【Faced with the rise of Dragon State supercomputers, Eagle Sauce State included China Science and Technology Sugon and its subsidiary Wuxi Jiangnan Computer Research Institute on the entity list.】

【Since 2018, domestic supercomputing has never reached the top】

【Although Longguo's supercomputing ranking has declined in the latest list, this does not mean that Longguo's supercomputing strength has declined, but because Longguo is undergoing technological upgrades and replacements to prepare for the next generation. round of supercomputing competition】

【The next milestone in supercomputing will be exascale supercomputing at 10 billion times per second.】


"hiss! - Ten billion calculations per second!"

"so amazing! horrible!"

Many ancient people of all dynasties were once again shocked and stunned.

Such powerful computing power was far beyond their imagination.


【Whether it is us, Eagle Country, Japan, Europe, etc., they are all gearing up. A new computing power competition is underway.】

【The future supercomputing battle will not only develop in the direction of higher performance, lower energy consumption, stronger intelligence, and wider integration, but also involve more fields and levels in application, such as Life sciences, smart cities, industrial Internet, network security, etc.】

【this will be a total war】


Watch the entire video.

Many ancients throughout the dynasties have hoped and firmly believed that in the future supercomputer war, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely become the ultimate winner.


In the giant screen high in the sky.

Video refreshes.

A new video title appears:

【Cyber ​​Big Brother plan: a super planned economy that really existed. 】

After a line of large characters, there is a preface.

【Can a company, a country or even the entire human race be managed by a supercomputer?】

【All the country's economic and people's livelihood data are continuously input into this supercomputer every moment, and then the supercomputer is asked to give the most reasonable laws, tax rates, and monetary policies based on changes in these data.】

【After all, human beings have limited professional knowledge, emotional fluctuations, and abuse of power for selfish interests, which will have a huge negative impact on human society.】

【And a machine that has no emotions or selfish interests and can mobilize all knowledge can just solve these problems.】

【Let power no longer have all the fetters and distortions caused by people】


After reading this paragraph.

The ancient people of all dynasties were shocked.

They had just watched a video about"supercomputers" and had an understanding of the powerful capabilities of"supercomputers".

But is it possible to hand over a whole country to a"supercomputer" to manage it?

Many ancient people thought in their hearts


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the giant screen in the sky, his eyes lit up, and he said to Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi in a rather excited tone:

"Grandpa, Dad, this idea of ​​future generations makes sense."

"It is inevitable for people to have selfish motives, but supercomputers are machines without selfish motives and can be absolutely fair."

"Moreover, a supercomputer has far more knowledge than a human and can formulate more reasonable policies."

"If supercomputers can really be used to govern the country, it will definitely make the country more powerful."

The more Zhu Zhanji thought about it, the more excited he became. He felt that this matter had great potential. He even felt deeply regretful that Ming Dynasty did not have a"supercomputer".

He felt that if a"supercomputer" could be used to manage Ming Dynasty, then Ming Dynasty would be It will definitely become powerful quickly.

Not to mention steam engines, even more powerful items such as airplanes and tanks in later generations will have the opportunity to be built.

For a moment, Zhu Zhanji thought a lot.

Looking at Zhu Zhanji who looked a little excited, Zhu Di replied calmly:

"Supercomputers are just machines and need to be controlled by someone"

"The machine has no selfishness, but the person who controls the machine cannot avoid the existence of selfishness."

"Absolute fairness does not exist"


Zhu Zhanji was stunned for a moment, then an idea flashed in his mind and he quickly replied:

"Grandpa, do you still remember that AI in later generations?"

"If AI and supercomputers are combined, wouldn't this problem be solved?"

"With the blessing of AI, supercomputers may no longer need to be controlled by humans."

"So what if, as future generations worry, AI becomes self-aware? Will a supercomputer with self-awareness still listen to people? Zhu

Gaochi on the side asked quietly.

He didn't understand the principles of AI and supercomputers, but he understood human nature.

In his opinion, a supercomputer with self-awareness can almost be regarded as a"human".

With self-awareness, it can There will be joy, anger, sorrow, and selfishness.

A person with extremely powerful power does not believe that he will be willing to be inferior to others.

After listening to Zhu Gaochi's question, Zhu Zhanji fell into thinking.

