I, who only know how to play games, am regarded as a god by the whole world.

Chapter 106 No, your infiltration means killing everyone, right?

Phocis, as a city-state without an owner, is at war, and the lives of the people here are extremely bitter.

Every day, they have to endure the chaos of war, and the two armies come here every now and then to search for the people's fat and anointment, or directly arrest the strong men and go to the front line.

At least, Xu Mu came all the way, in the eyes of these people who had to go out to find a way out for their livelihood, they were dull and fearful.

Even after seeing Xu Mu's excellent equipment, some people would run away and hide in a hurry.

The most injured in the war, in fact, have always been this group of people at the bottom.

Before arriving at the city walled up by the lackey in Athens, Xu Mu saw a hungry little boy, skinny and in tattered clothes.

Hiding behind a tree, he was secretly looking at Xu Mu with an expression of curiosity and fear intertwined.

After thinking about it, Xu Mu sighed lightly, and took out a piece of dry bread from his bosom.

This was some food that the old captain gave him when he was on the ship.

After all, the old captain didn't know that he was a player, so he didn't need to eat or drink in this dungeon without hunger points.

In order not to disturb the little boy, Xu Mu put the bread in his hand on a fairly clean marble not far away.

Immediately strode away.

After walking a certain distance, he turned his head again and saw the little boy rushing out like a rabbit.

After picking up the bread, he left quickly.

Then, Xu Mu's gaze was blocked by another man.

It was a man in a blue robe, with a water jug ​​pinned to his waist, and a thick pamphlet glued together with straw paper.

"I saw your behavior, do you want to enter the Tarot Walled City?" He asked his own question, and then introduced himself: "Herodotus, a traveler wandering in Greece, I usually put what I have Write down everything you see and feel."

Herodotus traveled all the way, and he was used to seeing too many rich people's luxury, the indiscriminate killing of those in power, and the misery and suffering of the people at the bottom.

But today he saw with his own eyes a mercenary known for being 'ruthless and cruel' and 'only seeing bounty' taking out a piece of bread to a hungry man.

This immediately made Herodotus feel acquainted with each other, so he stepped forward to say hello.

After hearing what Herodotus said.

Xu Mu raised his head seriously and glanced at the man in front of him.

Some inexplicable ripples in his heart swayed gently, it was a feeling he couldn't express.

Herodotus, the first scholar who recorded history in human history.

Also known as the father of history.

Judging from his birth age, when he began to record history, the ancestors of Sima Qian who wrote "Historical Records" for ten generations were probably still playing with mud.

At this moment, Herodotus was standing in front of him.

The wind blows head-on, passing between the two of them, but it seems to have spanned a thousand years.

This is a dialogue from two thousand years ago.

"Xu Mu, a mercenary from an eastern country." Xu Mu spoke slowly, instead of using his ID, he gave his real name to show respect.

"Eastern country?" Herodotus was a little surprised: "Is there a country in the East?"

"Yes, and it's huge." Xu Mu nodded.

According to the current timeline, it should be the period when the Zhou Dynasty integrated the surrounding tribes and overthrew the rule of the Shang Dynasty, and was cleaning up the remnants of the Shang Dynasty.

This is a long process, spanning almost seven or eight centuries.

"If there is a chance, I really want to see that eastern country. This may be a highlight in my record!"

"Why don't you just call it history, but use the word 'record' to describe it?" Xu Mu asked again.

"History?" Herodotus was startled.

Immediately after thinking about it a few times in my heart, my expression suddenly brightened!

"This is a good name! If you don't mind, can I use this name to directly name everything I record? It's called "History"!"

Xu Mu: "..."

Good guy, where is the burden of the world line hidden here?

You know, the book written by Herodotus that records the period from prosperity to collapse of the entire Greek Empire is called "History"

After that, "history" also became a vocabulary with practical meaning, referring to the records of some major events that have passed and happened in the long years of human beings.

Didn't you think it came out of your own mouth?

This seems to form a closed loop...

Of course, many things in the copy don't have to be taken seriously.

"Let's get down to business, young mercenary, why do you want to break into Morris's city." Herodotus looked towards a magnificent marble city not far away: "The security here is sufficient, every soldier All strong."

"I'm just doing what I should do." Xu Mu explained ambiguously.

The reason why he explained so much to Herodotus was because Xu Mu planned to recruit him.

In the original work, Herodotus is a powerful deputy, because he has traveled all over Europe and has a relatively complete regional map in his hands.

In the dungeon, you must obtain the area map to unlock new places.

With Herodotus, it means that the entire European continent can still be traveled.

There is no need to spend time trying to complete the side missions of [Finding Maps] in various regions.

This saves a lot of time, which is also an improvement on the other hand.

Moreover, Herodotus also made many friends all over Europe.

