the British army deployed heavy troops】

【In order to break through the defense, Napoleon withstood the enemy's firepower and built an artillery position 300 meters away from the fortress.】

【When the battle started, he was the first to take the lead and charge into the battle.】

【His mount was killed by a British artillery shell, and he was wounded in two places. One of his thighs was pierced by a bayonet, which almost caused amputation.】

【Under his encouragement, the French army finally succeeded in capturing the Cape, forcing the British army to retreat and regaining Toulon.】


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang opened his mouth and praised:

"Being brave and resourceful is indeed extraordinary."

Not only can he have an insight into the overall situation of the battlefield, but he is also extremely brave during the battle.

He spoke highly of the young Napoleon's performance in this battle.


【In this battle, Napoleon also met a new comrade-in-arms, Massena, who was later called the"darling of victory"】

【In the subsequent battles in Italy and Italy, they will continue to lead the way. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Napoleon, who became famous in the battle of Toulon, was appreciated by Robespierre】

【As a result, 24-year-old Napoleon was promoted to brigadier general】

【But the good times don't last long】

【The following year, Robespierre was guillotined.】

【Being implicated by him, Napoleon was also captured and imprisoned, and was almost sentenced to death (aedg)】

【Later, Napoleon was acquitted, but his career was ruined and he was dismissed from his military rank.】


This turn of events surprised many ancient people throughout the ages.

They thought that after Napoleon became famous in the first battle, his future would be brilliant and he would rise steadily from then on.

Unexpectedly, Napoleon's career had just begun and he would suffer such a major blow. so.

How did Napoleon rise again?

The ancients continued to look at the giant screen high in the sky


【Until 1795, Napoleon met the most important person in his life: Paul Barras】[]

【This year, due to the new government's inability to control inflation, the"coupons" became useless paper, and another uprising broke out in Paris.】


Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao looked at each other intently.

Once again, they are deeply aware of the dangers of currency devaluation.

Looking at the many rebellions in Paris, the capital of the Gallic Kingdom, after the establishment of the Republic, almost all of them were related to the inflation caused by currency devaluation.

They became increasingly determined to control the issuance of Ming Dynasty banknotes.


【At that time, Barras was in charge of the defense of Paris. In order to suppress the uprising, he recalled Napoleon and asked him about countermeasures.】

【In fact, Barras knows the answer to this question very well】

【However, at that time, using force to suppress the revolting citizens was tantamount to jeopardizing their future. This is how the former hero of the Republic, Lafayette, fell.】

【Barras obviously does not want to take this responsibility】

【But Napoleon agreed without even thinking about it.】

【Next, he sent his confidant Murat to bring in 40 cannons with cavalry, loaded them with shotgun shells, and directly bombarded them. The battle ended in less than an hour. 】

The barrage flew out:

"A breeze of grapeshot"

"It seems that he deliberately used three times the usual amount of shotguns."


"Cruel enough! Decisive enough!"

Many ancient people throughout the dynasties were shocked by Napoleon's ruthless determination.

"If you want to achieve great things, this is what you should do."

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao sighed.

In a person's life, there are only a few key opportunities. Whether he can seize them will determine his future achievements.

He seized the opportunity to quell the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the past. laid the foundation for hegemony


【The direct result of this"Portuguese Rebellion" was that the Directory came to power, and Barras was one of the first five Directors.】

【Napoleon was successfully activated and promoted to major general due to the certificate of surrender he issued to Barasna during this operation.】

【In 1796, Napoleon was sent to Italy as commander-in-chief of the Southern Front Army.】

【At this time, the main force of the French army was fighting with the British, Austrian and Prussian coalition forces along the Rhine River, and the situation was precarious.】

【In order to help the main force open up the situation on the northern front, Napoleon must lead a partial division to make a difference on the southern front and strive to contain enough enemy troops.】

【This task is difficult】

【Because the equipment of the Southern Front Army was very poor, not only lacked food and grass supplies, but also lacked guns and weapons. Many soldiers even had to carry wooden sticks to the battlefield.】

【And the young Napoleon's qualifications were not enough to overwhelm the big bosses in the army.】

【They even called Napoleon contemptuously"Baras's little follower""】

【Napoleon didn't care】

【The first thing he did when he took office was to establish a headquarters】

【This is when a legendary chief of staff joined his staff. This man was Berthier.】

【Berthier was a draftsman and had an amazing memory】

【According to legend, he can accurately identify any location on the map just by looking at it once.】

【He never missed an opportunity to collect information and could always select valuable information to provide Napoleon with reference.】

【Napoleon's thinking was very fast, and only Berthier could interpret his imaginative deployment tacitly. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Learn and remember! This guy is really awesome"

"The true ancestor of the staff"

"Napoleon never lost when Berthier was by his side."

"Golden partner, looking for a soulmate through mountains and rivers"

"Berthier's ability to collect and analyze information is so strong"


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin looked at Berthier on the giant screen with admiration in his eyes.

As a military expert, he knew very well that people with such super memory and super information collection and analysis abilities were extremely needed talents in the military and were of extremely high value.

And Napoleon's ability to discover such talents also shows that he has a unique vision, is good at recognizing people, and possesses the key abilities of a superior.


【In April 1796, the French army crossed the Alps and officially entered Italy.】

【At this time, the Austrian-Sardinian coalition had 80,000 troops, well-equipped and well-positioned, while Napoleon only had 40,000 troops under his command.】

【Although the enemy was outnumbered, Napoleon had an advantage that the coalition could not match, which was his understanding of mobility.】

【In previous wars, he had discovered that French soldiers were more patient than soldiers from the Anti-French Alliance.】

【Because the French soldiers were younger and knew better what they were fighting for, they were able to travel long distances and march day and night.】

【Most of the French army officers during the Gallic Republic were civilians. They ate, lived and slept with the soldiers, which many aristocratic officers could not do.】

【This huge gap between the old and new armies should have been a huge advantage for the French army.】

【But unfortunately, the previous French commanders did not take advantage of this, but instead held on to the tactics of the old era and refused to adapt.】

【Napoleon and Berthier are obviously not such conservative people.】

【Before the army went on the expedition, Berthier had thoroughly studied the entire terrain of Northern Italy and made accurate mapping maps to ensure that the generals had a copy.】

【In terms of route selection, he often found new routes, bypassing the enemy's heavily defended roads, and planned many unexpected paths.】


"This person is really useful."

In the dimension of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin sighed in his heart. When marching and fighting, information is extremely important.

And in this situation of fighting abroad, mastering accurate geographical information is an important reference factor for making various military decisions.

Light By studying all the rugged terrain in Northern Italy, this man named Berthier has made great achievements.

However, there is a problem.

Li Shimin looked at the giant screen in the sky and thought of a key point...

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