This is indeed a problem


【This idea originated from the 1948 publication of Cybernetics】

【The original core idea of ​​this book is to use the idea of ​​controlling machines to study biology.】

【The operation of living organisms is the same as that of machines, which is to establish an effective information collection, transmission and processing mechanism.】

【For example, the human hypothalamus will produce different hormones based on the concentration of specific substances in the human blood, and then establish a positive or negative feedback mechanism based on changes in the concentration of substances in body fluids to regulate the amount of hormones produced next.】

【Look at it this way, the human body is indeed like a machine】

【Make decisions based on information and execute them, and then make adjustments based on changes in indicators after execution. This idea is easy to understand.】

【Then later generations will associate this mechanism of information generation, transmission, decision-making, and feedback to control in more fields.】

【The most extreme one is to regard the entire country as a machine like the human body, and set up reasonable algorithms and information collection and transmission mechanisms to achieve precise governance of the country.】

【Sounds sci-fi, right?】

【This setting has appeared in many science fiction works such as Supernova Era and Minority Report.】

【But most people think it’s not feasible. They feel that the complexity of the real world may never be something that artificial machines can handle.】

【Moreover, the current people in power and vested interest groups will not obediently hand over their power to machines.】


Many emperors in the past dynasties slightly lowered their jaws.

Ask yourself.

Even if there is such a machine, even if it can make the country better, will they be willing to hand over the supreme power in their hands?

Most likely not.

The feeling of controlling the world fascinates them.

Can't let go easily


【But recently I discovered that a big country has actually tried this approach】

【Machines almost took over the supreme power from humans 53 years ago and took over the entire country】

【This country is the big brother that has been practicing planned economy. It once really carried out major adjustments to the national power structure based on cybernetics.】



"Has any country really tried this?"

Many ancient people in the past dynasties were shocked.

Moreover, this country is not an ordinary country, it is the big brother of one of the only two superpowers in later generations.

This shocked the ancient people even more.

They all focused their attention on the giant screen in the sky. , can't wait to see what's coming next.

They want to know, how exactly did Big Brother try this?


【The story begins with Big Brother banning cybernetics.】

【Natural science is also divided into classes. This was the basic idea of ​​scientific development promoted by Stalin at the beginning of the Cold War.】

【Cybernetics, which was born in the West, became a reactionary science】

【Even because cybernetics advocates the theory of natural evolution based on DNA, Stalin, who had little understanding of biology, publicly supported Lysenko's use-it-or-lose-it theory based on the phenomenon of muscle training, and denied natural selection and Darwin.】

【As soon as such a call came out, a large number of articles criticizing cybernetics appeared in Big Brother's major newspapers and periodicals like carpet bombing, and the denial of cybernetics became absolute political correctness.】

【So for a long time in Big Brother, we couldn’t even speak human words. For example, the word"computer" was used by the people of Yingjiang, so at that time in Big Brother we could only call it"digital machine"."】

【Anyone who says"computer" is probably a reactionary. 】

The barrage flew out:

"There are hundreds of millions of points that defy heaven." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Too 6"

"This is not materialistic at all"


Many ancient people in the past dynasties fell silent while looking at the giant screen in the sky.

《The Analects of Confucius"Wei Linggong" says:"A gentleman does not use words to lift people up, and he does not use people to waste words."

Although the ancients did not have rich scientific and cultural knowledge, based on their normal way of thinking, many ancient people felt that this approach was a bit unreasonable.

According to later generations, Big Brother's approach during this period was indeed a bit abstract.



【With the death of Stalin, the wind direction turned 180 degrees】

【In order to completely deny Stalin, Khrushchev began to examine everything that Stalin denied.】

【Stalin's casual denial of cybernetics and related natural sciences has undoubtedly become a weapon for criticizing Stalin.】

【Because this can directly be said that Stalin himself is either uneducated or does not respect objective facts.】

【In 1954, an English professional book called"Engineering Cybernetics" was quietly published and introduced to Big Brother. 】

The barrage flew out:[]

"Qian Lao's works"

"Qian Lao is awesome!"


【The large number of formulas and data based on cybernetic research make this book extremely professional and rigorous. It only focuses on engineering issues and does not discuss any metaphysical things. This eliminates the possibility of laymen taking quotes out of context and making judgments.】

【This kind of thing that ordinary people can't understand is the most authoritative】

【Therefore, this book became the most objective focus for criticizing Stalin.】

【Accordingly, under the leadership of Khrushchev, the entire Big Brother leadership began to correct the chaos of"cybernetics", and a large number of Big Brother scholars began to study cybernetics.】


Many emperors throughout the dynasties reacted calmly to this.

