[Behind this seemingly unbelievable phenomenon, there is actually a huge problem hidden: Eagle Sauce Country is the world's largest consumer of drugs. 】

[About one in every 12 Eagle Sauce people has taken drugs. 】

[The harm of drugs is well known, not only destroying people's health, but also potentially endangering people's lives. 】

[According to an editorial published by Eagle Sauce Country's "World Journal", the average daily drug overdose death in the United States is 142, and the fatality rate of drug abuse is increasing year by year. 】


Accompanied by narration subtitles.

There are many images of drug addicts who have been destroyed by drugs in the giant screen.

Look at the junkies who are pale, hollow-eyed and confused, skinny as skinny.

The ancients of all dynasties were instantly shocked.

These drug addicts are no longer human.


The screen on the giant screen turned, and the images of these addicts being killed and maimed began to be played again.

The ancients of all dynasties were more and more shocked.

Although separated by a giant screen, these impactful images made them deeply aware of the great harm of drugs.

This made many ancients feel fearful and repulsive about drugs.

"This is a disaster for the country and the people, enough to shake the country's foundation!"

On the plane of the Ming Taizu, Zhu Yuanzhang said in a deep voice.

Zhu Biao on the side nodded approvingly, "Fortunately, I don't have this thing." "

"Hmph, even if there is such a thing, we will not allow anyone to smoke it. "

"Whoever dares to smoke in the Ming Dynasty, we will punish him for the nine clans!"

Zhu Yuanzhang made no secret of his killing intent.


[According to many European media reports, there are deeper political reasons behind the drug epidemic in Eagle Sauce Country. 】

[In September 2006, Blomwich, an official of the Ministry of Justice of Eagle Sauce State, announced the opening of an investigation into the CIA's involvement in the use of drug dollars to finance Nicaraguan rebels. 】

[What is the "drug dollar"?]

[This means that at that time, the "043" CIA under the general rule of the Eagle Sauce Country was suspected of importing a large amount of drugs from Central America and selling them to the "slums" of the Eagle Sauce Country. 】

[Then.] 】

[The money earned by the CIA went back to funding the Central American rebels and selling them a large amount of arms in order to disrupt and control the political situation in Central America, such as Nicaragua.] 】

[Do you understand? I will sell you arms to mess you up, and then use the money I earn to hire you to grow drugs! I will sell you, and I will ask you to sell drugs to him!]



Many ancients in the past dynasties rebuked angrily in their hearts.

In their opinion, such behavior of the Eagle Sauce Country is simply despicable and completely inconsistent with its superpower status.

At this moment, the ancients thought that the Eagle Sauce Country had been advocating "cooking" and "freedom", and they felt ridiculous.

It's all just a façade.

On the surface, it is "cooking freedom", but secretly it is all dirty and dirty means.


[This is just part of the "drug economy" of Eagle Sauce Country. 】

[In the Eagle Sauce Country, there are more than 300,000 organizations and gangs that survive on the drug trade. 】

[There are 169 drug trafficking organizations and 392 gangs in Houston alone, and 158 drug-selling organizations and 49 drug production plants in Los Angeles.] 】

[It is presumed that millions of people in the Eagle Sauce State receive "wages" from the drug trade.] 】

[If drugs are completely cracked down, many people will lose their jobs, and the economy of the Eagle Sauce Country will be affected. 】


"I see. "

The faces of many emperors of all dynasties suddenly realized.

As the head of a country, the people who want to govern the country truthfully, they know that there is a serious problem.

Millions of people are implicated and millions of livelihoods are at stake.

It's no wonder that the Eagle Sauce government would let drugs run rampant.

In the end, it's a question of "money".


[Not only civilians, but even governments are dependent on the drug economy. 】

[The head of the United Nations anti-drug agency issued a statement saying that during the 2008 financial crisis, Yingjiang Bank including JPMorgan Datong, Gaosheng, and Huaqi Bank suffered serious losses, and drug trafficking funds helped them tide over this difficulty. 】

[The Guardian affirmed the UN's statement: at least $352 billion from illegal sources such as drug trafficking and arms smuggling helped banks in the country launder money in the financial crisis. 】

[In 2011, a report by the United Nations Anti-Drug Agency revealed that in the global financial system, drug cartels laundered a total of $1.6 trillion, equivalent to 2.7% of the world's gross domestic product. 】

[At least one-third of the $1.6 trillion per year occurs in the country's financial system.] 】


"So much!"

Once again, many emperors of all dynasties were deeply shocked.

The "drug economy" of the Eagle Sauce Country is huge, and it is deeply related to the economy of the Eagle Sauce Country, far beyond their imagination.


Many emperors realized that the failure of the "war on drugs" in the Cactus Country was only afraid that there was still the shadow of the Eagle Sauce Country behind it.

