【In fact, you can see from this picture: The so-called North American Indians are essentially a collective name for countless ethnic groups with different languages ​​and cultures.】

【Not only are they unable to communicate with each other and are full of conflicts, many tribes even have feuds.】

【Trying to unite the Indians at that time is as unreliable as trying to unite the countries of the world now.】


In the giant screen high in the sky.

The map of Eagle Sauce Country reappeared.

It shows the names of different Indian tribes in different locations: Sioux, Apache, Pueblo, Cherokee, Chinook, Mohawk, Arapaho, Sequot...

Looking at these densely packed names , listening to the narration, many ancient people in the past dynasties understood it instantly.

It turns out that they are not from the same race and ethnicity.

No wonder these Indians don't unite.

Da Qin plane.

Qin Shihuang shook his head slightly.

Doesn’t this mean there are countless small countries?

During the Warring States Period in the past, when the other six countries united to fight against the Qin Dynasty, they all had their own agendas.

At a glance, there are no less than a hundred small countries on this map. It is completely impossible to unite as one.


【The division of the Indians allowed the central government of the Eagle Country to continue to encroach on their land by taking advantage of the westward movement.】

【Almost every renegade by the Indian government against the Indians occurred only after ordinary white settlers had crossed the legal boundaries and successfully advanced on the colonial front.】

【In other words, the country has been hiding behind the immigrants. After the immigrants have created the established fact of settlement, the government will then take action to legalize the newly occupied territory and tell the Indians that the raw rice is ready to be cooked. Just accept it.】

【This method was also highly recognized by the Jews who later hunted by shooting.】


"How shameless!"

Many ancient people in the past dynasties once again cursed the Eagle Country government in their hearts.

At the same time, they also felt pity for the Indians.

Because after understanding the true composition of the Indians, they knew that the Indians' fate of failure was doomed.


【After the immigrants established small autonomous communities and started fighting with the Indians who originally lived here, the Eagle Country government extended its tentacles into these communities with the help of railways and roads, and recruited local armed forces and established official departments on the grounds of protecting the settlements. Connect communities into the central administrative system】

【Thus achieving actual control over the border areas】

【The colonists, who had long been jealous of the Indians, were suddenly incorporated by the government in the process and received official protection.】

【Most of the heavily armed cowboys became members of the National Guard and were organized】

【From this, immigrants will also feel that the fruits of their labor are guaranteed by the country, and the territory of the country was conquered by themselves. Therefore, they and the country as a whole have unified interests. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Haha, the fruits of labor are really funny."

"This set of methods used by the Eagle Sauce Country is still used now, but it has been replaced with a new skin."


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin smiled, as expected.

The government of this country took action at the right time.

Even the reaction of these Yingjiang country colonists did not seem strange to him.

To put it bluntly, it is due to interests.

If the court and the people form a common interest body, then the people's identification with the country will be enhanced.

Li Shimin no longer thought about what he expected.

From this incident, he was more concerned about another point.

That is, railways and roads can allow government control to penetrate into distant frontiers.

"If Datang built railways from Chang'an to various states, then Datang would be even more stable!"

Li Shimin thought in his heart


【Just imagine】

【A New York criminal who came to the West to develop in poverty when he was young, and obtained a piece of land after hard work and massacre.】

【Then, he worked hard for half his life. For decades, he fought with Indians and bandits every day for land and was covered in blood. It was completely unknown whether he would survive until tomorrow. 】

The barrage flew out:

"ah! It’s so hard! It was really hard work to kill so many Indians"

"It's so hard!"

"Seriously, these colonists had it so hard, I cried to death. (dog head)"


【Suddenly one day, government troops came】

【They said: Your land is protected by the government and the regular army. No one will come to snatch your land again. Private property is sacred and inviolable.】

【We have also built railways to ensure that you can buy food when the land is not harvested and you will not go hungry. Moreover, your surviving children will also have the opportunity to enter the system.】

【At this time, what would you think of this government?】

【Are you willing to join the government army? Prioritize protecting your home’s land at that time】


About this question.

Many honest ancients in the past dynasties thought for a moment and had to admit that if they were in the position of the colonists of the Eagle Country, they would probably be willing to join.

This is not surprising.

In fact, most people in that position would make the choice to join


【At that time, the military service in the western part of the Yingjiang Kingdom was still a bit like the ancient military system. When farming, you would go to your land to farm, and when there was a war, you could just come.】

【This brings into play the advantages of the military system: soldiers will fight for land】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin's mind moved.

