Chapter 140 Hogwarts Gotham!

Level 5 cities want to be upgraded to level 6 large cities within half an hour, on the surface it seems that there is a shortage of 4.5 million people.

In fact, there is a lack of large sums of money.

Just to sell land for expansion, at least 9 pieces of Type II land must be bought (the area of ​​Type I land is the size of a Tier 5 city)

Each piece of Type II land needs a full 500,000 gold to unlock.

Here is the actual 4.5 million gold expenditure.

Moreover, buying wasteland is the lowest cost among various constructions in the city.

Road construction, water and electricity, security maintenance, greening, and school education are the real big expenses.

Therefore, the many problems of upgrading a 5th-level city to a 6th-level city can be simply condensed into one problem.

Make money.

Make lots of money!

Of course, Gotham City under Xu Mu's command was not promoted in a proper way, and the city construction in a proper way would not be able to rush to a level 5 city in just one hour.

The price of ultra-rapid development makes Gotham City's various facilities that cut corners, like a shit mountain code that is on the verge of collapse.

In other words, the foundation of the city was not firmly established in the early stage, causing all the seemingly prosperous constructions to hang on a nanometer-thick steel wire bridge.

It is almost an impossible task to increase efforts to make more money in this crumbling city.

Right now, if this city is left to any player to take care of, it will only end in bankruptcy.

Fortunately, Xu Mu, who had severe game obsessive-compulsive disorder in his previous life, has conducted in-depth research on the game "Skyline", and has almost thoroughly understood all the possible bugs in it.

A mere sixth-tier city won't trouble him at all!

First of all, the first thing to do is to turn the rapidly developing level 5 cities into profits.

This is easy to deal with, just build a playground.

As a large-scale entertainment facility that can only be unlocked in a level 5 city, the playground for all ages has a good gold-absorbing effect.

The entrance fee alone can be increased by more than five times on the basis of the park, reaching 100 gold per ticket!

In addition to operating/labor/maintenance costs, as long as 200 citizens come to play on this day, you can earn an extra 10,000 gold/day.

Instant turnaround!

Of course, Mayor Xu, who loves money...loves the people like a son, must be dissatisfied that a large playground can only bring in an income of 10,000 gold per day.

But the ticket fee has already been stretched to the top. If it is forcibly changed to 500 gold or even 2000 gold, it is not impossible.

At that time, only the rich brothers from the rich area will be able to come, and a few of them will come a day, but the income is still not bad.

The expectations of the amusement park are different from the park. The park is only to meet the needs of the citizens, but the amusement park, Xu Mu relies on it to earn more money.

Since there is no way to use a knife on the ticket, the only thing that can be fine-tuned is the amusement park equipment.

Xu Mu spent a huge sum of 1,000 gold to buy the gate of an amusement park, and placed it above the butterfly area in the city center, only one fast lane away from the Kasamoto Industrial Park.

In this way, the residents of Kasamoto Industrial Park can also be severely squeezed.


Then the spectators were waiting for Xu Mu to continue to transform his amusement park.

Xu Mu had already gone to issue the mayor's announcement.

"Gotham City's large-scale playground is online! Welcome everyone to come and experience it!"

The players were completely blown up, and the messages on the screen were tumbling crazily.


"No, your playground opened with only one ticket gate, right?"

"God A's operations always successfully refresh my definition of conscience..."

"This is too outrageous!"

"If I were a citizen of Gotham City, I would definitely not go to death... Damn! Is there really someone here?"

As soon as Xu Mu's announcement came to the ground, many citizens quickly responded to the call, driving their own cars or walking there one after another.

Since the playground was located in a downtown area, there were a lot of people on the first day of opening, with a traffic of three to five hundred people!

And because the playground built by Xu Mu has only one gate and no other entertainment facilities.

So there is no need to spend any maintenance fees at all, and the ticket money directly becomes pure profit!

On the first day, he made a huge profit of 50,000 gold!

Xu Mu explained while counting the money: "Citizens can't use God's perspective like us to overlook the entire Gotham City. So before they come in, they don't know what facilities are in the playground, and they have to buy tickets first. Once tickets are sold, there are no refunds."