It is a rare and good helper for inquiring about members of the Cult of Kosmos who are always in a dynamic position.

As long as your function is so powerful, I will also make you a friend!

"I think maybe you should make a more detailed plan."

"I have it." Xu Mu smiled.

"What is it?" Herodotus was about to help Xu Mu analyze whether his plan was reasonable.

Then I saw Xu Mu walking towards the entrance of the city with great pretentiousness: "The plan is..."

As he spoke, he took out the dagger in his hand, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he stabbed directly into the heart of the guard at the door.

"The plan is to sneak in." Xu Mu turned his head and smiled at Herodotus.

"????" Herodotus was stunned.

You call this sneaking in?

Is it because you have misunderstood infiltration, or I have misunderstood infiltration...

Soon, due to Xu Mu's overly ostentatious behavior, the guards were alerted instantly.

"Someone is attacking!!" All the vital forces in the entire walled city were mobilized.

A group of soldiers charged towards Xu Mu with spears and spears.

Morris, the running dog of Athens, was also surrounded by several soldiers and hid in the safest room in the walled city.

"Alas..." Herodotus, standing outside the city wall, sighed softly when he saw Xu Mu was instantly surrounded.

Although he didn't have a deep relationship with Xu Mu, there were only a few short conversations between the two.

But for some reason, Herodotus had a different kind of admiration for Xu Mu.

I always feel that his words and deeds are not like people of his own era.

Including the word "history" he mentioned, it is also very fresh, but very accurate.

Be inspiring to yourself.

It would be great if such a mercenary walked with him, traveled together, saw more scenery, and the two had a good drink and chat among the mountains and rivers.


This young mercenary still couldn't get rid of the problems that all young people have.

He is too impulsive.

Even if mercenaries were born to complete reward tasks one after another.

But it also requires more planning...

Herodotus felt sorry for such a confidant who had just met but was about to lose.

But he is just a traveler, without any force, unable to help this young mercenary more.

Just when Herodotus was already thinking about how to deal with these lackeys of Athens in order to move out Xu Mu's body and bury it properly.

Suddenly, he heard a loud roar from the crowd.

When looking up again.

It was found that Xu Mu's whole body was enveloped by a ray of golden light.

I saw him in soft armor, after a long roar, he raised his leg and stomped vigorously towards the ground.

Skill, Step of Chaos!


One foot is like a landslide!

In an instant, the ground area with a radius of about ten meters quickly cracked, bursting out cracks.

Even the ground on which Herodotus was standing trembled faintly, and he needed to keep his steps steady so that he would not fall.

At this time, a crowd of soldiers surrounded Xu Mu.

The shock waves caused by his vigorous trampling were all turned into bloody residues!

One kick, Ding Shanhe!

Seeing this scene, Herodotus' pupils flickered with tremors!

Rao is because he has traveled all the way across Europe and has seen a lot.

Shocked by this astonishing power, his Adam's apple twitched again and again, and his voice trembled a little.

"My gods... is this guy chosen by the gods??"

"This kick is like the power of God that only exists in mythology..."

Herodotus' confidence in Xu Mu also grew rapidly after this kick.

He hastily rolled his hands into the shape of a trumpet and shouted: "Pay attention to the bonfire tower on the top floor of the city! Once the bonfire is lit, more reinforcements will come!!"

Xu Mu immediately nodded to Herodotus when he heard that, "Thank you for reminding me!"

Herodotus just breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw Xu Mu take out the bow and arrow on his back, ignite the arrow and aim at the bonfire tower.

Pull the string to the full moon, then let go.


An arrow from Changhong pierced through the air and directly ignited the bonfire tower on the top floor of the city wall.


The fire burned fiercely in an instant, and the billowing black smoke from it floated into the clear sky, which could be clearly seen even several kilometers away.

Soon, the horn sounded in response not far away, indicating that a large number of reinforcements will arrive soon!

Herodotus: "????"

not... this...

What I said just now was to make you avoid the bonfire tower, why did you ignite it with your backhand? ?

O my gods! Take a quick look at who you gave the power of God to! Just look at him! !

At the same time, what Xu Mu, who was struggling to kill the enemy, did not know.

In the world of Assassin's Creed.

An additional sentence will be added by Herodotus in the book "History" to be published in the future.

"If you are not arrogant, you are still called a young man.

- Herodotus"


Spartan camp.

The current leader, Nico, is standing on the edge of a high cliff, leaning on an armrest, looking at the soil under his feet.

Behind him, a mischievous player frowned and thought hard.

Through the information provided by Mu Luo, Wang Ba did sneak in all the way, and successfully approached Nico, the leader of Sparta.

However, it is extremely difficult to obtain the Isu artifact in his hand - the Spear of Leonidas.