In the future, when the Tang Dynasty finds America, it can also implement the military system in America. and.

With so much land in America, the imperial court could provide more favorable conditions to attract Tang Dynasty's existing soldiers there.


【Barbarism and order are opposites. The government of Eagle Country first allows ordinary people to release their barbarism and bestiality, and gain their own foundation through killing. After they have wealth, they become vested interests.】

【At this time, what people long for is no longer barbarism, but order, and the government of Eagle Country has taken the right opportunity to give them order.】

【That is to say, when I wanted to plunder barbarically, the country allowed me to go to the new world of lawlessness, and when I plundered wealth and needed order to protect my property, the country brought order to me.】

【Then, in an instant, he will have strong confidence and love for this country】

【I lament that our Eagle Country is so great. I have released my freedom and gained private wealth. The country has also helped me keep the wealth I have robbed in half my life. All Indians should die.】

【Under the guidance of the government, they also understood that the government is composed of people. Joining the government will make the government stronger and the benefits they have obtained through hard work will be more solidly guaranteed, so their patriotic enthusiasm is finally mobilized.】

【The Eagle Country thus built a bridge connecting individualism and patriotism. A new grand narrative emerged, and the national identity of the Eagle Country finally became a reality.】


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slightly.

Although it is cruel to the Indians, this method of the Eagle Country government is undoubtedly effective.

It not only saves the Eagle Country government's investment in developing the Wild West, but also allows immigrants from different races to identify with the Eagle Country through interest binding.

It can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone. only.

It seems a bit ridiculous that the Eagle Country, which has established its national identity in such a bloody way, insists on advocating for democracy, freedom, and equality.

Thinking of the"Declaration of Independence" produced when the Yingjiang Kingdom was founded, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes showed ridicule.


【With the Indians in the west basically wiped out, in 1890, the Census Bureau of the Eagle Country announced that the border area had disappeared. The Eagle Country government finally achieved actual control over the national territory, and the westward expansion movement also came to an end.】

【After that, the Eagle Sauce Country carried out a series of expansions outside North America, such as taking away Filipino soldiers and Cubans from the Banya Country, and annexing Hawaii, etc.】

【These expansions allowed the national identity of the Eagle Country people to further develop. This allowed the identity of the United States to continue to deepen even though the Indian gathering areas had basically disappeared, which turned the entire earth into the western part of the Eagle Country.】

【However, at that time, the European powers had already carved up all the colonies around the world, and competing with them for colonies was not worth the gain.】

【Therefore, under the promotion of President Roosevelt, the Eagle Country gave up the idea of ​​territorial expansion in 1904 and replaced it with an interventionist approach.】

【Changed his identity and began to act as an international policeman in the Western Hemisphere, interfering in the diplomatic, economic and political affairs of various countries to safeguard his own interests.】

【The ones rushing in front are the companies, consortiums, and compradors of Yingjiang Country.】

【After they expand their territory and gain profits, the government of Eagle Country will send troops abroad on the grounds of protecting the interests of its citizens, and use the government's violent institutions to protect the interests they plundered.】

【Later, the country of Eagle Sauce took care of itself and benefited a lot from the two world wars. It can be said that it all benefited from this policy. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Roosevelt: The most powerful president in the country!"

"Roosevelt: The founder of the Eagle Country became a world hegemon"

"Roosevelt really played his hand to the extreme." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Iron Father: Roosevelt was a smart man who did almost everything right"

"From a personal standpoint, I admire Roosevelt very much, but from a national standpoint, I hope there will be fewer Roosevelts in the country and more people who understand the king."

"Reply - Hahaha, I understand that Wang is a good comrade. (laugh)"


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin looked at the barrages on the giant screen, and he became very interested in the President of the Eagle Country named"Roosevelt".

"The strongest president"、"Founder of world hegemony"……

There is no doubt that these awards are extremely high.

Li Shimin was very curious about how Roosevelt pushed the Eagle Country to the position of world hegemony.

It’s not just Li Shimin.

In other dynasty planes.

Many emperors were also very curious about Roosevelt.


