Chunlai felt uncomfortably hot on her body, but she didn't dare to move or make a sound, for fear of attracting Su Jian's attention. The originally cold metal brick floor under her body was heated by her, and she felt like fire was burning inside her body.

The pain of the injury and the fever and the ardent longing that ran rampant in her body made her dizzy, like being tied to a rack and being roasted by fire.

Even hearing that Su Ze was the long-dead great scientist Professor Sivir made her react for a long time.

Judging from the conversation between the two of them, Professor Sivir prepared two cloned bodies when his body was aging, the first one is Su Ze and the second one is Su Jian, so they both look exactly the same, because they are both Sivir's. Clone-clone, the only difference is that Su Ze has Sivir's transplanted brain, while Su Jian does not.

It can be said that Su Ze is an enhanced version of Professor Sivir with a young body and a mature and wise brain.

Chunlai suddenly thought that it was no wonder that Su Ze was still admitted to Professor Miao Miao's doctoral degree after being frozen for 20 years. He was so awesome back then, and many of his research reports are still authoritative.

It turned out that he was such a powerful person.

Only when she wanted to understand the relationship between Su Ze and Professor Sivir, she heard Su Jian continue to say: "Because you have Professor Sivir's brain, the leader trusts you more, and he still hopes that you will serve him... "

leader? what chief?

Before waiting for her question, Su Ze had already said: "I have suggested to him that I, who have been frozen for 20 years, are not suitable for him, and it is more suitable for you to do it."

Su Jian smiled mockingly when she heard this, and snorted coldly, "Don't think I'll let you go if you say something like this."

The mini laser gun he had been hiding in his hand pointed at Su Ze, "Don't move, don't think I don't know you want to delay time."

"You can escape again after being caught by me. I have to admit you..." Su Jian's voice was a little lazy, "I admit that Professor Sivir's brain in your head is overrun, it seems to be okay... "

"But you lost those two people this time... No matter how much the leader indulges you, he won't be able to spare you. You know how important those two people are. After all, you created them yourself."

Chunlai heard Su Jian mention the leader again, who is the leader?

But before she could hear the answer, she dazedly heard another sound of uniform footsteps in the corridor, like a well-trained army, they seemed to be searching rooms one by one.

Could it be that the people who murdered on the bus just now caught up?

Su Jian apparently heard it too, and said to Su Ze, "Do you want me to hand you over to those people?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chunlai heard a thud. It seemed that Su Ze jumped up and rushed towards Su Jian. Su Jian panicked and pressed the laser gun. She couldn't see Su Ze's movements from her angle. Seeing that Su Ze had been hit by the laser gun, he fell to the ground while clutching his bleeding shoulders, groaning in pain.

Su Ze screamed in pain immediately in the room. Chunlai wanted to help him, but she didn't even have the strength to get up now. The fire in her lower abdomen was so hot that she was dazed.

Su Jian was a little excited after hurting Su Ze, and stepped on Su Ze with one foot, "Hey, I missed your point, don't pretend to be dead." He saw Su Ze's blood, which made him a little excited. Professor Sivir's clone, he really loves and hates Professor Sivir.

On the one hand, he hated that Professor Sivir didn't choose him, on the other hand, he couldn't help but want to get close to him and to know everything about him.

So he didn't kill Su Ze directly before, but chose to knock him out and bring him back to Jialan City. On the one hand, the leader asked Su Ze to be captured alive, and on the other hand, Su Jian didn't want him to die. So simply, torturing Su Ze like a guinea pig will make Su Jian feel happy.

He looked at Su Ze, who was lying in a pool of blood, clutching his shoulders, and muttered, "You can't beat me at all. Didn't you know that last time we met? Why do you still do such impulsive things?"

The door of the room squeaked and opened again, and Chunlai saw a strange shadow cast on the ground. Before she could figure out who it was, she had already heard a familiar voice, "Su Jian?"

It turned out to be the amber that everyone was looking for!

How is Amber here?

Chunlai felt that his mind was even more chaotic!

Su Jian appeared beside them pretending to be Su Ze, approached Amber, and then took Amber out of the chaos. His purpose of pretending to be Su Ze was to take Amber away?

What did he take Amber for?

Seeing Amber, Su Jian's face paled, "What are you doing?" It was completely different from the patience and meticulousness when she was with Amber before, and now she was like a wild dog that made him feel disgusted.

Amber also obviously felt that Su Jian treated him differently, "I'm afraid..."

Su Jian said, "What are you afraid of? Isn't this a place you are used to?"

Chun Lai, what does it mean?

Su Jian said again: "You have lived in this environment for so long, what are you afraid of? Is it the kind of world outside that makes you afraid?"

He sneered, "Yeah, go out for a while and see the prosperity outside, so I don't know how much I weigh."

Amber lowered his head and did not speak, Su Jian kicked Su Ze, Su Ze groaned in pain, but let Amber see him clearly, seeing the identical faces of Su Ze and Su Jian on the ground, He was also stunned.

"What happened?" Amber asked.

But no one would answer him, and it was Su Jian's mocking voice who responded: "What's the matter, I don't know the person who watched you grow up? But he cloned you by himself."

If Chunlai had the strength, she would even want to cover her mouth tightly to prevent herself from making a sound, she bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from making a sound, but she was thinking of Su Jian's words in her mind, Amber is Suzek-Long from?