Players: "..."

"No, how did he discover this mechanism? It's outrageous!"

"I seriously suspect that he has not only deceived the citizens of Gotham City, but he may have other cities that have been deceived and bankrupt in this dungeon. Otherwise, why is he so proficient!"

"The main reason is that Master A's thinking is too tricky. As for his "Skyline" strategy, just take out one, and it has already blown away all the "Skyline" strategies on the market... Who would be serious? Study this!"

"I agree very much..."

"So, copies of his other SSS evaluations..."

"Shhh! This is a slide you can't even touch! Your speech is so awesome! Eight medicines are hot!"

"It is recommended that the brothers in front change the IP address to Dongyu/Goutou/Goutou"

After glancing at the players' comments, Xu Mu couldn't help shaking his head inwardly.

Where is this? This group of players underestimated themselves too much!

If you just learn this trick yourself, it is still just an empty shelf, and there is no way to achieve sustainable development.

As a high-ranking mayor, the most important thing is to listen to the opinions of the citizens.

For example.

After the citizens visited Gotham Amusement Park on the first day, they took to social platforms to express their dissatisfaction.

Some people said that this playground is too spacious. It would be great if there were exciting items such as roller coasters, jumping machines, and big pendulums.

Some people also said that there are too few facilities in this playground suitable for children. It would be great if they could play balloons and fish for goldfish.

good! The playground on the second day will be improved in the direction of playing balloons and fishing for goldfish!

You see, it's important to listen to the citizens.

How much does it cost for such small projects as ballooning and fishing for goldfish?

But if the citizens like it, build it!

As a result, the amusement park on the second day introduced some new cheap facilities.

Xu Mu continued to issue the mayor's announcement to drain people.

Compared with almost 0 positive comments on the first day, the playground on the second day has improved a bit.

Gotham Amusement Park's favorable rate is as high as 14%!

It shows that this amusement park has been built deeply into the hearts of the people.

Of course, as the mayor of a city, Xu Mu would not be complacent because of this achievement.

He continued to listen to public opinion humbly.

70% of the citizens suggested that it would be great if exciting projects such as roller coasters, jumping machines, and big pendulums were introduced in the amusement park.

There are also 30% of the citizens who suggested that they hope to have some childlike projects such as carousels and bumper cars.

Since everyone likes carousels and bumper cars so much, build them!

It continued to open for business on the third day.

At this point, the amusement park project had nothing compared to the first day, at least there were already some things to support the facade.

The ratings of positive reviews have gone up again.

Xu Mu called public opinion again that night to make improvements.

In this way, after several days in a row, Gotham Amusement Park has also been changed several times.

But the players finally discovered the problem.

They found that the way Xu Mu built the playground was always stuck on the edge of the limit of citizen satisfaction.

Other people's playgrounds are open for business: 'We have what and what, come and play! '

Gotham Amusement Park opens for business: ‘Tell me, what do you guys want to play to be satisfied, and we will make a compromise when it’s done.’

Until the amusement park was fully completed a week later, the public's acceptance of the amusement park was at the very edge of satisfaction.

There are still no roller coasters, jumping machines, and big pendulums in the playground that require a lot of maintenance.

But the benefits are also obvious.

Anyway, the boundary value of satisfaction and dissatisfaction will not have much impact.

However, the maintenance funds and equipment costs of the playground dropped sharply.

As a result, the playground, which could only earn about 10,000 gold per day, exceeded the standard to complete the task, and finally reached an average of 20,000 gold per day!

On the contrary, Gotham City can take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Seeing this scene, the players were amazed.

"God A's abacus beads almost jumped on my face..."

"Don't even mention it, it has to be God A! This amusement park will close down in minutes if the mayor changes!"

"In this regard, I suggest that everyone stop imitating God A. You don't have his hard work, so you don't understand such a careful account. If you save everything, you will only hurt yourself!"

The players complained about it, but they were still convinced.

It wasn't Xu Mu, they didn't know that even the playground could be operated in secret.