【The expansion of the Yingjiang Kingdom with the help of Manifest Destiny also set an example for those who followed.】

【In his autobiography, Hitler admired the territorial expansion of the Eagle Kingdom and was extremely fascinated by the country's history of genocide.】

【He believed that the Hansi Leopard Kingdom must solve its land and resource shortage problems by expanding in Eastern Europe, just like the Eagle Sauce Kingdom expanded to the west.】

【This is how Hans Leopard's living space theory emerged before World War II.】

【At a meeting in 1941, Hitler stated:

We have but one task, to moralize Eastern Europe by introducing the Hans Leopards, and to treat the natives there like Indians, and we will persevere with ruthless determination. Go on, because we ourselves are the executors of the will of history, and what people think of us currently is not important.】

【Hitler believed that since the Eagle Kingdom could successfully whitewash itself, history would also forgive the Hans Leopard Kingdom for its atrocities. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Ah, it turns out that I follow the same example."

"However, Europe is not America, and Eastern Europeans are not Indians."

"Hitler's opponents were not weak Indians, but the Big Three."

"Reply - So he failed in the end"


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Gaochi sighed and said:

"The luck of this country is really good"[]


Zhu Di nodded.

If it weren't for the fact that the Yingjiang Kingdom was isolated in the overseas continent of America, it would not have had such a good development opportunity.

The Yingjiang Kingdom established the country by killing Indians and plundering land during the westward expansion movement. The method of identifying and promoting national development is not feasible in many other places.

The Americas not only have many resources, but also have weak indigenous people. It is indeed a treasure land.

However, in this life, this treasure land belongs to the Ming Dynasty!


【If the disintegration of slavery brought about by the Civil War removed obstacles to the spread of industrialization in the Eagle Country, then the westward expansion movement shaped the self-confidence and hegemony of the Eagle Country people.】

【Indians used their own bodies to help the Eagles build national identity】

【The violent society in the West, where the jungle was strong and the strong preyed on the weak, eventually shaped the liberalism of the Eagle Country, and then evolved into the American spirit that the Eagle Country is proud of, and then became the so-called universal value. 】

The barrage flew out:

"The first generation became robbers, committed all kinds of crimes by burning, killing, and looting, and completed their material accumulation; the second generation washed their hands in a golden basin, engaged in serious business, became arty, and became so-called gentlemen, completing their cleansing; the third generation inherited the family wealth, received a good education, and became highly educated. Artistic accomplishment and becoming the so-called nobility. This is the western path"

"Reply - Not only in the West, but also in the elite class all over the world, almost all have come up this way."


【But all this is not without cost, because it is inconsistent】

【The goal of the Eagle Country is to spread its founding ideology of"freedom and equality" to the whole world】

【But this idea has been denied by the cruel history of national development.】

【Every time the people of Yingjiang country try to promote their own system, they will encounter opponents at home and abroad who use the history of Yingjiang country to refute】

【If this value is truly universal to every nation, then who should become Indians and be exterminated?】

【And for the exterminated peoples, is this still a universal thought?】


"How hypocritical!"

Seeing this, many ancient people in the past dynasties felt contempt for the Yingjiang Kingdom. How can the

Yingjiang Kingdom, with its hands stained with the blood of Indians, talk about freedom and equality?

Many emperors in the past dynasties even looked down upon it.

The"American spirit" and"universal values" are just rags used to cover up shame.

To put it bluntly, they are all interests, and they are all prey to the jungle.


【At this point, Eagle Sauce Country has two options:】

【The first is to criticize one's own history, fully admit one's crimes, confess one's moral incompetence, and stop exporting universal ideas. However, this is tantamount to declaring the bankruptcy of American identity, and the consequences will be dire.】

【The other is to claim that the purpose of early history was good, but the people below executed it badly.】

【Because the massacre of Indians is not a government act. The government only protects the people in their settlements. As for how the settlements of the people came to be, I have no control over them.】

【This act of indulging the people of Yingjiang to massacre and then selectively enforcing the law is tantamount to openly promoting the specialness and superiority of the people of Yingjiang. It is once again contrary to the founding idea of ​​freedom and equality. This will never convince others.】

【This can also explain where the anti-American sentiment in the world, including Europe, comes from?】

【Therefore, for the sake of its own existence, the Eagle Country must adopt double standards, tolerate people's criticism of itself, and promote its own ideas, thereby expanding its territory of interests.】

【In order to maintain national identity, this kind of interest expansion can never stop, so that the domestic people have been polarized by their own twisted state, and the internal fighting between them is endless.】


See here.

Many ancient people in the past dynasties instantly thought of the video they had seen before: Dezhou, the Eagle Kingdom, and the central government were about to go to war.

This is a good example


【There are actually many contradictions in the modernization process of modern mankind, which can be vividly reflected in the people of Yingjiang. There are many more stories here, such as the extremely complicated Civil War. I will tell you one by one in the future.】

【That’s it for this video. ten】.

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