He tried countless methods, but none of them could persuade Nico to hand over the artifact in his hand.

The main reason is that this task is also very fucked up!

Let yourself, a player with only level 10, find a way to get the artifact in Nico's hand...

This is so...

Since I know that it is a divine weapon, others must also know that it is a divine weapon...

Who would hand over the artifact so simply?

But no matter what, as one of the four giants in the Eastern Region, Mu Luo's words are still very important.

In the early stage, so many clues were provided to Wang Ba, which helped him to level up quickly.

Wang Ba really didn't dare to offend Mu Luo, so he said no to her.

Racking his brains, he thought of another way.

Gathering his mind, he rubbed his hands and walked forward with a smile.

"Lord Nico, the High Priest of our Kosmos Cult said that she can help you strengthen the Leonidas Spear in your hand, and then play a greater role."

"The strengthened Spear of Leonidas will definitely help you quell the current Boti war."

This time, Nico finally reacted.

Although he still didn't look back, he said in a hoarse voice, "Go back, stranger. For the sake of the information you gave me just now, I don't have to kill you."

"But this battlefield is not a place for cowards like you to come."

Hearing this, Wang Ba was completely out of action.

"Is there really a solution to this task?"

"Unless it is said to be powerful enough to directly kill Nico, why would you give me the artifact?" Wang Ba muttered in his heart, and glanced at the red string on Nico's body again. ? ? Attributes.

? ? ? , indicating that the enemy is more than 15 levels higher than yourself.

And the three question marks in red represent extreme danger!

It shows that Nico's strength has reached the top group of strength in the entire dungeon.

"I really don't believe anyone can complete this task..." After Wang Ba complained, he immediately opened the communication with Mu Luo and explained the truth clearly.

Mu Luo on the other end of the communication also frowned slightly at this time.

According to some clues given by the oracle, she vaguely knew that there was a special way to obtain this artifact.

But the specific method, after all, involves a series of the most powerful weapons in the dungeon, even for the quasi-gods, they don't see it so clearly.

If everything goes according to what Wang Ba said.

It's almost a dead end.

Wang Ba tried almost any method except force.

"Could it be...it is really necessary to use force? But it is unrealistic to use force against the king of Sparta at this stage." Mu Luo was thinking in her heart.

Then I heard a small exclamation from Wang Ba's side.

"Lord Mu Luo, the situation has changed!"


"Just now, Niko's adopted son, Stantor, trotted up all the way, and said something to Nico, and then Stantor brought another mercenary, a player..." Wang Ba was nervous. As he spoke, his eyes kept staring at the man in the white robe and windbreaker.

As they passed by, the two looked at each other.

Then, Wang Ba saw the man in white go straight forward, pulled out a head from the backpack, and threw it at Nico's feet.

Wang Ba cautiously moved towards the direction of the two of them.

But it doesn't sound very real.

It's just that there is one word that he heard very solidly.

Spear of Leonidas!

Broken, there are peers!

"Lord Mu Luo! This kid also came here for the spear of Leonidas!" Wang Ba hurriedly reported.

"What kind of clothes is he probably wearing?" Mu Luo asked again.

After Wang Ba explained clearly, Mu Luo frowned even deeper.

God? !

The reason why I know that Nico has a divine weapon is because of the oracle.

But how did this kid know?

Could it be that he is also covered by an oracle?

But it shouldn't be.

Huaxiu's twelve quasi-gods all live on the floating island, and currently only govern the soil of the Eastern Region.

If there was really one of the quasi-gods covering God A, that quasi-god would have stepped forward to intervene a long time ago, and he would never allow himself to target God A in this way.

Just when Mu Luo couldn't figure it out.

Wang Ba also seemed to have sensed Mu Luo's silence.

This is a good opportunity to flatter the boss!

Wang Ba quickly comforted him and said, "Lord Mu Luo, don't worry, I've tried all the common sense methods just now. But this old fellow Nico won't talk to me, so this kid's ending is the same. , is nothing more than leaving what I just did..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Ba's voice suddenly stopped.


From Wang Ba's perspective.

After he saw the man in white whispering a few words to Nico.

Nico turned around immediately, with an old face tremblingly asking him repeatedly, with a very hasty tone!

After seeing the latter nodding, Nico was in tears, and tremblingly stretched out his hand to take out a broken spearhead outlined by the sacred gold border from his waist.

Holding the spear with both pious hands, he handed it to the man in white.

"He he he he he..." Seeing this scene, Wang Ba was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

"What happened?" Mu Luo hurriedly asked.

"He...that old fellow Nico gave away the spear of Leonidas!!" Wang Ba's chest rose and fell violently, his eyes were wide open, and he trembled in disbelief.

"Master Muluo..."

"His strategy seems to be above ours!"

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