This...... Is it also a battle?

Fists, swords, spells...... In everyone's common sense, there are no more than a few ways to fight! Even if someone can show incredible power, it is "a fist with more strength" and "a sword with a sharper blade". It's amazing enough, but it's not incomprehensible or untouchable!

In this way, with a wave of his hand, the Rock King Emperor could rain down a rain of rock spears to suppress such a powerful enemy as Othello. Although the mortals like Ningguang couldn't "wave their hands" and "summon rock spears", as long as they paid enough price and built enough "Jade Pavilion" in advance to smash Oselle's head, they could also have a similar effect!

So, what's going on in front of you?

[Barbara: I...... Am I right? That guy ...... What is it called...... He, how easily did he turn a star full of life into ashes? this, how, how did ...... this?

[Mona: How is that possible! It's a star! A star is not as small as we see! As the old woman told me, every star is even more boundless than the widest sea we have ever seen, and more majestic than the highest mountain! And hundreds of times thousands of times the difference! Impossible! No one can destroy a star so easily!]

[Keqing: The emperor and the demon god of the vortex fought a shocking battle, creating the wonder of the Lonely Cloud Pavilion. Lei Zhi's ruling used the "thoughtless sword" to cut out the thoughtless blade narrowly - even if they were as noble as the seven rulers, they had to be extremely serious to transform a heaven and earth to do it! These Star God Envoys actually ...... Unexpectedly ......]

[Xiangling: I...... I can't accept ......!!! there are so many people alive on those planets, and they are just like us, ordinary and ordinary people! That's tens of millions of innocent people! That's it, all at once...... All at once, ......!?]

[Kamisato Ayaka: They don't even have the qualifications to defend their homeland...... It was like: One day, a god came down to them and told them that all of you would die in a second, without exception. And they, having no right to refuse or even protest, can only watch the judgment of the gods come to them. 】

[Kujou Sara: Kamisato Ayaka! Watch your words! What kind of god can such a person be? How can such an atrocity who relies on great power to wantonly kill the lives of the weak be worthy of being called a god! Without the force of love, no matter how strong he is, it is only a crooked way!490]

[Nilou: Miss Kujo, I can understand your anger at this time. But...... The power of these Star God Envoys is even far beyond the boundaries between "gods" and "people", I ...... I feel so uncomfortable......]

[Alhaithham: If such a being suddenly befalls Teyvat, presumably, our ending will not be any different from the planet in the video.] The difference in strength between each other is too big to be reasonable. 】

[Navia: No...... No, even if any disaster does strike, we can defend our homeland with our own hands! We will not sit idly by! Moreover, besides, we ...... We also have our gods who can protect us...... And Tianli, isn't it!]

[Crolinde: Calm down, Miss Navia, this is just an unrealistic assumption.] 】


Can there really be such a fluttering brushstroke?

The people of Teyvat are in a state of confusion at the moment!

No matter how much reason tells them that their world and the world of Star Rail are not really in the same world, an existence like the Extinction Lord will probably not be able to come to Teyvat at all.

But their sensibility is "empathetic" to the scene just now!

On the planets of life that were "destroyed at will" by the order of the star gods, it is very likely that there is also such a "head of the qin", who is enthusiastic, kind, and noble, but she works tirelessly for every people. It is very likely that there is also such a "Klee", she is lively, active, and cute, although she often causes headaches for the adults around her because she is naughty, but she can only smile helplessly at her.

The lights of the thousands of homes that the people of Teyvat are willing to protect are not these scenes of daily life mixed with sadness and laughter, all of which are ordinary!

It is even possible that on these planets, there are also order systems such as the "Seven Archons of the Earth", "The Primordial Four Shadows", and "Heavenly Principles", which are responsible for maintaining the stable operation of this planet and protecting its people from disasters!

But with the coming of God, all this is gone!

They can't even resist! They don't even know why they died! Family, feelings, everything that is more cherished than life, everything that they hate more, and the obsession and endeavor of hundreds of millions of lives are all meaningless in an instant because of their arrival!