Since the drug economy is so important to the Eagle Sauce Country, it is likely that the Eagle Sauce Country will not allow the cactus country to succeed in drug control.

"It's sad. "

Many emperors of all dynasties sighed in their hearts for the cactus country.

But that's about it.

Between countries, the law of the jungle eats the strong, and the emperors were not surprised by this.


[On the surface, the anti-drug operation of the Eagle Sauce Country has been vigorously carried out all over the world. 】

[But in fact, the financial evils brought about by drugs are in the dark.] 】

[Because of this, the Cactus Nation Drug War is doomed to fail - because they got the wrong object in the first place and amused themselves in the huge quagmire. 】

[And those countries that are opening up the "legalization of marijuana" do not know that the claws of the Eagle Sauce Country have reached their side. 】

[The nightmare in the gentle countryside may have just begun to brew. 】

Barrage flying:

"Our country will never be open!"

"I'm really glad to live in the Dragon Country, and my country is the most resolute in the fight against drugs!"

"Fortunately, our country is strong enough to cut off the claws of the Eagle Sauce Country. "

"On the matter of drug control, our country will never waver in its attitude, and we will definitely crack down on drugs!"


The plane of the Great Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at these barrages in the giant screen and nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right!"

He couldn't agree with the attitude of the Dragon Kingdom towards drugs in later generations.

This kind of extremely harmful thing should be severely cracked down on and resolutely banned!


High in the sky.

Video refresh.

New videos appear.

[What are the incomprehensible bugs in humans?]

Seeing this big title, the ancients of all dynasties were stunned for a moment:

"What is a bug?"

While they were confused, the title of the video disappeared and a preface appeared.

We have always believed that human beings are the most perfectly evolved creatures in nature. 】

[In the 3.5 billion years since the emergence of life on the earth, for the first time, there is a creature that has evolved life to the level of civilization, and it is definitely the top existence on the pyramid of life. 】

[But as far as our human body structure is concerned, it seems that it is difficult to match this supremacy, because our human body has all kinds of defects, and even bugs!]

[These bugs or defects are the omissions of human evolution.] 】

[Today, UP will take stock of these big bugs in our human beings. 】


After reading this brief preface, the ancients of all dynasties understood that the original BUG meant this.


Their interest in the upcoming video content has increased.

After all, it's a matter of self-interest.

They also want to know what bugs are in people?


[The temple of human bugs.] 】

[The skull is the hardest bone in the human body, and it is the strongest position in the whole body. 】

[But on both sides of the hardest part of this forehead, it is one of the weakest parts of the human body: the temples!] (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[According to the most important part of the brain, it should not be so weak at all, because there are the most important parts of the whole body. 】

[The temple is the intersection of the parietal bone, sphenoid bone, temporal bone, and frontal bone of the human skull, which is medically called the "wing point". 】

[Although the thickness of the temples is also 2 mm, compared to the average 6 mm of the forehead skull and the thickness of the parietal bone of the skull of 5 mm, this 2 mm is like a layer of window paper.] 】

[However, there are abundant arteries and veins in the temple area, including the middle meningeal artery, the middle meningeal vein, and the intersection of the "trigeminal nerve" and the "ciliary ganglion", and inside its thin bone, it is the temporal lobe of the brain, which is the auditory center. 】

[If it is hit, it is easy to cause middle meningeal artery injury, intracranial hematoma, concussion and other diseases, and if it is more serious, it may cause intracranial hemorrhage, which can lead to death. 】

[However, it is such a fragile and very important part, not only does it not even cover up the hair, but it even has a little sunken itself, for fear that others will not see it. 】

[This is probably the forced shutdown button of the human body, and there is one on one side.] 】


Accompanied by narration subtitles.

A clear and complete diagram of the structure of the human brain appeared in the giant screen in the sky.

Eastern Han plane.

Hua Tuo looked at the giant screen and his eyes lit up.

He took out a pen and paper, compared it with the diagram of the human brain structure of the giant screen, and copied it on the paper.

As an ancient physician who was interested in surgery, especially craniotomy, this picture is a treasure.

It's better than groping around on his own. []

With this picture, if he has the opportunity to perform a craniotomy on someone else in the future, he will be more sure.

The premise is that someone really dares.


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin and the famous generals of the Tang Dynasty suddenly realized.

As people who are proficient in martial arts, they all know that the temple is a fragile part of the human body, or according to the martial arts, a dead hole.

But I used to know what it was, but now I know why it is.


[The pelvis of a woman with a human bug.] 】

[Mother Man is the hardest creature on earth.] 】

[In the past, every time a human was born, the mother was equivalent to a trip through the ghost gate, and no creature had ever had such difficulty as humans. 】

[The reason for this is that humans have evolved from quadrupedal walking to upright walking, and the pelvis has compromised to upright walking, so the pelvis of humans is narrow and rugged compared to four-legged walking humans such as orangutans. 】

[At the same time, in the long-term process of evolution, human beings need huge brains to obtain intelligent .......]