It was another wave of belief value increase, so that Xu Mu had harvested nearly 500,000 points of faith!

Of course, these are just side dishes.

The real explosive growth of belief value will reach its peak at the moment when the dungeon ends!

Relying on the establishment of the playground, it finally made the steel wires of the overpowering urban development a bit thicker, from the nanometer level to the millimeter level.

But if you want to quickly hit the population, just relying on a playground is not enough.

Xu Mu opened the city facilities directory.

After a glance, his eyes stayed on the two constructions of [Museum] and [University].

As we all know, the population that wants to drive the city rises.

There must be some decent industrial pillars in the city.

To put it bluntly, it is the reason to attract citizens to settle in this city.

Large museums are obviously one.

Although it cannot directly bring population to the city.

But it can bring tourists.

After the number of tourists increases, merchants who want to do business nearby will come to station.

Merchants will drive the local industrial chain.

This is why in reality, the development of cities in many places is only tourism, but they can still thrive.

In addition to museums, universities are a big killer for absorbing population!

It can not only improve the overall resident level of the city, but also make the industrial zone a higher level.

It can also attract more young people from other places to settle in Gotham City. After graduation, many people will directly choose to stay in Gotham City to work hard and continue to contribute.

They have the youngest physique who are not deeply involved in the world! Highest work ethic!

When they get older and cannot accommodate the new generation of young people, the housing prices in Gotham City, a bustling metropolis, will naturally discourage them.

At that time, they will collectively carry buckets and return to their rural cities to retire.

Gotham City directly saves pensions!

Let me ask, what else is more suitable than this group of people for the city to continue to maintain high youth and high-intensity development?

For such a group, Xu Mu can't wait to hang a big banner at the entrance and exit of the city, Welcome to Gotham City!

Of course, at this stage, a complete university town should be established.

Just relying on the hundreds of thousands of gold in the financial coffers in Xu Mu's pocket is simply a dream.

What can be done at this stage is just to spend 100,000 gold to build a main teaching building of the university.

And named it [Hogwarts Gotham Campus]

In order to attract talents to the school, Xu Mu adjusted all the expenses of the university to 0.

Whether it is food, clothing, housing, transportation, school expenses, or experimental expenses, extracurricular development, and a series of amounts for city exchange students, all will be fully reimbursed by Gotham City Finance!

Let them come in and develop first, and there will be plenty of room for their abilities in the future.

Secondly, a large museum was built opposite the newly planned university town.

Let foreign tourists see that we not only have museums in Gotham, but also the famous Hogwarts University!

This is also a big publicity to attract foreigners to settle in!

This is the advantage.

And the downside is——

[University] and [Museum] have just been completed and landed, Gotham City's finances are like a charming young woman in her 30s, she is sitting on the ground and sucking soil! Can't get enough!

Xu Mu's three to four hundred thousand savings, which he managed to get out of through the amusement park, was almost squandered in just a few days.

The speed of burning money made all the spectators stare wide-eyed, and kept shouting 'burning, this is too burning! '

Even Xu Mu, who has always been strategizing, had to find an angel loan from another city to borrow a 200,000 gold city bond.

Anyway, this money can be earned back slowly from the common people... from the subsequent urban development.

However, Xu Mu didn't intend to borrow the 200,000 yuan to further build museums and universities. When they were established, they needed to burn a lot of money, but after that, they could develop slowly and inject funds when they had money.

Hmph, little university, do you want to be filled with money by the mayor's father? Um? And you, little museum, must be eager to inhale the mayor's daddy's big bucks, right?

Of course, not now.

Now the landlord's family has only a little food surplus.

And the 200,000 yuan of surplus food, Xu Mu will use it to find some ways to make money quickly.

Get spinach!

Oh no.

It's a football field!

Thanks for the 500 book coins from the boss of "Baobao Reading"!

Thanks for the 100 book coins of the three masters of 'Su Yi Wu Yao', '20170126230542868', 'Pie SIR, L'!

Thank you guys for your love and support!

Kowtow to the big guys!

bang bang bang! !

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