The rabbit dies, and the fox is sad.

The Teyvat people have witnessed the collapse of the planet and the destruction of life one after another, and even if they can't hear any sorrow, even if they can't see any blood, how can they really reveal it in their hearts?

Not only them, but in the distant galaxy, everyone in Beloberg was even more cold sweating, and their clothes were unconsciously soaked by it!

They seem to have a brush with death.

If the disaster that befell Arilo VI in the first place was not an "Antimatter Legion", but a "Lord of Extermination", ...... No matter how wise and brave Alisa Rand is, no matter how brave and unyielding the people of Arillo Six are, I am afraid that there will be no more "Beloberg" now.

[Ciel (Star Dome Railway): Is this the real trump card of the Antimatter Legion? Damn...... In the face of this kind of guy, I don't even know how to attack him......]

[Natasha: After seeing such a majestic majesty as the Maharaja of Extermination, do you still have the courage to raise your sword against it? Should you say, "It's really you"? Xi'er?]

[Bronya (Star Dome Railway): As the name suggests, every Star God Envoy is a messenger chosen by the Star God, in a sense, they really can't be referred to as "people", in front of others, they are already veritable "gods". That's why the video says that people's limits can only reach T3, Xi'er, if you really meet them one day, don't be stupid!]

[March 7: I said everyone, don't be so frightened that you start to speak incoherently? You have to think about it, in the entire universe, how many star gods are still alive today? The envoy is not the power of a cabbage, and the star god will not be bored enough to give someone an order when he has something to do......

Well, except for a certain star god.

In short, in the long river, there are only less than four digits of recorded Star God Decrees, and there are only a few dozen active records now, and more than half of them are the fate of the Star God Decree Envoys who practice requires them to "act uprightly", and crazy people like the Extinction Lord are a minority after all!

March 7 is a very rare long speech.

Just like the crisis that Arilo Six faced seven hundred years ago, there were only a few Lords of Extermination? How could they have the Antimatter Legion once and they would also appear at the same time? Impossible.

If they don't show up, they will definitely aim at the powerful civilization that has also been blessed by the star gods, such as Teyvat and Yalilo VI, which the "wild lands" will not be looked down upon by the Maharaja of Extermination!

Of course, March 7 weighed it himself, and felt that no matter how thick he was, he couldn't say that, so he took his words around a little, and gently comforted everyone that they didn't need to worry about the existence of the Exterminating Maharaja.

Of course, what makes everyone feel more reassuring is actually the content behind the video.

Just as light and darkness are inseparable, since there are murderers who practice the path of [destruction] such as the Antimatter Legion and the Lord of Extermination, there are naturally righteous people who practice the will of [Protection] such as the Builders and the Interstellar Peace Company. Moreover, the power of [Protection] is much older and more powerful than [Destruction].

With the appearance of the Star God Envoy on the [Preservation Protection] side in the video, stopping the conspiracy of the Exterminating Maharaja again and again, everyone calmed down a little and relaxed their minds a lot.

The reason is actually not complicated, even if ordinary mortals in the Teyvat world are not the opponents of slimes, as long as they can have powerful forces such as the Knights of Favonius and the Millelith Army to protect themselves, they will not be too afraid of slimes.

However, when many of the envoys of the star gods appeared in the video one after another, the appearance of some "envoys" made some people in the Xianzhou Alliance frown slightly.

That's - dragon.

To be precise, they are the direct descendants of [Immortal], the dragon monarchs who have awakened the powerful power of the bloodline, and have been awarded the name of "Dragon Venerable".

And Jing Yuan's gaze was firmly locked on one of the dragon venerables.

"Drink, moon, king. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the faint voice of others, he whispered the names of his old people.

Xinghe March 7 also saw the figure of "Drinking Moon Jun" at the same time, they both blinked at the same time, tilted their heads and asked Dan Heng:

"Danheng, do you think this person is familiar?"

Danheng: "...... I don't know. Maybe it's someone from the Ming Dragons who happens to look a little like me?"