[Between the brain and the pelvis, an irreconcilable contradiction is formed. 】

[As the volume of the human brain increases, the pelvis is gradually shrinking, resulting in a large head that makes it difficult for the baby to pass through the narrow and rugged birth canal.] 】

[This not only makes the process of giving birth extremely painful for women, comparable to torture, but also greatly increases the risk of dystocia and maternal and infant death. 】

Barrage flying:

"Mother is indeed too great!"

"It's really a sin to have a child, and it's not easy to be a mother. "


While the narration is explained and the barrage scrolls, a demo animation is inserted into the video in the giant screen.

The ancients of all dynasties understood it at a glance.

"I see. "

Many ancients sighed in their hearts.

In ancient China, giving birth to a child was indeed a very risky thing for women.

Many ancients knew this.

But it was only now that they knew that this was actually a bug left by human beings in their natural evolution, and that it was the price that human beings paid for walking upright and gaining wisdom.

What else can be said about this?

Complaining about God's injustice?

Many women of all dynasties smiled bitterly in their hearts.


[Fortunately, humans have retained a strategy in their evolution, which is to give birth prematurely.] 】

[Because the pelvis of humans is too narrow and the birth canal is too rugged, the mortality rate of infants with larger heads is very high, and their genes will be eliminated.] 】

[On the contrary, because the brain volume of the premature fetus is not fully developed, it can pass through the mother's birth canal smoothly, and the mortality rate will be reduced, so their genes are easier to retain.] 】

[After a long period of natural selection, premature babies who are 10 months pregnant have become "full-term" for humans. 】

[This is cruel natural selection.] 】

Barrage flying:

"I've heard this statement, according to scientists' calculations, it takes 21 months for a human fetus to be truly full-term, so that it can be born and leave. "

"Reply - in that case, the maternal mortality rate will be too high for human beings to bear, and if it is not good, the human race will be extinct. "

"Reply - so in the end, I naturally chose to be born prematurely at ten months. "


The ancients of all dynasties were completely stunned when they saw these contents.

Pregnancy in October turned out to be premature?

Is the real term twenty-one months?

This completely turned their perception on its head.

For a moment it was hard for them to believe.


[But even so, human beings still have difficult births from time to time.] 】

[Fortunately, human beings have developed to the era of modern civilization, and developed medical technology can be used to assist production with lateral incision of the birth canal, and there is even a caesarean section to ensure the safety of mother and child. 】

[Especially the caesarean section technique, which can allow the fetus born with a large head to be born smoothly.] 】

[Some people even joked that this was a medical invention that changed the theory of evolution.] 】


At the same time as the narrator introduced, an animated demonstration of the whole process of caesarean section appeared on the giant screen in the sky, and the organs were labeled.

When the ancients of all dynasties saw this, they were directly frightened.

Is there such a way of delivery?

Directly separate the mother's belly from the uterus (uterus), and then directly take out the fetus?

Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty 0.4 sides.


The concubine, who had just finished taking the pulse of the Queen Mother, looked at the giant screen and was shocked.

"How can there be such a miraculous medical skill in the future?"

"Wouldn't that make having a baby less dangerous?"

While thinking, the concubine watched the animation of the whole process of caesarean section intently.

She is the first recorded female doctor in Chinese history, known as the first woman doctor, was called to the palace because of her superb medical skills, and is the first of the four famous female doctors in ancient China.

As a benevolent healer, she wanted to write down the art first and see if she could learn it so that she could use it to help others.

In addition to the righteous concubines, in the outer plane of the Yu Dynasty, female famous doctors such as Bao Gu in the Jin Dynasty, Zhang Xiaoniangzi in the Song Dynasty, and Tan Yunxian in the Ming Dynasty also had similar thoughts and actions.


[Of course.] 】

Caesarean section is only recommended if the labor process is complicated or urgent, and there are medical indications. 】

After all, caesarean section also has many risks such as infection, intestinal adhesions, intestinal obstruction, endometriosis, etc. 】

[Therefore, if possible, we still recommend that you give birth as naturally as possible, but you can use painless techniques in conjunction with it.] 】

Barrage flying:

"Painless, really. "

"Painless childbirth deserves a lot of promotion. "


Looking at the giant screen in the sky, the women of all dynasties were shocked.

Painless childbirth, this is literally easy to understand, and women in ancient times could understand that it was not painful when giving birth.

They didn't expect that there would be such a miraculous way of giving birth in later generations.

After the shock, there is a huge envy.

Especially for those women who have given birth, the severe pain of giving birth is something they will never forget for the rest of their lives, and the memory is too deep.

They are too envious of the women of later generations who can use painless childbirth.

Even they thought in their hearts that it would be nice if they could live in the afterlife.

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