Ideology, as a means of political struggle, was no stranger to many emperors.

Especially those emperors who were proficient in power struggles may have used this method themselves.

The struggle for power is brutal.

Everything can be used to serve the power struggle.

The so-called ideological doctrine of tools of struggle does not matter whether it is right or wrong, it only depends on actual needs.

Many emperors in the past dynasties knew this point very well.


【In 1961, Big Brother officially rectified the name of"cybernetics", calling it"the main tool for building a red ideological society", and then wrote"cybernetics" into Big Brother's highest program】

【Since then, Big Brother has begun to develop"cybernetics""】

【Driven from top to bottom, the"cybernetics" research department has grown rapidly, and the number of researchers has exploded.】

【It can be said that it was precisely because of Stalin's ban that"cybernetics" blossomed in Big Brother, and Big Brother even elevated it to the level of national strategy.】

【So much so that at that time, the senior officials of the Eagle Country directly regarded"cybernetics" as synonymous with Big Brother's ideology.】

【Completely forgetting that we are the original birthplace of cybernetics】

【Both sides are equal in showing the twisted nature of politics】

【The Eagle Country began to minimize the frequency of cybernetics and try to replace the concepts in cybernetics with the concepts of information theory and artificial intelligence.】

【At that time, scientists from Eagle Country might also be subject to various investigations if they used this vocabulary. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Pole reversal, early diode phenomenon"

"Good guy, who said science is apolitical?"

"Feng Shui turns"

"Excellent matching mechanism between two countries"

"A term that has been suppressed by both poles successively, 666"


Some ancient political elites in the past dynasties looked at the giant screen high in the sky, but they did not have the same sense of ridicule in their hearts as the barrage.

They thought of the cold war video between Big Brother and Eagle Country that they had seen before.

The two sides are engaged in an ideological struggle for hegemony.

Based on this standpoint, it is not surprising that such a seemingly bizarre and absurd phenomenon occurs in ideological doctrines.

Big Brother has elevated"cybernetics" to such an extent, so it is normal for the Eagle Country to suppress it. certainly.

This is based on a politician's perspective.

But among the non-politician ancients, some people think that whether it is Big Brother or the Eagle Country, this kind of"nonsense based on people" approach is quite unreasonable.


【Well, since Big Brother has put so much effort into researching cybernetics, they are naturally ready to use it】

【It just so happened that in the 1960s, as Big Brother's population continued to grow and industry became more and more developed, more and more problems arose in the implementation of the planned economy.】

【In 1962, Pravda recorded the complaint of a factory director who found that the state planning department, which drew up production plans for collective farms and enterprises, showed no concern for costs and profits.】

【Ask top officials which factory produces the same product cheaper and which factory earns the most profit. The officials have no idea.】

【Because they are only responsible for determining the overall output plan for the country and then allocating production tasks】

【Such production tasks have become a hard target for the factory, which must be completed at all costs, and the cost issue must be solved by each manufacturer.】

【This actually leads to a lot of resource misallocation and waste】


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned.

Although he did not understand specifically what a planned economy was, from the perspective of official management, he felt that these Big Brother officials were guilty of"malfeasance in their duties."

This is like a Ming Dynasty magistrate who knows nothing about the situation under his rule and is completely unqualified.

If it were in his Ming Dynasty, he would have to punish such officials.


【In addition, since economic plans are jointly designed by many departments of Big Brother, there is no single department in the government responsible for the overall unification and control of these plans.】

【This bloated physique will generate a large amount of junk information that humans cannot handle at all during its operation.】

【For example, just a detailed standard for wood processing runs to more than 1,800 pages when printed, and most of the content is repetitive. It has no use except adding trouble to production.】

【Moreover, these standards often lag behind what is actually happening in the production process】

【At the same time, the upward feedback channels are too cumbersome, resulting in standards not being changed in a timely manner. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Making the feedback process complicated and cumbersome is itself a signal to reject feedback."

"Deliberately making feedback more difficult actually means I hope you don’t want to give feedback."


Many ancient people in the past dynasties looked at these barrage and thought about it carefully, it does make sense.

Just like in many ancient dynasties,"people suing officials" is very troublesome. In fact, they just don't want this to happen.


【Faced with this situation, Big Brother senior officials have been constantly exploring reform measures for the planned economy】

【However, changes have been made, and the situation is still getting worse.】

【At this time,"cybernetics" appears!】


The ancient people of all dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky with more concentration.

They knew that the next content would be the highlight..

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