March 7: "?"

Star: "Is that so?"

Out of trust in Dan Heng, the two didn't suspect too much.

But Dan Heng himself secretly wiped a cold sweat.

How much do these people from another world know? Even if they know these secrets, they always make all kinds of important secrets public as if they were nobody......

What if one day, it really starts playing its own past experiences...... So, do you watch it yourself, or don't you watch it?

Danheng was alone and entangled in his heart.

But at least for now, he doesn't need to worry about it.

"Among the Star God Envoys, there are some people who are in a special situation. "

"They are also people who have been blessed with the authority of the Star God, no matter what they are called, their status as the Star God Envoy will not change, and they should naturally be listed as T2 level. "

"It's just that, unlike the normal Star God Order, their future has been sealed, and there is no possibility of further progress. It is even fortunate that their strength does not regress because of this. "[]

"The reason is simple, the star god who gave them power is no longer dead for various reasons. Even if the fate of the star god after his death will not be closed, no one will be able to open up this path again. "

"Strictly speaking, the strength of these deceased Star God's envoys is generally worse than that of the real envoys, but the gap between T2 and T3 is too huge to open up a T2.5 level for them alone, and they are still tied in T2. "


The narrator only explains his reason for placing the "Late Star God Commander" in T2 in a very general way, but his rhetoric once again gives Teyvat a head-on blow.

"Star God...... Aren't they already beyond life and close to the existence of the law? How can even such a star god die?"

For the shock of the people in Teyvat, the Star Dome Railway World was inexplicable.

[Fu Xuan: What are you shocking? Even if you are as great as a star god, you are still part of the composition of this universe. On the most macroscopic scale, our universe will one day come to an end and meet its own end. Even the universe has an end of the day, how can the star gods last forever?]

[Mona: But, but...... This kind of death must be calculated on a very long time scale, right? Has the universe been around for so long?]

[Gui Naifen: Not really. Lord Taibu only meant that the star god was not immortal, and that there were already several "order" and "breeding" just now that there were records of fallen star gods. However, if you want to ask about the specific reason for the fall of these star gods...... Then we can only answer that we don't know. 】

Although the people in the Star Dome Railway World did not know the reason for the fall of the Star God, this "not knowing" was already a kind of information in itself.

If the star gods "died of natural causes" due to lifespan and other reasons, then the reason for their death could not be some unspeakable secret. Since the entire universe is secretive about this matter, it can only mean that the deaths of these star gods are "unnatural deaths".

Realizing this, the people of Teyvat felt even more tingling in their scalps.

The Star God Envoy is already an absolute powerhouse who can control the fate of the entire planet alone, and the Star God who gives them power should be a dimensional existence than the Star God Envoy no matter how you look at it.

Such a star god can "die an unnatural death"?

This kind of thing is just like someone on the Teyvat continent who wants to defeat Tianli through war, it's nonsense at all!

How terrifying are the inexplicable dangers in the universe? Not even the star gods are exempt?

For a moment, they didn't notice the faces of these "deceased Star God Envoys".

Anyway, they are all immortals fighting high up in existence, compared to this, or the important information of "the star god will die too" catches their attention more.

Until now, they still don't have a complete understanding of the star god, but they have just come to the conclusion from various side information: the star god is very strong, very strong, so strong that it can no longer be regarded as "life". It is precisely based on this erroneous one-sided perception that they will be shocked that "such a powerful star god will actually die"?

And soon, they really saw the powerful corner of the Star God.

And in that corner, there is even only one "look".

"In the T2 sequence, there is a very special group. "

"They are undoubtedly strong, so strong that even the Star Divine Envoy has to bow to them in a way. "

"But they are as powerful as uncontrolled meteors in the starry sky, bright enough, but only for a moment. When that moment of brilliance is over, they will return to their mediocre life, and it is almost impossible to have another moment of shine. "

"This is an existence that is even rarer than the Star God Decree - the person who is watched by the Star God. "。

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