Amber squatted down and looked at Su Ze who was in a pool of blood, and then looked up at Su Jian, obviously wondering.

Chunlai also doesn't understand, what is Amber clone doing?

Before she could understand, she heard Su Ze gasping for breath, and said to Amber, "You, didn't you recognize me long ago?"


Su Jian has already said: "In the end, he was raised by his own hands. Even if Professor Sivir changes his body, he can still recognize it?"

Amber lowered his head, but asked Su Ze, "Are you really Professor Sivir?"

Su Ze said: "At Professor Miao Miao, you struggled and resisted every time I experimented with you. I thought you had already smelled my breath, so you were afraid..."

However, Chunlai thought of the scene where she did see Amber struggling to get on the test bed several times. At that time, she thought it was Amber who didn't want to be tested, but she didn't expect Amber to cry because she was afraid of seeing Su Ze...

Amber said in disbelief: "You are really Professor Sivir!"

Su Ze smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that we could meet again in this form."

Su Ze admitted his identity, but Amber was still stunned. He whispered, "But I thought he was you, so when he said he wanted to take me out, I didn't resist..."

Su Jian sneered twice when she heard this, as if she was laughing at Amber's stupidity, "I didn't expect there would be such a 'father-son love' drama? Hahahahaha, you really opened my eyes, don't you? Know what he did to you Toto people?"

Amber was silent.

Chunlai wanted to know what Su Jian meant by these words?

But Amber's nose moved, as if smelling the breath in the air.

Chunlai was startled, could Amber smell his own breath?

Obviously, Amber smelled it. He got up and followed his breath to see Chunlai who was hidden behind the medical cabin by Su Ze. He saw Chunlai who was wrapped in a blanket and was hot, and shouted, "Xiaochun?"

When Su Jian heard this, she raised her eyebrows and said to Su Ze with a sneer, "I didn't expect you to have a younger body and a younger heart, but you still miss your neighbor."

Chunlai felt Amber's cool fin hand resting on his head, the cool feeling made her very comfortable, Amber lowered his head and approached her, as if he was smelling her breath, he said something uncertain: " Your taste is so sweet..."

Chunlai wanted to escape, fearing that his secrets would be exposed.

Su Jian had already taken out a rope to tie up the injured Su Ze, and he also walked over to see Chun Lai huddled in a ball, "Yo, it really is Xiaochun."

Seeing that Chunlai was so severely injured, he turned around and said to Su Ze, "No wonder you came back here again and took so much effort to escape, so you didn't hesitate to let those two people go. But for her sake, he threw himself into the net again."

His fingers brushed Chunlai's face lightly, like a caterpillar crawling across, making her itchy and disgusting, "Such a beautiful beauty, I thought of her when I first saw her, no wonder you are tempted. , when she laughs like honey, I just want to hide her secretly for my own fun, but she is Ogg's baby..."

Having said that, Su Jian thought of something and said, "No wonder the area around the seabed mine is so lively tonight, is it the Queen's people who are looking for her? I heard that the Queen has been looking for opportunities to assassinate Auger, but she has always been watched by the king. It's very tight, and she can't find a chance to attack Ogg. She is taking advantage of Ogg to compete with Meng Ying, and finally catches the opportunity to attack his beloved baby? This strategy is a bit higher than the direct attack before. "

"Well, I didn't expect it to be in my hands..." He reached out and pinched Chunlai's pointed chin, seeing how she wanted to struggle but had no strength, her dark green hair was scattered behind her, and her body was hot and dry. Her cheeks were suffocated with anger, and the eyes that were hiding the stars were also down at the moment, with a pitiful layer of water mist.

"Yo, it's no wonder that Auger looked at her so tightly," Su Jian tutted twice. He felt the temperature of the skin under his fingers was very high, he touched her forehead again, the volume was two degrees higher, and he said to Su Ze: " I didn't expect that my dear Professor Sivir would play such a trick if you can't get it, and you drugged the little beauty? You see that she is burning like this now, isn't it the effect of the drug?"

This sentence made Su Ze stunned, "What did you say?"

"I said you gave her an aphrodisiac, don't think I can't see it."

Su Ze was incredulous, "Impossible, I just..." I just gave Xiaochun a sedative. That sedative has no side effects on humans, only for Toto people...

Toto people?

Su Ze suddenly thought of the light spot that his clone pen once swept on Chunlai. It was a light spot that only appeared after the Toto people were swept. At that time, he thought the pen was broken. Now, it seems that it is true. ? Is she Toto, a Toto in human form?

But Su Jian has already said: "Professor Sivir, you really opened my eyes, you can't wait to have a good meal with this little beauty, and you don't even want to save face for more than a hundred years. Inferior." He continued sneering.

It seemed that being able to find an opportunity to laugh at Su Ze and Professor Sivir would make Su Jian feel a little happy.

"Well, let me think about it, who should I sell her to? The queen? Meng Ying? Ogg?"

Su Jian's fingers pinched her chin, as if she found it interesting, and said, "Although the leader doesn't like these three people, wouldn't it be more interesting to make the battle of the Holy Throne more challenging? After all, the leader also likes to see them face each other. Killing drama."

Having said that, he has sent the video of Chunlai's tragic situation to Meng Ying who is in the game.

"I hope that His Royal Highness Meng Ying will not let down my heart... Let the leader see it to the fullest."

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